New Staff of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Chapter 383 Intervention and Procrastination

Raines was the first American ambassador to China. He reported Japan's own movements to the country as soon as possible. The instructions given by our Mr. President was to participate and help Huaxia speak. At this time, it was officially the period of the Republic of China. , When Yuan Datou was in a daze, the Americans suddenly intervened.

The United States, which originally pursued isolationism, suddenly took action and caught everyone by surprise, especially the United Kingdom. This time they were on the side of Japan and Japan, hoping to take their younger brother to join the war, but the United Kingdom also did not expect it. Yes, Japan has no plans to send troops, nor can they.

"Mr. Raines, I don't know what the United States wants?" British Minister Julian found an opportunity to meet Raines alone.

"I'm not very clear about this. This is a domestic order. You also know that if you want to know the specific things, I have to wait for someone from China to know." Raines is indeed not very clear, but the domestic order is like this. .

Julian is a little puzzled now. The actions of the United States are completely inconsistent with the past, and the British have focused their energy on Europe in the past year. Now that the war has started, there is no time to pay attention to the United States. The United States is only a second-class military country. Although they have money , but what kind of isolationism do they pursue. However, Julian did not dare to be careless. Now that the war is on, both sides are trying to win over allies. It is unwise to offend the Americans at this time.

"Okay, I hope someone from your country can arrange for us to meet as soon as possible." Zhu Erdian got up directly.

Raines also thought about it after Julian left. There must have been some changes in the country, but he didn't know much as an envoy, and it was inconvenient to communicate with each other, but this time was his chance. Because he didn't pay attention, he rarely had the chance to perform as an envoy, but now again, Raines began to feel full of confidence.

The United States is now expanding its military, but it is relatively secretive. First, the National Guard mobilized soldiers to join the regular army for training, and the 75 infantry divisions formed later began to gradually improve. However, there is a problem. There are too few officers. In addition, the heavy artillery brigade, engineer brigade, cavalry brigade and other units are also seriously lacking officers. Many retired veterans have been recruited, and a group of active soldiers have been promoted to become non-commissioned officers. The military school began to speed up the curriculum.

These are the ills of the United States during World War I and World War II. Many lieutenant commanders did not perform as well on the battlefield as those non-commissioned officers who were promoted during the battle. They often had mental breakdowns. Wesley had nothing to do about it. Remind Pershing to dismiss them directly on the battlefield if such a situation is found. It is important to know that the US military is very important for military rank, and changes in the battlefield must be ordered by the commander.

After seeing Wesley, he had seen the company of brothers, and there is this in it. The troops that are being shelled still need the order of the company commander. For this, Wesley is more willing to believe that they are fighting on the front line of the non-commissioned officers.

A telegram transferred Wesley to Washington again. Wesley was very helpless. He couldn't get the plane out now, and he had to wait two years, otherwise he would be a real monster.

"Mr. President, I don't know what's going on this time?" Wesley asked weakly, after all, the current traffic is too bad.

"Mr. Colonel, first of all, congratulations on your promotion. You are the fastest promoted." The president said with a smile.

"Thank you, my ability can take on greater responsibility, but this needs to be proved." Wesley said confidently.

"Very good, now Huaxia has started according to your expectations, but our battleship still needs time, what do you think of this?"

"It's easy to handle. I think our minister will solve this kind of thing. It's nothing more than delay. It's okay to drag it on for a few months. The battle in Europe will be clear by then, and the British will need a large number of people. Supplies, they never build colonies, so he can only order from us, and I think the British will know how to choose."

"What about Japan and Japan? You said they wouldn't give up this opportunity. Did we go to war with them? They have already joined the Allied Powers. If we go to war with them, then it is equivalent to going to war with the real Allied Powers."

"You can think of it this way, if Japan and Japan go to war with us, then the entire Entente will be pulled to the opposite side of the United States, what do you think?"

"Haha, very correct choice, step up the production of battleships, and at the same time I hope you can go there with your first marine brigade, if we take over Qingdao Island, I hope you will become the first governor."

Wesley was stunned and asked him to be the governor? He really wanted to go, after all, this was a good opportunity to go back and have a look, but he couldn't go, at least not now, after all, this war is a good time to improve his prestige, and in the next war, he can get Greater power, this time is what he wants now.

"Sorry, Mr. President, my troops need to go to the European battlefield, not to maintain law and order." Wesley said decisively.

"It was in my expectation." The president was not surprised. Now that Wesley has done so much, how could he give up the battlefield in Europe? "So who do you think we should send?"

"I don't need to send too many troops. When the time comes, our fleet will go for a walk, and then leave a squadron and a marine brigade. I can immediately form a marine The brigade comes out, there are ready-made fortresses, and our new destroyers are fully cruising without fear of being attacked, like the Russians."

"Understood, then you can start forming. You and Pershing discuss this matter and form a few more marine brigades. The officers will be directly separated from your first brigade."

Wesley smiled wryly. Now there is a shortage of officers everywhere, and his first brigade has finally gained combat effectiveness. It only needs to go through a medium-scale battle to become an army. Now a group of officers has to be distributed.

However, there is no way to do this. The marine brigade he established adopts a new training method, and its combat effectiveness is obvious to all. Ordinary people can't command such a force, Wesley can only agree.

General Pershing waved his hand and directly formed five marine brigades, a total of six of Wesley's. This was the benefit of cutting knives. Wesley hurried back to the barracks to start the formation, and at the same time used his own hands to divide the brigades. The funds ordered a batch of troop carriers directly at their own shipyard.

The workers in the shipyard are now fully enough, and all the slipways can be started at the same time, and Wesley's shipyard has become the largest shipyard in the United States and the largest in the world, and can start more than 20 ships of different tonnages at the same time.

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