New Staff of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Chapter 359 Infinity War Seventeen

The two slid their arms at the same time, and Wesley said, "Wanda, Peter, you continue to attack to limit his movement."

"Okay." The two of them responded at the same time.

The Avengers didn't move much anymore. Thanks to the care of his younger brother Quicksilver, Wanda escaped the energy attack of Thanos. Her red energy wrapped towards Thanos, while the others were full of fire.

Wesley depicted the fire element core, while Stephen Strange depicted the wood element core, and then the formation was completed. On the ground that was already damaged, countless vines grew wildly, and then began to entangle from the feet of Thanos, and then wrapped it, and Wesley's flames also arrived.

This time the fire was even bigger, and the vines were burned with a crackling sound, but a dark cloud suddenly appeared in the sky, and then the heavy rain fell, and the flame suddenly weakened a lot. Wesley looked up suspiciously.

"Kacha" The vines broke, and Thanos' figure appeared, "Haha, you underestimate me too much, hasn't the energy of the wisdom gem been fully utilized yet?"

"Control the weather? It's impossible!" Wesley shouted in horror.

"It's really impossible, but there is no problem with taking advantage of the situation properly. With such a big flame, there is a lot of water evaporated, so isn't it normal for me to take advantage of the situation? Otherwise, can it be called a gem of wisdom? Haha... how? Like? There's no other way, right? Hand over the Infinity Stones of both of you, you earthlings don't deserve them." Thanos said arrogantly.

Wesley looked at everything around him. He began to make up his mind. The plan was ready to use. Although Thanos could not be eliminated, it could give everyone more time to prepare, and he might never have to face Thanos again.

Thinking of this, Wesley looked back at Daisy, who was also looking at him. Daisy's big eyes were full of tears, and she silently shook her head at Wesley. Wesley knew that It was she who didn't want to risk herself. But taking risks may not be a problem, and you will surely die if you don't take risks. Once again, Wesley smiled at Daisy.

Daisy understood, Wesley decided, gritted his teeth, he was not strong enough, otherwise Wesley would not have to take risks. Wesley was no longer distracted, but stared at Thanos, and then said: "Stephen, use the gravity circle, Wanda entangles him, and you help the little spider."

"Uh... ok sir." Wesley didn't have much contact with Peter Parker not long after he became Spider-Man.

"What? Are you still going to resist?" Thanos asked, looking at Wesley.

"Earth people will not give in, no matter how strong you are, as long as there is enough time, the earth can defeat you."

The generals far away from the joint command got the answer they wanted, the nuclear bomb launch was approved, and then their aircraft carrier at sea took off an F22 fighter jet and flew directly to New York. At this time, Wesley was ready to use his last The plan, victory or defeat in one fell swoop.

Everyone started at the same time, Thanos was temporarily trapped, but at most two or three seconds, but it was enough for Wesley, his heartbeat continued to accelerate, and the speed increased to his maximum. Although it is much worse than Quicksilver, it is not ordinary. He ran directly behind Thanos, and the gravity field was also applied to him.

The huge gravity suffocated his figure, but then Apple directly put the armor on him, and the armor creaked under the pressure of the gravity field.

"Reverse the circle," Wesley shouted.

Stephen Strange turned his hands, the magic circle was upside down, the gravity disappeared, and then his body became lighter. Wesley directly hugged Thanos, and then hugged Thanos tightly from the back, and then the space gem appeared on the head. Right above, an extremely huge blue energy shot straight into the sky, and the door of space opened.

Wesley's plan is very simple, is to banish Thanos into the universe, he does not know exactly where. Wesley used the space gem to fully maximize the energy output, opened the most distant space door, and then rushed in with Thanos himself, which was all the plan.

It's very simple to say, but the danger is too great. The danger of Wesley's contact with Thanos at such a close distance can be imagined. The strength of the two is not an order of magnitude. Now the mechanical force of Wesley's power armor and the energy of the space gem only locked Thanos, and then the thruster behind him started.

"Give me a ride," Wesley growled through gritted teeth.

When Wanda's ability was activated, Daisy also gritted her teeth and sent a shock wave, while Stephen Strange kept the gravity circle running in reverse. Wesley took Thanos straight to the gate of space, and Thanos looked up, and on the other side of the gate of space was the universe.

"Is that what you came up with?"


"Even if I return to the universe, I will come back again. You are just doing nothing like this." Thanos didn't know Wesley's plan.

"All the earth needs is time, I will buy them more time." Wesley stopped talking, and the right to maintain the gate of space.

The energy used was too great, and Wesley didn't know exactly how far, but now he knew a little and continued to fly upwards. But at this moment, the space carrier of S.H.I.E.L.D. sent a message and disappeared, "Wesley, they fired a nuclear bomb, and they will be focusing on you right away." This was Maria Hill's voice, they were talking to Chitauri had not left after the fight, and now gave Wesley a warning.

"Damn." Wesley was angry, but also felt helpless. Politicians are really whimsical, and they don't care about the consequences. They will act as long as they have interests, and they don't know what to do.

"Stephen, a nuclear bomb is flying over, send it here with space spells, and let it fly up." Wesley only shouted through the loudspeaker.

Stephen Strange flew up, looked around for a week, and saw the nuclear bomb flying over. He hurriedly flew in front of the missile, then opened the door of space, the missile slammed into it, and then appeared behind Wesley and started Fly up.

Wesley took Thanos and flew into the gate of space under everyone's attention. Then Wesley released his arms, and the energy shock of his palms was launched, hitting Thanos' back, although There is no damage, but it can push Thanos away from him, and at the same time let him retreat under the reaction force, and finally turn around, the thrusters are fully activated and ready to fly back.

The nuclear bomb has been flying upwards, and flew directly out of the gate of space and into the universe. Wesley passed the nuclear bomb, and with a little tap, directly directed the nuclear bomb to Thanos, while he accelerated his return, and the plan was very smooth.

"How dare you exile me?" Thanos roared. He has a very deep understanding of the universe. Looking around, the constellations in the distance are clear at a glance. This is not the Milky Way.

With a blow of anger, the entangled energy of purple and yellow rushed directly to Wesley's back, "Bang... puff" Wesley had no chance to dodge at all, the attack speed was too fast, although Thanos After the reaction force flew back for a while, but Wesley was severely injured, the armor on his back shattered directly, a large number of metal fragments pierced into the muscles, and his body was not blown out, it was transformed by the infinite gems, And not one.

The sound of "poof" was that Wesley vomited blood, and was pushed into the gate of space by two energies. At this time, the nuclear bomb hit Thanos and exploded, and a strong shock wave hit Wesley's back again. .

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