New Staff of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Chapter 362 What year is it today?

After a long time, Wesley slowed down, and then slowly digested the news provided by Apple, and then said: "Let's talk about this first, today's news is enough shock, let's go to London and see now specific time, and then look for evidence to prove which universe we are in.” Although there are only two known parallel universes, he still hopes to travel to London.

Wesley didn't attract anyone's attention. Wesley put on a formal suit, but his suits were all slim fit. Wesley looked around and didn't feel very good, so he put the suit away.

"What kind of clothes did I prepare?" Wesley prepared too many things, anyway, the space in his body was huge enough.

"It's difficult to dress for this era, and the closest thing is a work suit, which is what you need when you're working in the lab," Apple said.

"Then wear this." Wesley changed into his overalls, oversized overalls, a grey shirt without a hat, and Wesley set off for London.

Wesley used the steel armor to fly to the suburbs at night, and then he could not go to the urban area. After entering the urban area, he carefully observed. At this time, there is no trace of the asphalt road at all, all are smooth dirt roads, but they are very suitable for carriages, and the earliest T cars will also care about these roads.

There are street lights on both sides of the road, but the workers need to manually light them every day. These are gas street lights, but Wesley chose to come to London at night for the sake of concealment. , Just grab someone and ask directly, and you can't go to rent a hotel, because Wesley found an embarrassing problem, he has no money!

Yes, he has checks and a credit card, but he has no cash, and even if he has cash, he probably won't be able to use it in this age, "Apple, do we have any precious metals?"

"The one thing you don't like to wear with accessories are some watches, but they have the time and place of origin on them, and there are limited edition codes, but you have a few pairs of cuffs in white gold with diamonds."

"So we still need to find a pawn shop?"

"Yes, but that's also for tomorrow morning, what shall we do tonight?" Apple asked.

Wesley frowned and thought for a while, "Let's take a walk, just to appreciate the London of this era, the fog is really worthy of the name, it was gray when I saw it in the morning, and it is still the same now, don't the people here live short? "

"If the time is set, where are you going to develop?" Apple asked.

"Of course I'm going to the United States. It's more convenient to determine the specific time. If it's just time travel, maybe I can meet Captain America and Peggy Carter, one of the founders of S.H.I.E.L.D. ."

"Your actions may prevent them from showing up, know that this may be before the First World War."

"Let it be fate, take one step at a time." Wesley sighed, and then he wandered around in the cold street, ignoring the patrolmen who patrolled at night.

After shopping for a while, Wesley took out a cigar, found a random place to sit down, and tasted it slowly. He wanted to smoke a cigarette, and the cigar was ready, but he usually didn't smoke it at all. But this time, after taking out the cigarette, I looked at the filter, and then put it back. Now that there is no such thing, it is better to keep it secret, so I smoked the cigar directly.

"Apple, do you think there will be a Sherlock Holmes here?" asked Wesley.

"I don't know, if you want to make sure you can go and have a look. But... Now that there is a Model T car, even if this person exists, he may be very old, and it is estimated that he has entered retirement and may not live here. ."

"Then forget it."

Wesley sat in the same place until the next morning, the sky was still gray, the factories in London seemed to be open, and a large amount of black smoke was melted into the air. Wesley could only helplessly breathe serious pollution. The air, and then looking for the existence of pawn shops around the street.

On Regent Street, the commercial atmosphere is already very strong. Wesley came here and found a pawn shop with a good scale, so he walked in directly. I took out a pair of cufflinks, a pair of platinum-encrusted cufflinks with diamonds, and placed them directly at the front desk.

A white old man picked up a pair of monocles, put them directly on the left eye, and folded the eyelid up and down, then took the cufflinks and looked carefully, raised them again, looked at the sun, and then looked at Wesley, "It's not something you can have, is it stolen?"

Wesley smiled and said, "Of course not. I'm from abroad. I have no money, so I can only sell some things. Such diamonds, the metal is platinum, especially the workmanship, have you seen it?"

"I really haven't seen it before. Well, you understand the rules of pawning. How about I give you one hundred and fifty pounds?" the old man asked.

"Okay." Wesley didn't bargain, he really didn't care about this little money, the knowledge he had was a huge wealth, especially with apples here, leaving the pawn shop with one hundred and fifty pounds, and now He has to think about how to go to the United States.

Of course, the first question is to buy a newspaper. The newspaper has the year, month and date. This is very important. London is very cold in spring. Although this temperature is not a problem for Wesley, he is wearing a little thin. , If it weren't for the fact that he was wearing new clothes and looked imposing, many people would think he was an unemployed worker.

There were many newsboys hawking along the street. I took out a shilling in the purse given by the pawn shop. The newsboy found change, all of which were pennies. Wesley picked up the newspaper and stood on the side of the street to read it. The time turned out to be April 1, 1912, April Fool's Day?

"April Fool's Day? Really ironic." Wesley smiled bitterly.

"It's easy to do when you know the time, and go directly to the United States by boat. Now I don't know if the World War I here will break out on time." Apple said.

"It doesn't matter if there is an outbreak or not, just go to the pier and have a look. I hope there will be a cruise ship going to the United States in the near future. When we go to the United States, we will directly get some patents and then think about other things. If we travel through time and space If you want to go back, it will be very difficult to go back, technology and funds are needed, and the space gem is also necessary, and it doesn’t know when it will be full of energy!” Wesley took the newspaper to the pier, he was shopping for a long time last night, and at the same time Apple also has a map of London from this period.

The two turned out to be the same, and Wesley was happy for a while, but according to Apple, the parallel world has a very high similarity rate in some things, and there will be differences in certain directions, just like Marvel The universe is basically the same as the original universe, except that there is one more superhero.

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