New Staff of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Chapter 343 Infinite War One

On Earth, Wesley lived a rare and peaceful life. He came to the headquarters every day to build the moon base. At the same time, Wesley and Tony Stark's laboratories began to mass-produce Iron Man and Black Sir.

In appearance, the Black Sir is larger and belongs to the Iron Legion commanded by Elizabeth. It uses the same energy sniper gun as Wesley, and can be transformed into an electromagnetic gun. The shape of Iron Man is smaller, and the energy dual guns belong to Jarvis' direct Iron Legion. The mass production of the two types of steel armor is very fast. After all, the production line has been prepared a long time ago, and there are not too many reserved on the earth. Most of them will deploy lunar bases.

The Destroyer fighters have been renamed, the combat model is named 'Destroyer', the space flight is named 'Walker', and the transport model is named 'Magic'.

The building modules of the lunar base are being constructed, and all buildings are divided into countless modules, which can be directly spliced ​​in the end, and then reinforced using welding technology. Welding in the universe is a new technology.

Everything is proceeding in an orderly manner, and there is no peace in the universe.

Peter Quill and others stayed at Chaida Star. They were anxiously waiting for the news from the Chitauri people. The purpose of the Chitauri gathering the army this time was unclear, and there was not the slightest rumor.

"What are they going to do this time?" Peter Quill asked his companions in the room.

Drax looks like I don't know, and the little raccoon is holding his claws on his chest, looking like thinking, Groot no one expects it to do anything, only Gamora can discuss with Peter Quill .

"Will they attack Earth?" Gamora asked.

"Ah, it's very possible." The little raccoon suddenly shouted, which startled everyone.

Peter Quill was not in the mood to play with them, so he stood up and walked around the room constantly. Since he joined the Avengers, he would assume relative responsibilities, and the earth was also his hometown. He can fight for the sake of Chaida, but what about the earth?

"If it was Earth, did their military hit too much? They basically dispatched all of them this time. I guess they even gave up the defense of their own planet." Peter Quill suddenly stopped and said.

"It's hard to say. After all, they failed to invade last time, and the opponents they faced were only a few people. All countries on earth did not participate in the defense battle." Gamora said.

"You are wrong. It should be said that even if they participate in the battle, they may not have any effect." Peter Quill expressed a different opinion.

"You can't think so, the Avengers are also part of the earth when they are strong. The military power on the earth may not have the power to fight back. We have been on the earth for more than a month. You have seen their army, what is that? Although the BVR attack may not be useful, they also have air combat fighters."

"Forget it, don't think about it, just keep waiting, even if they want to go out, it will take a while, let's see, if it is to attack the earth, we will dare to go back in front of them, rocket, prepare more The weapon, this time may be a war."

"Leave it to me!" Rocket said, patting his chest.

It is not a simple matter for the Chitauri army to go out, especially on the issue of attacking the Qaidar star, they need more preparations, and at the same time prevent other planets from supporting the Qaidar star.

Thanos was still sitting on his throne, looking at the endless universe, the leader of the Chitauri people came to him, "My lord, we will be ready in a month, this time. The Tarui will all attack, and we have given up even the defense of our own planet."

"Very good, I am very pleased with your loyalty. You will return what you deserve. After I master the Titans, your status in the universe will be second only to the Titans." Thanos did not look back.

"It is our honor to be loyal to the great Thanos, but because of our actions, many civilizations in the universe are very nervous, and they are also actively preparing for the war. The only worry now is that when we attack Qaidar, don't Will the cosmic civilization support them?"

Thanos thought for a while, and then said: "Contact King Kerry of Kerry Star and take them to join the team. They don't need them to attack Chaida Star, but give you a warning. Once someone intervenes, they will be responsible for blocking the other party's attack. attack."

"Aren't you afraid of their betrayal?" Chief Chitauri asked.

"Haha, they are afraid of even a Ronan, they dare not." Thanos said disdainfully, his tone full of ridicule.

Time passed like this for a month. The Chitauri finally completed the preparations for the fleet, and the Kree also agreed to defend the rear of the Chitauri fleet. They did not dare to challenge the authority of Thanos and chose cooperation.

The Chitauri fleet was dispatched, and twelve huge mothership formations flew in the universe. The route was very clear, that is, the planet Chaida.

Peter Quill and others were called to the command room, and the commander said directly to them: "Now Chitauri's goal is clear."

"Where?" Peter Quill asked anxiously.

"It's Chaida Star!" The commander's expression was very serious. This news was a disaster for Chaida Star.

"What? It's impossible, right? Your Chaida star's situation is not weak. Their attacking losses must not be small, and what reason do they have to attack you? What do you have that they like?" Gamora asked suspiciously. road.

"It is estimated that it is a power gem. The purpose of their coming must be a power gem." The commander thought very clearly.

"So are you going to hand it over?" Peter Quill asked with a frown.

"No, we've made up our minds to fight to the death, and have sent rescues to other planets, but we don't know if anyone will come to support us in our battle, but Chaida has its own rules, and we won't surrender." Commander Although the official was a woman, she still said domineeringly.

"Is there anything we need to help?" Peter Quill asked directly.

"No, one of your fighter jets has a limited effect, but I really hope you will go to Earth again, and Mr. Wesley Gibson, they may be the next target of attack. Since Mr. Wesley Gibson uses the power gem Leave it to us for safekeeping, then he must have an Infinity Stone in his hand. The Infinity Stones repel each other, so it's best not to put the two stones together, and you should inform the Earth to prepare."

Peter Quill thought for a while, and finally nodded in agreement, "Okay, I hope you can hold on, but you'd better move ahead."

"Don't worry, we will do this, you all set off as soon as possible, take a detour, the original route can't be used."


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