New Staff of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Chapter 325 The Battle of Chaida Star II

The commander shook his head and said, "We can't attack now. Once this is a saboteur's conspiracy, our fleet will suffer heavy losses."

"I understand your concerns, but it would be a pity to lose the opportunity for a large-scale sneak attack because of this. Are you sure you will not participate in the first wave of attacks?" Wesley asked.

"Yes, I must be responsible for Chaida star." The commander seemed determined to let the destroyer and Ronan's fleet collide for the first time, but Wesley would not let this good opportunity pass.

"Okay, then I'm going to fight now, you should start evacuating the citizens, the battle will be very fierce." Wesley turned and walked to the door, everyone looked at him, they thought Wesley would use it The destroyer ship entered the war, the combat effectiveness of such a ship was almost negligible, and they thought Wesley was just bluffing with his identity.

Wesley ignored their gazes. As soon as he walked out of the gate, a set of dark armor appeared on his body, and then the thrusters were activated, and the armor was lifted into the air and headed to the rear of the destroyer fleet at high speed.

The people of Nova Corps were stunned. They had just seen Wesley's magic, the appearance and disappearance of the armor of God's Domain. Now it is a set of technological armor, and the commander is surprised. This is not the technology of God's Domain, that is Earth's?

"Scan his armor," the commander said.

"Yes." Someone started the operation, but their scans were completely useless. The energy of the space gems filled the armor, and it was difficult for their scans to penetrate the protection of the space gems. "Commander, our equipment can't be scanned, and the other party found out their scanning behavior and scanned us as well."

"Forget it, start evacuating the citizens now, the fleet is ready to take off at any time, and their main firefight will take off immediately," the commander said.

Wesley flew to the rear of the Destroyer fleet. They had two small attack warships and were surrounded by Destroyer fighters. Wesley looked up and saw that Ronan's battleship had appeared and was constantly descending. The atmosphere was tense.

Ronan wanted to use the power gem to destroy the Chaida star, so he charged directly regardless, wanted to land, and charged towards the destroyer fleet. The destroyer fleet suddenly launched an attack, two small attack ships opened fire, two groups of red substances were launched, and then began to unfold, traveling a red plasma wall, blocking the line of sight, and the destroyer fleet immediately began to dive. , rush down to attack.

Wesley didn't participate, he took out the energy gun, "Recharge, we should also use the Holy Spear Baptism, such a good position is really rare." Holy Spear Baptism is a big move imitating Lucian in League of Legends, double guns Burst, but this is not a game. This kind of burst requires a lot of barrels. Wesley's dual guns can only use this skill twice, and then the barrel is directly scrapped.

"Dual or single?" Apple asked. Wesley's energy gun is a double-barreled gun, one large and one small, one up and one down, and has not been used yet.

"Double tubes, Ronan has a lot of undead fighters. Calculate the angle of the double-tube scattering, calculate the optimal attack distance, and use them to block the undead fighters on their side at the gate of the battleship."


The red plasma wall in front began to disappear, and the saboteurs had already assaulted Ronan's battleship. Wesley adjusted his position, holding his guns in both arms. Apple had discovered the position of the fighter jets, but this position was too Much more, he can only take care of one side.

The warship finally began to send out undead fighters. The densely packed fighters were like a swarm of bees swarming out of a hive. Constantly drawn on the fighter, and the swarming Necrons began to explode continuously.

The successive explosions of "Boom" didn't mean to stop in the slightest, and Wesley shook his arms, and the blue whip continued to beat.

"What is that?" Ronan said from inside the battleship, looking at the situation outside.

"I don't know, I've never seen it before," said Gamora's sister Nebra, who is also the goddaughter of Titan Thanos and is now in charge of the battleship. "However, his destructive power is so great that he can actually block the launch port of the fighter jets for shooting. We have suffered heavy losses, and should we continue to descend? The fleet of Chaida has not been launched yet, and our troops will be insufficient."

"No, don't worry about them, continue to land, even if it crashes, it will land on the ground of the Chaida star, then everything will be over, understand?" Ronan looked at Nebra and said.

"Understood, move forward at full speed, close the protective door, and then go to guard the control center." Nebra led someone to arrange.

Wesley's attack caught everyone's attention, and the Nova Corps commander regretted it a little. She didn't follow Wesley's advice, and Wesley could only defend one side, and it wasn't completely defended. There were a lot of slips through the net. The fish, Wesley eliminated one-third of the other party's undead fighters alone.

Holy spear baptism is really enjoyable, but Wesley can only stop now, the energy of the double spear is not enough, this is not the lack of energy of the space gem, but the energy that the double spear can store is limited, and the speed of the holy spear baptism It was too fast, the energy supply was not enough, and the barrel could not stand it, and at the same time, a large number of undead fighters rushed towards him.

"Boom!" Necronomical rays pierced through, Wesley began to fly fast, and the two guns in his hands were held but not put away. He needed to let the barrels cool down for a while, and if they were put into the body space, everything would remain the same. , will not cool down.

"There are more and more Necromancers around, and Wesley has less space to hide." Locking on them, the tiny missiles fired. "

"Understood." Apple's supercomputing energy activated, and the surrounding Necromancers began to be locked continuously, and then the shoulders opened, and the miniature missiles volleyed, and the tail smoke instantly drowned Wesley's figure.

These aliens may have never seen a missile, especially such a small one, they have no idea of ​​evasion at all, followed by a series of explosions and "booms", Wesley accelerated in an instant, broke the sound barrier and shot into the sky. So many fighter planes exploded, and the fragments that followed were flying everywhere, and a large number of fragments also hit many fighter planes.

Gamora was on a fighter plane with Peter Quill and Drax, they were waiting for the little raccoon to make a passage for them, Gamora was not in charge of driving, so he saw Wesley fighting, "That's Wesley. Sly, his armor is so powerful."

Peter Quill took a peek at it, and then continued to fly the fighter to avoid it, "Yeah, it seems that we need to go to Earth to see."

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