New Staff of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Chapter 349 Infinity War Seven

Wesley's display frightened many people. There are actually twelve such huge space battleships. How can the earth resist? The entire conference hall shouted uncontrollably, saying everything.

"Did the Avengers draw them here?"

"Can we negotiate? Everything is negotiable, isn't it?"

"Didn't the Chitauri be defeated last time? It should be okay this time, right?"

The discussion came one after another, and Wesley finally knocked on the table, and the conference hall was quiet again. Wesley glanced around, and then said: "The Avengers will naturally be the first to stand up and fight against each other, We will choose the first battlefield in the universe. As for the second battlefield, it must be on the earth, because the strength of our avengers needs to be maximized on the ground. At the same time, we may not be able to stop them from landing. Sovereignty is not in our hands. inside."

"I hope that all countries can be ready for battle. The weapons on earth are effective against them, so you are fully prepared for war." Wesley turned around and took Steve Rogers and Tony Star. K left.

There was another commotion in the conference hall behind them. These had nothing to do with the Avengers, they just had to do their own thing.

"Will they put the blame for the alien attack on us?" Tony Stark asked.

"Responsibility? Do aliens need an excuse to invade Earth?" Wesley asked rhetorically.

The earth has entered a state of combat readiness, but in order not to cause panic, so far, all countries have not announced the news, but air defense exercises have been launched across the country. If the global air defense exercises are carried out uniformly, and it is not going through the motions, it is completely strict. The execution of air defense drills made people all over the world think that the world war was about to start again.

People were panicking, but there was no riot yet. After a month in such a tense atmosphere, news finally came from the universe that Peter Quill's 'Traveler' fighter team returned, Chita The Swiss fleet will arrive on Earth in about a week, and this time there are a total of six space carriers.

"Six?" Wesley asked in surprise.

"Yes, there are six ships. It is estimated that the other six ships were lost during the battle with the Chaida Stars. This is a normal result. Even if the Chaida Stars are not strong, their technology is more advanced. This kind of victory is also good. The big one, I just don't know how Chai Daxing is now?" Gamora said aside, she has the most say in this question.

"I can't control others now, so let's go to the moon base with Peter and their Galaxy Guardians. I'm in charge of commanding the battle in the universe. Tony and Steve prepare on the ground. If we can't stop them from landing, then It's up to you next."

"Don't worry, leave the ground to us, but you'd better come back alive." Tony Stark said.

"Yes, you need to come back alive, will the Titan Thanos you said come?" Steve Rogers was full of fighting spirit.

"It will come, they should have obtained the power gem, otherwise they will not come to the earth rashly, the power of the power gem is too great, and it exists entirely for the sake of destruction. If you face him, you must be careful. ."

Wesley set off with the Guardians of the Galaxy, who were to prepare for battle in the universe.

After resisting the moon base, Wesley called all the personnel, "The battle will start in about a week, and those who feel scared can leave now. We will be the first line against the enemy fleet here. The fierceness of the battle will be It is unimaginable, most of them are expected to die in battle, and it is completely understandable to leave now."

The densely packed fighters below are still calm, because they are completely psychologically prepared, and the personnel recruited by S.H.I.E.L.D. were all just graduated from school, a group of young people full of enthusiasm.

Wesley waited for a while, then said: "You group of admirable people, you have the qualifications to be proud, you are members of the first cosmic fleet on earth, the first cosmic fleet fighting to defend the earth, You are not fighting for those countries, governments, you are fighting for all of humanity."

"Clap" remembered the warm applause, they were applauding themselves, Wesley was very clear, "The first wave of battle will be completed by the Iron Legion, even if you are not afraid of sacrifice, I will not let you die easily The Iron Legion is the main force in the battle, and you need to be in ambush. After the enemy's troops land, you are responsible for attacking their mothership. This time I brought a lot of tactical nuclear bombs."

Tactical nukes are what Wesley and S.H.I.E.L.D. want, high-yield tactical nukes, and Wesley knows the weakness of the Chitauris, their mothership controls all the soldiers, and once the mothership is destroyed, the soldiers are all dead, Wesley How could Sealey not be ready?

"The weakness of the Chitauri people is obvious. When their large troops land on the earth, that is, when you attack, you must smash the nuclear bomb on their mothership, so that we will win, understand?"


At the same time, Loki in God's Domain was counting the time with his fingers crossed. There were still rebels being sent to the dungeon. They brought the latest news. Loki knew that the time for him to get out of the prison was coming.

The last quiet week has passed, a large number of 'Destroyer' fighters and steel armors have been sent to the moon, Wesley and Elizabeth have done the final test of the Iron Legion, and Peter Quill has also brought the latest disappearance of the enemy fleet. , they will arrive on Earth tomorrow.

In God's Domain, Loki disappeared into the cell, and the guards panicked, "Hurry up and check the cell." The guard in charge of guarding turned off the energy field, but at this moment, an illusory shadow came out. Loki used his illusion to deceive the guards. This trick can only be used once, so he has been waiting for the opportunity. Once used once, it will definitely not work in the future.

The illusory shadow carefully avoided the guards and walked along the wall. If the guards hadn't panicked, they could still have found it.

Loki came to the control room of the cell, silently walked behind a guard, then lifted the illusion, shot him stunned, and then turned on the energy fields of all cells.

"Roar..." All the prisoners roared and rushed out. There were not many guards in the cell. These guards were instantly engulfed by the sea of ​​people, and the guard control room occupied by Loki did not sound the alarm in time.

"Everyone listen, keep quiet, and then go get weapons with me." Loki came out again, these prisoners were arranged by Thanos, they naturally obeyed Loki's command, kept quiet and followed closely behind .

Loki was familiar with everything in God's Domain, more than anyone else, and brought people directly to the weapon warehouse. He continued to use his illusion to get the guards, and then opened the weapon warehouse. The prisoners flocked in, looking for the weapons they had in hand.

"Now you can go and sabotage."

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