New Staff of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Chapter 341 Break through the shackles of psychology (400 monthly tickets plus more)

Wesley stood there, Phil Coulson didn't say anything more, this kind of thing still needs to be solved by himself, and walked away quietly.

Wesley continued to think. Facing the crazy Titan Thanos, Wesley really did not have the slightest confidence. The Infinity Stones were scattered, and it was impossible to gather them together. So what was Thanos' combat power? ?

This is not a Marvel movie, this is the real universe, so what is the strength of the other party? The Chitauri did not give it for free, they surrendered to Thanos, and Ronan the Cree feared Thanos until he got the Power Stone, but Thanos didn't seem to take him seriously.

Wesley is very tangled about this issue. Thanos has become Wesley's inner demon. He has never seen Avengers 3 in his last life, and there is no official trailer released. He doesn't have the slightest understanding of the plot, but fans seem to There is a preview, but it's all edited.

Now Wesley is tormented by the trailer made by fans of The Last Avengers 3, and finally there is a scene where Doctor Strange faces Thanos alone. Wesley does not know where the source of the film is, and he has not delved into it. Yes, after all, that's what it looked like at the time.

Standing there, thinking non-stop in his mind, Apple finally spoke, "Actually, you don't need to worry too much, now the five Infinity Stones are kept separately, and the last one does not appear, even if Thanos gets the most Infinity Stones, Just two to three, the two in your hand and Doctor Strange's Time Stone he can't get."

"What about his own strength?" Wesley asked.

There are many legends about the Titan family, especially in the past life, the power of the Titans in the universe is extremely powerful.

"This is the world of Marvel Universe. It is estimated that it will not be so strong. Otherwise, he would have attacked long ago, and his strength is still not good. I think even if he gets a few gems in the end, we still have hope of victory." Apple said.

"Is that so?" Wesley was still not quite sure.

"Yes, no matter how strong he is, don't you have the best plan? I think the problem should not be big, at least the possibility of surviving is very high, and we have the opportunity to contact Thanos, he should have a lot of things , maybe I can figure out my coding retreat?" Apple has collected a lot of elemental molecular structures, but the universe is too big.

"That's right, when you say that, I kind of want to start a war with him sooner. How about we take the initiative to find him?" Wesley asked.

"Do you know where he is?"

"This... You can ask. Why didn't I take the initiative to attack? When I killed Ronan, just check his memory. It was a mistake." Wesley said angrily.

"Do you want to comfort Daisy now?" Apple asked.

"Yes, mine should go see her," Wesley said.

Neither Wesley nor Apple thought that some unknown changes were quietly unfolding, and in the distant place, Titan Thanos was arranging his plans. The leader of the Chitauri was in front of Thanos, bowing humbly, listening to Thanos' arrangement.

"My patience has been exhausted. Now is the time for me to do it myself. Since I was exiled by the Titans, I have always wanted to go back, but I need strength, and the powerful Titans should be under my leadership." Sano S said.

"Yes, my master, under your leadership is the most correct." The Chitauri leader said flatteringly.

"But you have disappointed me. I didn't get any of the Infinity Stones. Instead, they kept concentrating on that tiny earth. This is something I can't allow. Now go back and gather Chitauri's fleet and concentrate all your strength."

"Are we going to attack the earth? But we are not sure of winning the war. Even though the technology on the earth is very backward, they have avengers, especially if the other party has a space gem, and the reality gem seems to be on the earth."

"Don't I know this?" Thanos said with anger, and Chitauri's leader trembled. "Notify Loki that he should get out of the prison, and let him bring the wisdom gem to see, and the power treasure of Chaida will be fetched by your fleet. Two gems are enough, and the one that can really exert the power of the gem is There are the Infinity Gloves, they are all one." Thanos raised his left hand with a golden glove on it.

"Yes, my master."

It is precisely because Wesley got the approval of the space gem that Thanos decided to act in advance. If there are more gems with owners, Thanos will be farther and farther away from the Infinity Stone, and Wesley will be farther and farther away. Unaware of this, the Guardians of the Galaxy are still wandering on Earth.

Wesley figured out the problem and immediately went to Daisy Johnson. The poor girl went back to the plane to grieve alone, while his father was being held in custody.

"Daisy," Wesley called, knocking on the door.

"What are you doing here?" Daisy asked inside.

"I have something to tell you," Wesley said.

After being quiet for a while, the door was still open, Wesley walked in, and closed the door, "Daisy..." Wesley sat on the edge of the bed and reached out to take Daisy into his arms, "I'm sorry, I hurt You, but it's not because of the existence of alien genes in your genes, I don't care about these things, I am a person with special abilities, how can I care about these?"

Daisy did not speak, but listened quietly, while Wesley continued to speak. He told the story of Titan Thanos, and then talked about his plan.

"This is your plan?" Daisy asked.

"Yes, as a last resort, I can only use this plan. I don't know how powerful the opponent is, and his pursuit of wireless gems will not stop."

"So what about giving him the Infinity Stones?" That's what women are like, and their sanity will decrease a lot under certain circumstances.

"It's useless. That will only speed up the progress of his notification to the galaxy. We must be ready for battle. Don't tell anyone about this, you know? If sacrifice is required, then I alone will suffice."

"No, you can't do that."

"This is the final plan. I won't use it if it's not necessary, but if things get out of control, then I have to use it. I hope you understand this matter."

The shock girl Daisy Johnson was extremely sad. Wesley really didn't know whether it was right or wrong to tell her this, but since she said it, she could only continue, and Wesley was still thinking about how to explain Jia Ying question.

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