New Staff of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Chapter 358 Infinity War Sixteen

Groot was disbanded directly, but Wesley knew that the tree man could grow back with only one branch, but now there have been casualties, Groot completely lost his combat effectiveness, Ant-Man was directly seriously injured, other people or more Or at least some injuries.

Daisy Johnson was still using the shock wave to impact Thanos' armor, but Wesley was very worried about her body. The shock wave was a double-edged sword, hurting others and hurting himself. Sure enough, as soon as Wesley thought of this, Daisy's attack stopped, and her arms seemed to be unable to lift.

Wesley put on the battle armor, and then started the energy sniper rifle, the sniper rifle was deformed, and the electromagnetic cannon was activated. In terms of destructive power, the electromagnetic cannon was more powerful. A projectile directly hit Thanos' chest. The cracked armor was completely shattered, which gave everyone hope.

However, Wesley did not have such an idea. Thanos' strength lies in himself and gems, so the gems are the most important. However, Thanos is really angry now. Titans, as an eternal family, are powerful enough in the universe. Although he is just an expelled Titan, he has always been determined to return and has been pursuing the whereabouts of the Infinity Stones.

Success is only one step away now. If someone from Earth hadn't been recognized by the gem, then he would be more secure. As a Titan, he clearly understands everything about the Infinity Stone. When I understand, I also feel scared. The Infinity Gems are repelling each other, and only the Infinity Gloves can gather them together, but the Infinity Gems attract each other. Someone on Earth has been recognized by the gems, so other gems will inevitably appear on the earth one after another. The point has been proved, the specific reason is unknown.

Now he was beaten like this by the natives who had not yet left the planet. "Ah..." With a loud roar, he punched out, and a purple energy wave burst out of the air, hitting Hulk directly. body.

"Bang!" With the dull crashing sound, Hulk actually vomited blood and flew, hitting Sol's body along the way. Thanos' fist punched an energy shock out of thin air. Here is the energy of the power gem, absolute power.

This is what Wesley is most afraid of. The name of the power gem proves its ability. The only energy power is unknown to others, but as a Chinese person in the previous life, he has a deeper understanding of how to break through all methods with one force.

Another punch, this time in the direction of Steve Rogers, Captain America raised his shield, and there were a lot of people behind him. The huge impact sound of "Bang" sounded. Zhenjin is indeed the strongest metal on earth. Steve Rogers was shocked and kept retreating. Two traces were drawn on the ground by his feet. Thanos It didn't stop, and saw that the attack was blocked and punched again.

"Bang Bang Bang" punched three times in a row, and three purple energy shocks flew in a row. Steve Rogers blocked the first two attacks, but there was blood left on the corner of his mouth, and the third attack was not blocked. , the Zhenjin shield was split for two.

The shield that accompanied Captain America for many years was finished, and then he flew out, and the third attack exploded, and the Black Widow and Hawkeye behind were all seriously injured.

The strength of the Avengers is not average, and Steve Rogers is the ruler. He should be considered a medium level. There are people at his level, such as the Winter Soldier, Iron Man, Spider-Man and the like. And some people do not have the strength of friends, and most of them rely on the fighting level of the equipment itself, such as Hawkeye and Black Widow are representatives. Above Captain America are the likes of Hulk and Thor, who are the backbone of the Avengers.

Now that the Avengers have suffered heavy losses, Wesley began to feel a little anxious. His hands kept moving, a flame element core was drawn, and then groups of flames appeared out of thin air and began to burn around Thanos.

The huge flame caused the surrounding temperature to rise, but Thanos directly propped up an energy shield, and Wesley's spell attack was useless.

"Gu Yi..." Wesley shouted. Now he has no choice. The characteristics of space gems are easy to escape, but the attack ability is much worse. In front of the same infinite gem, the attack power is very insufficient.

A ring-shaped door shining with golden sparks appeared, and then Stephen Strange flew out, the cloak fluttered behind him, Wesley breathed a sigh of relief, it seemed that this guy was also awakened. Having not experienced the accident in the temple, Wesley has always been afraid that he has not figured it out, but it seems that Gu Yi's words and deeds are still good.

"Wesley, we meet again." Stephen Strange said.

"I didn't expect it to be you, but what about Master Gu Yi?" Wesley asked.

"The multiverse space is unstable. Because of this guy's arrival, they are also ready to move. The Supreme can't move lightly." The two were talking, but Thanos kept his eyes on Stephen Strange because his chest The Eye of Agamotto, which was worn in front of him, contained the Time Gem, which Thanos could clearly feel.

"Haha, I really didn't expect that another Infinity Stone will appear, and they will be mine." Thanos laughed excitedly.

Stephen Strange frowned. He was clear about the battle here. He didn't think that his presence could play a big role. He didn't have much control over the time gem, but it was time reversal and time advance. , time fixed three abilities.

"What do you want me to do, Wesley?" Stephen Strange asked.

"Can I slow him down and accelerate me?" Wesley asked. Absolute speed can increase the power of the attack, which is the help Wesley hopes to get.

"Sorry, I don't have this ability." This method is equivalent to changing the time flow rate of a fixed position. Stephen Strange does not fully grasp the time gem, but it can only be used.

"Hey, the idea is really good, but he has not been recognized by the time gem. It is impossible to fully exert his power. Even if you master the space gem, it is a pity that you are not enough." Thanos sinister 's smile.

Although Wesley was reluctant to admit it, it was the truth. He really didn't play enough, otherwise it would be impossible to even damage the opponent.

"Stephen, let's use the spell attack together, we'll do our best, and the rest is up to fate." Wesley gritted his teeth at last. His resignation referred to his final plan, and only Daisy Johnson on the side knew.

"Okay, let's start it." Stephen Strange, as a spell genius, had no problem with launching a spell attack with Wesley.

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