New Staff of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Chapter 342 The Last Calm (600 Monthly Ticket Plus)

Waiting for Daisy to be tired from crying, and finally fell asleep, Wesley put her on the bed and stayed by himself until Daisy woke up at night.

"How are you going to explain about my mother?" Daisy asked suddenly. After taking a nap and regaining his senses, he asked this question.

Wesley thought about it for a while, and it's better to tell the truth, "I know what happened to your mother, Hydra's behavior is sad and mad, but she is completely blinded by hatred, even you want to kill, this See she's completely changed and your father's choice is the best to free you from him. Your mother's prestige among the aliens is too high, if she lives on, the war will never end, at least Now you have a father."

"Will my father go to jail?" Daisy Johnson had a change in her heart when her mother wanted to kill her, and her father's protection was what she valued most.

"No, Phil will do something, we have to trust him," Wesley said.

Phil Coulson used the project he was in charge of, and the project he used, the Tahiti Project, to wipe out Carl Johnson's memory. Whether this result is good or bad is unclear to everyone.

The days returned to calm, Peter Quill and the others left the earth. After living on the earth for a month, they began to get tired of it. They did not adapt to the peaceful life. They said goodbye to the Avengers and returned to the space fighter In the universe, they will stand by and monitor the news in the universe.

And the Avengers have also recovered. After all, there are not many tasks in this world for them to perform, and the fighter factory has been completed. Then there is the problem of the moon base. This project is very large. Wesley and Tony plan to use modular Architectural Mode. Modularize the building materials for the entire base and then ship it to the moon for assembly.

This can save a lot of costs. The two invested 10 billion US dollars each. These money are still because they built it themselves, which saved a lot of costs. The fighter jets began to be produced, and the operatives at Avengers Headquarters began to practice driving skills, the first being the transport model.

Daisy Johnson took a long vacation and lived with Wesley at home, and Wesley directly used the door of space to come back to live at home every day, just like an office worker every day, and began to enjoy family life.

The Guardians of the Galaxy, in charge of Peter Quill, regretted that they were in the universe. After a month's voyage, they returned to Chaida, but Chaida was very busy. The reconstruction here has been completed. Thanks to their advanced technology, the reconstruction speed is Soon, why are you busy again?

The group came to the command center and saw the commander again, "You guys came back from Earth?"

"Yes, Your Excellency Commander, I don't know what happened to Chaidaxing? It looks very busy?" Peter Quill asked.

"I heard some news recently that the Chitauri are gathering their fleet. This time the fleet is very large. We don't know exactly what they are going to do. The Cree are also very nervous," the commander said.

"Chitauri?" Peter Quill was also a little worried about Chitauri's change, and then looked at his companions behind him. The tree man, raccoon, and muscular man don't need to be considered, there is absolutely no way to negotiate, and only Gamora is left. "Gamora, do you know what that means?"

"I don't know, the Chitauri have never assembled a fleet. Their armed forces are very strong. Generally, a mothership is enough to act, unless it is a full-scale war, but where do they want to fight with so many fleets? "Gamora had never seen such a situation, and then she expressed her concerns," Chitauri obey Thanos, if there is no order from Thanos, then they will not assemble such a large fleet. "

"Your Excellency Commander, how does Chaidaxing deal with this situation?" Peter Quill asked.

"We're getting our pilots together, and we're ramping up Nova production, and we're starting to expand our fleet, and so are the Kree. They're happy that Ronan got killed, but now the Chitauri move has them starting again. Get nervous, their king is a coward." The commander sarcastically said without hesitation.

"Understood, is there anything we need to do?"

"Not yet, the situation is not very clear now, we still need more time to probe the news."

Chaida Star is preparing for the battle, and some small things have also happened in God's Domain. Recently, the rebellion of the Nine Worlds has occurred again, and a large number of prisoners have been captured in the prison of God's Domain. Loki watches the prisoners who come in and do nothing every day.

"Loki, Lord Thanos has a message for you, he will bring the wisdom gem to him." A prisoner was held in the cell opposite Loki that day, and said after the guard left.

"Oh? As far as I know Thanos didn't get a single gem. Will he let me act now?" Loki asked.

"Yes, my lord has run out of patience, so you'd better do this. The prisoners who have come here recently are all under your command. Of course, you need to get us out of these cells first."

"Understood, but I need a little time to prepare, and see if my dear brother is also in God's Domain." Loki laughed, a cell could not hold him.

All developments are going on, the earth is still 'peace', at least for Wesley, the module production of the lunar base is very fast, Elizabeth can make it 24 hours a day with the help of automatic equipment, especially Yes, most of the building material for the moon base is steel.

The first batch of pilots of the transport plane have been trained, and the operation of the space fighter is not complicated. They began to transport excavation equipment to the moon. Now there are space fighters traveling between the earth and the moon every day. The various countries on earth have done nothing to do this. There is nothing they can do in this regard. The Avengers can easily carry out space navigation, and their last month's absence was very troublesome.

In Wesley's words, one force will be defeated by ten, no matter what the politicians think of, it will be useless in the face of the absolute strength of the Avengers, and Wesley can't imagine that this kind of thing will happen soon. to his head.

All the peace has become the last moment, the army of Chitauri people is still gathering, they are not completely on their own planet, and the civilization in the universe responded to the actions of Chitauri people at the same time, Everyone is enhancing their combat power and expanding their cosmic fleet. Peter Quill is contacting Yongdu, hoping to get news from him.

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