New Staff of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Chapter 361 Where are you?

Wesley took out the fighter mainly to know where this is, whether it is Earth or aliens, whether it is the Marvel Universe or some other place. Now this is the key question. The energy of the space gem can be replenished slowly, and the body can also be slowly recuperated. The first thing to do is to figure out where you are.

After boarding the fighter plane, Wesley did not take off immediately, but turned on all the equipment on the fighter plane, "Elizabeth, turn on all the equipment to see if there are satellites on it, or other technological signals, no matter what the signal is, Test it all over again."

"Yes, sir." All the instruments were turned on, and Wesley sat in the main driver's seat and waited. It didn't take long for the results.

"Sorry, sir, there is no signal, not even a radio signal. We may try another location." Wesley's heart sank after hearing it. How could there be no one even a radio signal?

"Understood, pay attention to continue the test, let's fly out to see." Wesley started the fighter directly, but in order to hide, he directly lifted into the sky, and went straight up, directly to the altitude of 28,000 kilometers, here The human eye can't see it at all. Then the fighter radar turned on and flew out in one direction. The speed of the fighter was very fast, and a city appeared soon.

Seeing the city Wesley was excited, but he had no plans to land, and let Elizabeth directly observe. Wesley suspended the fighter in the air, then came to the back and looked at the face change given on the display screen. Although it is viewed from top to bottom, the buildings here can be seen very clearly. Ancient is synonymous with the city, of course, ancient is relative.

The city below obviously has British-style buildings, and has a large number of factories. Industrial waste gas is randomly discharged into the air. The whole city seems to be shrouded in a layer of fog, and the fighter planes are advanced enough. After scanning, a real The silhouettes and buildings of the city, and the creatures that walk on the ground.

"This is London," Apple said.

"Do you recognize it?" Wesley asked in surprise, he was still thinking, the creatures below are humans, but aliens and humans look a lot the same, and this place looks a bit old, Wesley for a while Not judged.

"Yes, the buildings here are very familiar with the London in my database, whether it is your original universe or the Marvel universe."

"So maybe we're going through a time barrier instead of a space barrier?" Wesley still holds out hope, he has made the earth of the Marvel universe his home, where Carlos, Hannah, Daisy, Mindy and Annabelle. The Avengers Alliance is also his hard work, and Thanos was exiled, the earth may have enough time to be strong, but there must be a battle in the future, Thanos will not give up.

"I don't know, I can't figure it out now, but crossing is inevitable. Now it seems that we have crossed time. We can only seek other clues for space problems. I suggest you go to the city to have a look. ' said Apple.

"Understood, let's go back first. There's no hurry to come here. After all, it will be very inconvenient to enter the city. I'll fix my body first, and then upgrade it for you. It's more suitable for the wild." Wesley returned in the fighter plane. .

Fortunately, he carried a lot of things. This is for use in the universe. He even brought a few sets of space suits, so survival in the wild is not a big problem. In the following days, Wesley lived in the wild. Tomorrow, he would eat and meditate to replenish the energy of the space gem, and then let Apple repair his body. This time, the repair was very thorough, and at the same time, it was strengthened again.

The weather in London is getting colder, and Wesley doesn't know the exact time, but it doesn't matter to him. Although he misses his family, he is still looking at the current situation. If he crosses the parallel universe again, then he needs to find his way home. Strength is the minimum guarantee, and the space gem must replenish all the energy lost. Wesley has a hunch that this is a long process.

The energy that Apple needs to upgrade is completed, Wesley enters the password again, and then Apple falls into silence, while Wesley still maintains his current life, and spends most of the time tomorrow to replenish the energy of the space gem to prevent the lack of energy in Apple's upgrade. Case.

Winter came, and then spring came. Apple's upgrade took a few months. "The upgrade is complete." Wesley suddenly heard Apple's voice in his mind. He hadn't heard it for a few months. .

"How's it going?" Wesley asked.

"It feels so good, the code has been clear, the original language of the universe is the element, each element structure represents a letter-like existence, and these elements are combined into words, there is a text in my code, which was left to us by others ."

"What?" Wesley was completely shocked, and someone left a text in his mind.

"Don't be surprised, this text is very friendly, an advanced intelligent life traveling in a parallel universe discovered our crossing, although it was unconscious, but he felt very interesting, and at the same time he saw my existence, and then left the element Programming mode to us."

"The speed at that time should be very fast? He can do so many things?" Wesley asked suspiciously.

"Yes, he said he was in the endless universe waiting for new friends to join."

"What does this sentence mean?"

"It means a higher-level intelligent life form, and according to my speculation, it is a detached body, an intelligent life that exists in the form of soul or energy." Apple's guess made Wesley fall into contemplation.

Although Wesley said: "It's really the case, the division of cells has a number of times, even if it is slow, there will be an end in strengthening, and the existence of the soul or the form of energy is different, but if you want to achieve this Is it difficult?"

"It's really difficult, but we can do it now, but need space gems to provide energy? It's just that there is no special ability, and it is very weak."

Wesley heard too many surprises today, and it was difficult for him to understand, "What do you mean?"

"The meaning is obvious, I can leave your body with your soul, but if there is no energy support, it will soon dissipate, but I can also put your soul into someone else's body, of course, not a living person. "

Wesley stood still, dumbfounded, not knowing how to digest the news.

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