New Staff of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Chapter 416 The End of World War II

The armored troops were all assembled on the two fronts, the total number exceeded 10,000, and the torrent of steel continued to rush. The largest tank war in human history began.

When the steel torrent distance between the two sides was 1,500 meters, the latest heavy tanks of the Allies fired first. The brand new 125mm tank gun easily penetrated the frontal armor of the enemy tank at a distance of 1,500 meters, and then the front tanks fired one after another without skill , there is no dodge, it is a frontal confrontation.

There are almost 20,000 double anti-tank vehicles on the two lines, but the Allied forces have taken over the air, and a large number of fighter planes took off and began to bomb the rear of the enemy tanks. Drop the bomb.

Gunpowder smoke filled the entire battlefield, and the camera team sent by Wesley took a large-scale transport modified aircraft to record this tank battle over the entire battlefield, which is very difficult to happen again in human history.

The torrent of steel from the Allied Forces broke through the enemy's defense line. Although their own losses were very low, this showed the importance of air supremacy. If it was a pure tank duel, even if the equipment had an advantage, they would still suffer heavy losses.

The tank troops continued to advance, and the infantry followed closely behind with the assault guns. The Soviet, German and Italian armies were retreating steadily. Wesley checked the progress of the advance every morning, and then the airborne troops began to dispatch to occupy some bridges and railways in advance. The troops passed through smoothly to provide support. At the end of August 1944, the Axis Powers surrendered in an all-round way, and World War II officially ended.

Wesley has fulfilled his promise, and the soldiers can go home for Christmas, but the follow-up work is the most cumbersome. A lot of weapons have become scrap iron, and a series of problems such as the retirement of soldiers are headaches. Of course, these have nothing to do with Wesley, his affairs are basically over. China regained its homeland, and the United States once again established a barrier in the Atlantic Ocean, making a lot of money, and post-war reparations are the government's business.

The troops began to return, and Wesley also returned to the United States early to reunite with his family. Ruan Lingyu, who was in her thirties, started her film career again. Wesley supported this, but when Wesley came back However, Ruan Lingyu still put down her work and went home to accompany her.

The war is over, the division has begun, and China has obtained a large amount of industrial equipment and warships. It doesn’t matter if the compensation can be less for these things that keep them going, but the United States looks down on these, and they directly ask for money.

The United Kingdom can be said to have fallen. The two wars exhausted their last vitality. It is impossible to dominate the world again. Now the Americans have the final say. Although they are dissatisfied with this, they can only accept it.

The Soviet Union was directly disintegrated and divided into more than a dozen countries. According to nationalization, it would be difficult for them to unite again. Germany was not divided into east and west, but completely supervised by the United States. The reason is simple. The hatred between Britain and France during the First World War was too deep, so this time it was supervised by the Americans to prevent the same tragedy from being released again.

The world has restored peace, and Wesley is about to open the "X-Files", but at this time he has received a new appointment again. The US Department of War has been changed to the Department of Defense, and Wesley has become the first Secretary of Defense.

He can only put it down temporarily, but this matter can indeed wait for a while. A key person is still a child. Professor X is the first person Wesley wants to contact, and this person is what he needs most. Him, then many things will be easier to handle in the future. If it's an old Professor X, then Wesley can't help it, but a young Professor X is still easy to tame.

As Secretary of Defense, Wesley's family moved to Washington DC. He needs to work here again, but there are not many things. Now that World War II has just ended, what the United States needs to do is to withdraw troops, retire soldiers and the direction of future development.

The paperwork made Wesley a headache, because there is no computer now, he feels that he should speed up the progress, the advent of computers in advance can well promote the progress of science, and at the same time increase the accuracy of calculations.

The first generation of computers was invented in 1946. Wesley decided to do it himself, so G Group established a computer laboratory in Washington to facilitate Wesley's work, but this was just a deception. Wesley made computers. The speed is very fast. After three months of pretentious research, the first computer in human history came out in 1945. Although it is still something in the laboratory, it is inevitable to shock the world.

Of course, this kind of computer cannot be used for office work, but Wesley opened a door, and then a large number of scientists flocked to join the G Group, and Wesley and Roosevelt went to promote the abolition of the Chinese Exclusion Act. After all, now Shuangfang is an ally.

The process was smooth, Roosevelt and Wesley had great prestige, the Chinese Exclusion Act was directly abolished, and then the issue of equal treatment was promoted, and the United States began to develop in different directions.

And the earth in this universe is developing in different directions, but Roosevelt still cannot escape the fate of death. Wesley didn't do anything about it, he just watched silently, and at the same time he ignored the voice that made him run for president. He sat down in the position of Minister of Defense.

In 1962, the 70-year-old Wesley resigned from the position of Minister of Defense. Although many people tried to persuade him to stay, Wesley still resigned, but he did not completely leave, because of the existence of the 'X Files', this need to start Yes, the curtain has opened, and the number of mutants has begun to increase, and for Wesley who has been preparing for decades, this is something that must be done.

His first target is the young version of 'Professor X'. Wesley looks old, but his body is still strong, and Ruan Lingyu is still beautiful. This is a family envied by the whole United States and the whole world. The children have grown up and are studying hard to become like their father.

A Ford company's top handcrafted car parked at the gate of a university. Today is the day when Charles Francis Xavier lectures. He has unique insights into the theory of genetic variation. During this period when the number of mutants began to increase, This subject is also interesting.

Wesley parked the car outside the school gate, and then waited for the end of the class. When the students started to walk out, Wesley began to observe through the car window, knowing that Charles Francis Xavier and Raven Walking out, Wesley asked the driver to invite.

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