New Staff of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Chapter 384 Deadlock

Because of the participation of the Americans, Yuan Da's head has the confidence, and the Americans' participation came under the banner of peace. Since Germany wants to return it, why did you send troops to occupy Japan?

Raines held on to this, but did not let go. Instead, he proposed that if you don't take it back from China, then the United States can use the identity of a neutral country to host it, especially all the islands of Germany in the Pacific Ocean.

This time, the Japanese themselves were blown away, and they found Yuan Shikai directly and began to coerce and lure him, but Yuan Datou didn't give it for nothing. He directly used the Americans to deal with it.

In such a situation, the time in this universe has changed, and the issue of Qingdao Island has been delayed until October. The Japanese have lost their temper, while the British side is devastated, mainly on the European battlefield. The Battle of the Marne has ended, and both sides suffered heavy losses, but relatively speaking, the losses of the British and French forces were greater than those of Germany, but they were generally good. After all, they stabilized the front.

However, after stabilizing the front line, the problem came. The lack of preparation of Britain and France not only caused them to lack the preparation of the whole of Europe. Both sides thought that it would be over in a few months, but now it seems that it is impossible at all. entered a stalemate stage. Trenches, machine guns, barbed wire, and mines began to densely cover the positions of the two sides, and they were completely deadlocked.

The United Kingdom began to want the United States to place an order, and this time the United States directly took the country to take the order, and then distributed it down, accepting Wesley's opinions in full, and limiting the unlimited expansion of capital. The parliamentarians surprisingly did not object, because Wesley Everything that Lee had foreseen happened, so they were quite convinced.

So when Europe and Asia were at a stalemate at the same time, the United States finally exerted its strength. All the battleships that were rushed to work were completed and delivered directly to the Navy. This time, there were eight ships, because the latter four were also added by the Navy, and Wesley concentrated his manpower. Construction, because of the use of common parts and a modular production model, Wesley has come up with gantry cranes and container cranes, for which ports across the United States want to introduce them.

And the companies under Wesley's name are not staring at the British orders, but at the domestic market. At this time, many people grab orders and give up domestic ones. This is a good time, but Wesley can also make money, especially It is the U.S. military's arms and sea transportation, which can't be robbed by others if they want to.

The shipping company filled the container directly, and then started to set off. There are also a lot of oil and coal. The Atlantic route is now the safest route.

Next is the 5th and 6th Marine Brigade Brigades, which will start with the 1st Heavy Artillery Brigade and the 1st Engineer Brigade. The troop transport ships will be used. Then the main force of the new Pacific Fleet will be dispatched, with eight battleships, eight heavy cruisers, Eight light cruisers and eight destroyers were dispatched, along with two tankers and two freighters for supplies, which were ships of the Wesley Transport Company.

"Mr. Raines, the United States has to give us an answer. It's no good for everyone to continue like this." Julian waited for several months, but he did not wait for the United States to come.

"Mr. Julian, this is not something I can consider. I can only act according to the domestic instructions. You must know that I am just an underappreciated minister, and I have no right to speak." Raines began to complain.

Zhu Erdian frowned and pondered. He has never asked for domestic help in this matter. He is used to wind and rain in China, but now that Japan, Japan and the United States are all quarreling with him, do they really ask for domestic help?

"Mr. Zhu Erdian, but don't worry, I have the latest news, and someone has been sent from China. I think things can be resolved soon." Raines said with a smile. He is very happy now, because the domestic dispatch is not a negotiating team, but a fleet, although he does not know why, but he believes that she will soon be proud.

"Okay, I hope it's true this time." Julian left depressed, and he had to appease the little guys.

January 1, 1915, the first day of the new year, is of course not that important to the Chinese people, and it is not the Spring Festival, but today is a very special day. A fleet, a huge fleet, appeared on the sea of ​​Shanghai. , 32 large and small warships, protecting dozens of supply ships and troop transport ships to the sea outside the greater Shanghai.

This time, all the countries were taken aback. A fleet of such a huge size just came, and there was no news at all, and the fleets of various countries were also tense. William Benson was still very happy about this. He deliberately set sail with the fleet, because the training time of the fleet was too short, and the training continued day and night along the way, and there were also technicians from the shipyard, who were responsible for teaching the naval soldiers to deal with some small problems. Of course, they also No problem, Wesley's designs are powerful.

The consul of the British Concession hurriedly sent a telegram and Julian, while the American fleet staggered and drove away. The consul hurriedly asked the fleet to send warships to follow to see where the other party was going. Now is a critical time, what if the US is going to go to war with the UK? Their Far East Fleet is not an opponent at all. Looking at the American battleships, it seems to be the latest type, with triple-mounted main guns?

The fleet went directly north to Qingdao Island, and Raines was negotiating with the German envoy at this time. They had already made an order, and the United States took over, and then ensured the safety of their personnel. As a neutral country, the American German envoy was also acceptable. Otherwise they plan to fight to the end.

The normal situation should be that Japan and the United Kingdom took nearly three months of frantic attack to take it down. Now they have no chance. Because of the intervention of the United States, Japan itself has organized an army, but has never dared to send it out, just like As Wesley estimated, Britain did not want Japan to provoke the United States, which would be very detrimental to the Allies.

The deadlock was suddenly broken. As soon as the powerful American fleet appeared in Shanghai, everything became clear. The Americans were delaying time. Julian angrily went directly to Raines.

The sudden arrival of such a large fleet of the U.S. Navy made Julian really scared. Did the Americans open all the fleets? He didn't know that it was only built for more than a year, and the old warships were being sold, all packaged and sold to small South American countries, and the money was all used to increase destroyers and light cruisers, and did not add heavy cruisers and battleships again, because funding problem.

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