New Staff of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Chapter 348 Infinity War VI

Peter Quill and others finally returned to Earth. They were discovered when they were close to the Earth. Wesley and Tony Stark deployed reconnaissance satellites in outer space. After all, the moon revolved around the earth. They need a pair of eyes for directions, and satellites are the best option.

The moon base has been established, and the speed is very fast, mainly because Wesley brought back a lot of Qaidar technology, many problems can be solved, and now the personnel are training, especially the simulated combat training of fighter planes.

"Peter? Why are you back?" Finding that the space fighter was approaching the earth, Wesley received a notification from Elizabeth, and then started communication with the other party.

"Wesley, something happened, Chaida was attacked by the Chitauris." Peter Quill said hurriedly.

Wesley was stunned for a moment, and then his heart sank directly to the bottom of the valley. The Chitauri attacked Chaida Star must be for the power gem, so Thanos started to do it, but what was the use of him getting a power gem? The Chitauri people of God Domain can't get in at all, and Loki is still under control and can't get out at all, and if the Chitauri people want to attack the earth, then God Domain will not sit idly by, after all, Thanos gets unlimited The more gems, the greater the threat to God's Domain, they will not watch this happen.

"When did it happen?" Wesley asked.

"A few months ago, Chitauri started to convene the army, so other planets in the universe are very nervous, and Chaidaxing has also expanded its military force for this purpose, but their military force has always been short-circuited, and time is too short. The expanded military force It's limited, and a month ago, when we left, Chitauri had already set off for Chaida, and the commander asked us to come back and inform you."

"Understood, you go to the headquarters, I will wait for you there." Wesley closed the communication, and then brought Daisy to the headquarters.

As soon as he entered the headquarters, Wesley directly asked Elizabeth to notify all the Avengers to gather and hold a meeting in the dedicated living room on the third floor. Daisy Johnson followed behind Wesley, "Is that guy coming?"

"Yes, the time for the decisive battle is coming, don't tell everyone about my plan, this plan may not be used, and if you use it, you may not die, it may only take a longer time to leave the earth, there is nothing to worry about, now the other party only has A gem, we are not afraid of him, the problem now is the mothership of the Chitauris, they have dispatched twelve ships, do you know how many will come back?"

"Okay, I won't say it, but you have to promise me that I won't have an accident. I'm left with your family now." Daisy looked at Wesley and said affectionately.

"Don't worry, we'll get married after the battle." Wesley hugged her and said.

The personnel quickly gathered, and Peter Quill arrived with him. Wesley first let him tell him what happened, and then said: "Now we need to prepare for the battle, although we don't know what the other party is about to arrive. , but preparations must be made in a hurry.”

"Are you sure they will attack Earth?" Tony Stark asked.

"Not sure, but basically it should be like this. The momentum that Thanos has made will not end here. I guess the Zida people can't stop them. The power gem must fall in the hands of Thanos, and on Earth. The Infinity Stones are relatively easier to obtain." Wesley thought for a while and said.

"Then what are you waiting for, you can directly arrange the task, aren't we Avengers established for this moment?" Tony Stark said firmly, the others did not speak, but looked at Wesley firmly, Wesley felt a heavy load on his shoulders.

"Okay, then from now on, all the production lines of space fighters will produce 'Destroyer' fighters. There may not be enough pilots. We will directly ask S.H.I.E.L.D. to support us. , Peter, your team supplies supplies, and then patrols the universe. I will send a 'traveler' fighter formation to patrol with you. This fighter can stay in the universe for a long time. You must find out the specific time of the arrival of the other party. Monitoring is carried out in sections, and each single machine maintains a communication distance.”

"In addition, we also need to inform all countries that they all need to be ready to fight, and the weapons we need for our fighter jets are ramping up production, and the rest of the people start the final preparations, think about what equipment you need, and then tell me Tony. Sigh, I need all the superheroes, Thanos himself is very powerful, and getting the power gem now must be even more powerful."

"Understood." Ren nodded in agreement, and Steve Rogers came over.

"I'll go with you to notify those countries." Steve Rogers said, and Tony Stark also came over and didn't speak, but their meaning was obvious.

"Okay, Elizabeth, notify the United Nations for a meeting." Wesley went out first after speaking, and Elizabeth directly invaded the United Nations communications, and then notified all countries to call a United Nations meeting, and all the representatives stationed in the United Nations began to gather.

In the United Nations conference hall, all the delegates gathered. They did not know what meeting was held today, and the Secretary-General of the United Nations was also at a loss, but when Wesley brought people in, they realized that it was called by the Avengers.

"Mr. Gibson, since you Avengers didn't agree to sign the agreement, why did you convene a UN meeting?" the Secretary-General asked directly.

"Because another foreign invasion is coming, we are just borrowing your place to inform all countries." Wesley's words made the whole venue fry, and all the country representatives were talking about it.

"Okay, everyone, this is not the time to discuss, let me finish." Wesley knocked on the table, and the conference hall fell silent. "The Chitauri have organized a huge fleet, a fleet of twelve motherships. Maybe you don't know the concept of a mothership. Now I will show you all."

Wesley took out an instrument the size of a mobile phone, and then clicked it a few times. The instrument emitted light, and the hologram of the clothes appeared. Although it was not large, it could be seen clearly. This was the mothership seen in the Battle of New York.

"Chitarui first attacked the Chaida star. The strength of Chaida star is not weak, and it is also a new cosmic civilization, but how much combat power they can consume from Chitaru is still unclear, so we can only plan for the worst. , the other side has twelve such motherships," Wesley continued.

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