The driver got out of the car and walked up to the young version of Professor X, "Mr. Charles Francis Xavier? Someone please let you talk."

"Oh? Really? Ruiwen, someone asked me to talk, what do you think?" The young Charles said with a smile. He still doesn't have such a deep thought, nor does he have a great mind. He is still young, Wei Slee watched everything with a smile.

"You can do whatever you want." Rui Wen said indifferently.

"Then let me take a look." Charles put his finger in the direction of his temple and looked towards the car, but to his surprise, he didn't see anything, as if there was no one in the car, which made him very moved interest. "Very well, let's go and have a look."

The driver led the way, came to the side of the car, opened the door, Charles glanced inside, an old man sat there smiling at him, and this man was familiar to him, the task that often appeared on TV and news, Wesley. Gibson, the super genius of the twentieth century, the hero of the two stops in the United States, and the founder of G Group. Charles could name countless titles, but now what is the old man inviting himself for? Then he got into the car, and Raven got in, and there was plenty of room in the back of the limousine.

"Nice to meet you, Charles." Wesley offered to shake hands with Charles, followed by Raven.

"I'm also very happy to meet a legendary figure, but why are you looking for me?" Charles said seriously. It must be no small matter for such a figure to find himself.

"Let's talk as we walk, I need to take you to a place that will be where you will work in the future." Wesley asked the driver to drive, and the car went directly to the airport. A military plane was waiting, and the car drove straight up , and then take off.

"How do you think I'd work for you or the government?" Charles asked.

Wesley laughed, "Son, I know you are very confident, but self-confidence does not mean that everything is under your control. You still lack a lot. I will tell you when I get to the place. I will do this." It's only good for you." Then Wesley stopped talking.

The plane landed on the outskirts of Washington, and the car drove not far away. A huge building appeared in front of me. It was only two floors high, but it occupied a large area. There were many buildings, but there was no one there.

The car drove in without any hindrance. It is indeed empty now, except for a person from the underground research center. This person used to belong to the technicians of the Central Intelligence Agency, but he asked for it for Wesley. He is Hank "The Beast" , and his supersonic aircraft.

When a vehicle came to the gate, Wesley asked the driver to stop, and then started to walk with the two, "This is the place I built, and a long time ago, I started to prepare the 'X Files', I think X You know exactly what it means."

"Yes, a gene," Charles said.

"Yes, when I just graduated from the military academy, I was in charge of forming the first Marine Corps. At that time, there was only one battalion, but I could choose soldiers from the active army. But to be honest, there were not many soldiers on the mainland at that time. There is no special talent in the selection, I can only train from scratch, but I really met two."

"This guy can't be killed no matter what. One's nails can be stretched and are extremely sharp, while the other has sharp thorns growing between his fingers. The nickname is also very interesting. One is called Wolverine, and the other is Sword Thorn Tiger. They were two brothers, from the beginning of the Civil War until the end of World War II, they only served as soldiers."

"I didn't enlist them in the Marine Corps at the time, because there was a need to train ordinary people to become elites, and it would be meaningless for them to go, so I didn't enlist."

"During World War II, we had just landed in Normandy, and the frontline headquarters always went ashore. I was smoking a cigar outside that night, and a red-skinned guy appeared behind me." Wesley said here, and both Charles and Raven became nervous .

"Don't be nervous, am I standing here? This guy is stupid, he can move instantly, but every time he moves, there is a sound, and he is carefully approaching me a little bit, the sound is too loud, I don't want to hear it It was very difficult, so I held a pistol under my arm, and when I heard the sound behind me, I fired several times, but this guy disappeared in the end, probably not dead."

"So what's here?" Charles just asked, they walked through the hall, facing two metal gates, one marked with three connected Xs, and the other marked with a huge X, which looked strange.

"Three connected Xs represent the limit. This is where Xx is located, and this big X represents you. This is the X-Men headquarters. How about it? Are you interested?"

"Are you a mutant too?" Charles finally asked at this time.

"No, but normal people also have some talents. I know your ability, but I don't know why you can't see my thoughts, and I can't see other people's thoughts. Okay, children, let's go in , there is already one of your companions inside."

The door opened, and the three of them walked in, "Hank McCoy, your companion is also a great scientist." Wesley said, pointing to Hank who was coming.

"It is my honor to receive your appreciation. There is no greater scientist than you." Hank McCoy was not flattering, he really said so.

Wesley smiled and said, "This is Charles, this is Ruiwen, they are all as different as you."

After the two parties got to know each other, Charles asked, "What is your purpose of sitting like this?"

"Peace, maybe you don't believe it, but there are more and more mutants in your mouth, this is a fact. You are not famous now, but you can't deny that it is starting to increase, and some mutants are doing things that endanger World peace, so I need to prepare in advance, otherwise there may be a war between ordinary people and mutants in the future, which is very scary, and people will kill their own future."

"If you don't teach mutants, what should we call them?" Ruiwen asked curiously.

"Evolutionary, do you know how humans came from?" Wesley asked.

"Didn't it evolve from monkeys?" Ruiwen said the fastest.

"Indeed, it's wrong to call it a monkey, but isn't this kind of evolution too fast? In different regions of the earth, so many human ancestors evolved at the same time. This is a global genetic mutation, and the time is very fast, isn't it? Similar to now? But now it is difficult to achieve such a fast speed. After all, the development of science and technology promotes new mutations, but it also blocks the speed of mutations, so I call you evolutionists, right?"

"You think this is a precursor to the evolution of humans on a grand scale?" Charles asked.

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