New Staff of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Chapter 415 Assassination

After landing on the western front, the forwards of the troops established a defensive position to prevent the opponent from counterattacking, and the follow-up troops began to land one after another, and the equipment and supplies were transported at the same time. This required a lot of time to prepare.

Wesley also landed, and the front command was established. "General, you shouldn't have come up so early," said Eisenhower, who is now the chief of staff on the Western Front.

"It doesn't matter, we have obtained the air superiority, and the Germans have no strength to break through our defense line, and the shells can't hit them, right?" Wesley said with a smile, "Expand the map as soon as possible. I want the positions of the frontline troops. The landing situation of the follow-up troops, I will start attacking in three days, and winter will soon enter. We must reduce the pressure on the Eastern Front. We must not let them attack the Eastern Front in winter. Although the preparations are sufficient, we still have to be on the safe side. "

"Yes, General."

Wesley took out his cigar and walked out of the headquarters. This is a small town not far from the beach. It was already empty. Wesley smoked his cigar and walked slowly all the way, surrounded by busy soldiers.

Wesley sat on a big rock by the side of the road. The town had experienced war, and there were ruins everywhere. He was smoking a cigarette and looked at the busy soldiers. Wesley wanted them to go home as soon as possible.

At this moment, Wesley heard the sound of "whoosh". Although he did not over-modify his body, it is inevitable to strengthen it a little bit. This sound is not like the wind caused by running. Wesley can It's hard to judge what kind of sound it is, and the source is also unclear, it's flickering from left to right.

While Wesley was still in doubt, the place where the voice appeared began to approach him, frowning, Wesley continued to smoke his cigar, as if he had no defense at all, but quietly took out a cigar Pistol, this is a pistol invented by himself. The G series 9mm caliber currently equipped by the US military has a capacity of 15 rounds.

There was a "huh", the sound came from behind, Wesley's pistol hidden under his arm fired continuously, the gunshots alarmed the surrounding soldiers, they looked over, and a red-skinned devil appeared behind their general, holding a gun in his hand. Holding a sharp knife condescending. However, he was shot several times in the abdomen, and at this time Wesley started to fight calmly, took out the pistol under his armpit, and reincarnated to look at him.

"Are you here to kill me? It's a pity, your ability is good, but you underestimate me." Wesley smiled, while the red devil opposite him glared, and then disappeared with a "hoo".

"General, are you okay?" Eisenhower ran over.

"It's okay, it's just a person with super powers. It looks a little strange and can move instantly. This ability is good, but unfortunately the sound is too loud. Are you ready for the map?" Wesley said indifferently, and the cigar has never been put down until now. , This made the soldiers very admired. In that situation just now, the general was not only fine, but he could also severely injure the opponent. It seems that the general found out early on.

"The map has been laid out, and the information on the front line and the landing force has been collected."

"Very good." I didn't really care about the assassination of Wesley this time, but it has been confirmed that there are mutant organizations in Germany, and they use extreme methods to awaken the abilities of mutants, which Wesley needs to pay attention to.

Back at the headquarters, Wesley began to study the map. First of all, the first strategic goal was Paris, the central city of France. Only when it was recovered could the French stand on their side.

"Order the armored troops to land and assemble first. I want them to quickly advance to the periphery of Paris. The Marine Corps retreats to prepare for the recovery of Paris. Urban street fighting is their specialty. Other infantry divisions encircle Paris, and the Air Force bombs other areas for me. , looking for German armored units. Is there any movement on the Eastern Front?"

"There was no sign of an attack on the Eastern Front, but reconnaissance planes spotted a concentration of troops behind their lines of defense."

"Well, let the eastern front completely adopt a defensive posture and prohibit counterattacks. The time for counterattacks will be after April next year. I want to end all wars next year and urge the preparation of materials. The supply of materials on the east and west fronts next year needs to be advanced. reserve."

The battle in Paris was extremely fierce. Street fighting broke out. The marines relied on light weapons to advance by leaps and bounds, but encountered considerable resistance. However, the German army was defeated by the armored division on the outside, and the reinforcements were bombarded by the air force. The action was difficult, and the infantry division was completely surrounded. Paris, after three days of fierce fighting, Paris is liberated.

Then Wesley spread to the surrounding areas with Paris as the center, and liberated the whole of France at the end of the year. Wesley did not give de Gaulle a chance to show off his might, and the troops would not wait for him to arrive late, and rushed all the way without any intention of stopping , has reached the border of Germany.

The Soviet Union, Germany, and Italy hastily mobilized troops for the final defense, and there was no large-scale attack on the Eastern Front, and the troops began to be insufficient.

"General, what do you think the British want us to launch an offensive in Africa?"

"Don't worry about what the UK says, we are the ones who have the final say now, and Africa will be settled later. It will be a victory if you hit Germany directly. At that time, Africa will not be a problem." Wesley is very fond of the British who always think about their colonies It's disgusting, these guys have been greedy for hundreds of years.

In April 1944, on the eve of the general offensive, Wesley was holding a meeting in the Allied Command in Paris. This time the meeting was heard by telegram on the Eastern Front, "Gentlemen, we need to complete the final attack this year. I want the soldiers to It's important to go back for Christmas."

"So the two fronts of the east and the west launched attacks at the same time. I don't think I need to say more about the battle process. They advance together and maintain absolute firepower superiority. The air supremacy is completely in our hands, so everyone should make good use of it. The troops take turns to attack and maintain Attack non-stop, pay attention to defense when taking turns."

"Anyone can't be surprised. There is no suspense when the war is here, but we still have to be careful when the enemy is dying to counterattack. The armored troops must control the speed of their advance. The airborne troops should bomb the airborne area before they airborne. The follow-up troops must ensure that they arrive on time, that's all, may God bless all soldiers."

At the beginning of the general offensive, bombardment is necessary, and this bombardment lasted for three years. The east-west connection was carried out at the same time, and the air force was dispatched at the same time to bomb the rear of the enemy's defense line. Then the artillery fire extended, and the dive bombers accompanied the armored troops. The general offensive ended. Expand.

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