New Staff of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Chapter 324 The Battle of Chaida Star One

Driving the spaceship, Wesley left here, and then set a route to fly directly to the Chaida star. Then there is the focus, so that the main line of the development of the matter is back on track. Wesley's purpose is to get the technology of Chaida star, no matter what. Whether to steal or ask them, both need a chance, so when Ronan attacks, there is an opportunity.

The spaceship entered the autopilot mode, and Wesley went to clean himself. Wesley could not stand such an environment. All the things of the original owner were put into the body space by Wesley, and then released again and thrown into the universe. In any case, there is no such thing as the Cosmic Environmental Protection Law.

Wesley throws away everything he eats, only the weapons will remain, followed by cleaning to freshen the air here. Wesley gave full play to his diligence and cleaned all the places before Satisfied, I brewed a pot of coffee and tasted it slowly.

The spacecraft also came to the Qaidar star at this time, but he did not land, but hid the spacecraft behind a satellite outside the Qaidar star, quietly waiting for the development of the matter.

Wesley didn't wait long. Ronan the Kree couldn't wait to destroy the star of Qaidah, and Peter Quill took a few people to start their plan. The destroyer under Yongdu had already arrived near the star of Qaidah in a battleship. Wesley was watching very clearly from the sidelines.

"Apple, hack their communication channel," Wesley ordered.

"Understood." Apple is still useful in the universe, directly hacking each other's communication channels, and Wesley can monitor their actions.

Ronan's large warships are already approaching, and the destroyers' spaceships are in full swing, but Chaida has not yet dispatched a fleet. Wesley is still thinking about his own entry point, whether to drive this fighter directly into the battle, or to go Find the commander of Nova Corps and express your sense of existence?

These two methods are feasible, but the effects are different. Joining the battle silently, and finally jumping out can indeed gain some benefits, but the gains are too few, and it is easy to be ignored. But if you jump out and talk to Chaidaxing first, it will be different. After all, what Wesley represents is not an individual. He can represent the realm of the gods, and the worst represents the earth. In this way, you can get a lot.

But the problem is also obvious. If it jumps out, then Wesley will appear in front of the civilization of the universe, especially Titan Thanos. Will he let him attack the earth in advance? Wesley is very at a loss for this. .

If Wesley went to Chaida directly to talk, then he would definitely not be able to use the destroyer's spaceship, so standing was too small, so he could only use his own armor, so that he could exert the maximum combat power. Although Ronan himself occupied the power gem and had a standoff with Thanos, Wesley was sure that Thanos would pay attention to the battle here, and he would not be afraid of Ronan who had the power gem.

Time was running out, Wesley gritted his teeth for the last time, and directly started the spacecraft to fly to Chaida. Regarding the sudden arrival of a destroyer's spacecraft, Chaida was still very careful. Several Chaida's nova spacecraft came around, knowing that Wesley The spaceship landed and went out.

"Are you a fugitive from Earth?" A soldier came up with a transparent instrument in his hand showing Wesley's information.

And Wesley directly appeared on the body of the battle armor of God's Domain, which shocked the soldiers, and Wesley said calmly: "I am the Sir of God's Domain, I believe in this armor. You know each other, now take us to meet your commander."

The soldier hesitated for a while, and finally went with Wesley. After all, now Chaidaxing needs to face Ronan's attack, and they also need to consider the attitude of God's Domain.

The commander is a very old woman, dressed in the uniform of the Nova Corps Marshal, with a serious face, "I don't know what you are doing here?"

"First of all, I want to complain about the legal issues of your Chaida star. Of course, this can be discussed later. Now you will face Ronan's attack. On behalf of God's Domain and Earth, I am ready to support your battle." Wesley said directly.

The staff around Chaida star looked at Wesley in amazement, while the commander asked: "God's Domain is willing to send troops to help us fight?"

"No, I'm the only one here, I'm participating in this battle alone," Wesley said confidently.

The commander felt fooled, "Although I'm glad you said that, but one's power is too small, and we are also obliged to ensure your safety."

Wesley knew what she was thinking, and interrupted her directly, "Don't be so absolute, you don't know me, I am from the Avengers of Earth, I have faced the army of Chitauri, and After defeating them, don't underestimate the earth. And I participated in the battle of the invasion of the dark elves in the domain of the gods, and made military exploits. I was awarded the title of knight by the god king Odin, and I was responsible for the connection between the earth and the gods."

"This time I came to Chaida Star by chance, but I'm still very interested in the technology and some knowledge here, so I'm going to personally participate in the war in exchange for some things I need."

The commander glanced at Wesley in surprise, is the earth so strong? "Since you think you can make a difference, then we won't stop you from participating in the war. I hope you can activate it."

Wesley smiled, "Of course, we'll wait and see." The armor of God's Domain disappeared, Wesley was dressed in casual clothes again, and then walked to the holographic battlefield system, which completely showed the situation of the combat airspace. "I have a question to ask, why does your Nova Corps only have Nova fighters as a weapon, and there is no anti-aircraft fire on the ground at all?"

"Qaidar Star does not need these, we are a peace-loving country, and the Nova fighter fleet is enough to maintain." The commander said.

The corners of Wesley's mouth twitched, and it has the same virtue as God's Domain. There are many problems with these advanced civilizations in the universe. During the long development, their thinking is a bit strange. Don't use the thinking of people on Earth to discuss with them, it is easy to suffer internal injuries... have to.

Ronan's space battleship began to approach, the saboteurs were ready to fight, and Chaidaxing was still waiting for the two sides to exchange fire before sending troops. This is a safe way, but they will lose the best chance to attack.

Wesley had to say: "Your fleet is best to be dispatched now, the saboteurs must have a set of their attack plans, and you take this opportunity to launch an attack."

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