New Staff of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Chapter 418 Evolutionary

"I'm not very clear, but it's possible, isn't it? Evolutionary, that is, there are more and more mutants you say, but your name is wrong, directly distinguishing these people from humans, and I want to What I do is to make human beings accept these, I think the title of evolutionary is appropriate. Of course, this process may be very difficult, and the X-Men was established for this." Wesley explained his thoughts, Although this is not the most important.

"Do you think that mutants... oh no, there must be a conflict between evolutionaries and humans?" Charles asked.

"Yes, I think you are more aware of the abilities of evolutionists than I am. You are completely stronger than ordinary people, and your abilities are diverse, just like Wolverine and saber-toothed tiger. How long can their lifespan be? These are not human beings. Comparable, and what some evolutionaries will use these abilities, we don't know. Crime, fear, envy and jealousy, many emotions will cause confrontation, which is predictable."

"So I need you to be in charge of the X-Men, a department that specializes in crimes against and protection for evolutionaries. It is very important here, and I think you can be competent. Then you will be impetuous, but I think you will mature of."

Charles crossed his arms and thought on the spot. He now agrees with what Wesley said. The title of evolutionary is indeed much better than that of mutants. At least it does not separate them from humans, but they are closer together.

And this institution can provide a lot of help, but after all, there will be any changes in the government department here. It is not a problem for a legendary figure like Wesley Gibson to sit in charge, but he is too old.

"How do you guarantee continuity? There will be no problems if you are here, but once you are gone, will this place be changed?" Charles expressed his worries.

"Did you see the Xtreme Agent headquarters next door? It is trained by ordinary people, and then surpasses the limits of human beings. The training method is different from the previous agents. Their mission is to protect the X-Men, but these are not the most important Yes, the most important thing is that I will arrange for someone to guarantee your independence, a person I trust most."

"Who is so worthy of your trust? And has the ability to guarantee our independence?"

"It's a secret, it won't be revealed until the day I die, not now. Well boys, there are only three of you now, but I think you can find more people, and Charles, the evolutionaries need a school , they can't go to school like normal kids, they will be considered monsters, so they need a school."

"I understand, sir."

"So are we going to live here?" Ruiwen said from the side.

"No need for kids, it's not ready yet, you still have time to prepare, but once it's activated, you'll have to perform your duties, here are your certificates, put them away, and get familiar with them, I'm leaving first. "Wesley left here, and the three of them were familiar with the situation here alone.

"Hank, you are the first to come, take us for a walk." Ruiwen said.

"Of course, the equipment here is the most advanced in the world, and there is a possibility of upgrading. Mr. Gibson is the greatest scientist and inventor, and everything here is made by his hands." Hank said admiringly.

"We know this, but to run such a large place, we need a lot of people. Where can we find so many mutants?" Rui Wen curled her lips.

"It's an evolutionary." Charles corrected from the side: "We will change our tune in the future. The term mutant is indeed inappropriate. After all, it means that we have separated ourselves from human beings, and an evolutionary is much better. At the same time, the term human evolution It is not unfounded, the number of evolutionaries will increase, this trend is already obvious, we need to prepare in advance."

The three of them continued to visit and got a little understanding of this place, but they had to wait until it was activated. Then Charles left with Ruiwen.

Going back to school, Charles began to revise his thesis. The title of mutant is not appropriate, so the emergence of the title of evolution needs theoretical support. These must be re-studied. The X-Men need theoretical support. is a must.

But an agent found him, "Professor Charles, I heard that you have a lot of research on gene mutation?"

Charles carefully looked at the female detective on the opposite side, observed her memory, and then was surprised, "Yes, I do have research, and I am very interested in what you are going to say."

The female agent was named Moira McTaggart, a CIA agent who was responsible for monitoring a man named Sebastian Shaw. This person has many connections with NATO. Because of the appearance of Wesley, the Soviet Union no longer exists, and the Sino-US alliance is powerful, which makes all European countries feel very dangerous, so they directly became NATO, intending to unite and fight Pacific alliance confrontation between China and the United States.

She found Colonel Hendry there in Las Vegas, and then she discovered the other party's plan, but the director of the CIA didn't believe it, so she came to ask Charles to go to the CIA to carry out the investigation. persuade.

The story didn't change much, and Wesley knew it very well, but he didn't have the idea of ​​making a move, but let Charles handle it alone. This was a small test and a test, and Wesley watched from a distance. In everything, evolutionists need to develop, so they need their own growth more, and Wesley's body is too old now, he is waiting for his wife Ruan Lingyu to leave first, this is the only thing he can do .

At the CIA headquarters, Charles brought Ruiwen here, brought his latest research report, and then began to explain. After some reasonable arguments, he knew that the other party did not believe it.

"Inspector McTaggart, do you really think that this eccentric scientist will convince me that there are glittering women and teleporting men?" The Chief was utterly incredulous.

"Oh, don't you really believe it? As far as I know, during World War II, a man with red skin who could move instantly assassinated General Wesley Gibson, but he was wounded by the general, but he In the end, he teleported away. But soldiers with many friends who saw all this, how could you not know?" Charles said.

"I'm not interested in the general's legendary experience. We won't be interested in some rumors unless there is solid evidence." The director said.

"Evidence? Ruiwen, let Mr. Director see your skills." Charles said.

"Okay." Ruiwen stood up straight away, and then her body began to change, directly turning into the appearance of the chief.

"Oh, God, lock them up first, I need to think about it." The chief said in panic.

Charles unhurriedly took out a certificate, "Sorry, you don't have the right to detain us, this is my certificate, Director of the X-Men Headquarters, I rated it with you, the reason why I came here is Because my department has not been officially opened yet, so I need your cooperation?"

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