New Staff of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Chapter 449: The Will of Middle-earth

Wesley looked at the endless forest, he was also speechless, such a big forest, such tall trees, this must not be the earth, he doesn't know how to describe his psychology now, the mapping theory of parallel world is now useless out of paper?

With a heavy heart, Wesley climbed down directly, put away the equipment, then sat down on a bare tree root, took out a cigarette and smoked, frowning, this place is too strange, so it is What limits his technological equipment? Now even if he wants to leave, he can't, unless there is a new way.

Smoking one cigarette after another, Wesley felt very irritable. The feeling of being stared at was still there, which made his irritable mood worse. His eyes began to sweep around, with killing intent. Flooded, the surrounding air was a bit cold, and the energy of the space gem began to fluctuate.

Wesley expressed anger through his actions, anger at everything, and the creature or something watching him seemed to feel Wesley's anger.

A little squirrel ran out, squeaked at Wesley a few times, then turned and left, Wesley hurried to follow, he didn't understand what the other person meant, But finally saw a living creature, and it was a squirrel, the same as the one on Earth, but with more vivid eyes.

The squirrel ran all the way, looked back from time to time, saw Wesley following up, and immediately continued to run forward. It was getting dark, but the squirrel was unimpeded, and Wesley did not lose track. Finally, they came to a in an open place.

There are a lot of small animals gathered here, all kinds of animals, some of which have been seen on the earth, and some of which have not been seen before. In the center of the open space, there is a huge white energy body, and the white light it emits is very dazzling, but Without hurting your eyes, you can look straight into it.

Wesley's mood at this moment is very complicated. He can feel the vitality of the white energy body, which is a kind of energy life body. It's like after he just crossed for the second time, the apple has been upgraded, and finally guessed the end of life. That's what form is.

Now I have seen it and proved it, but the place and time are wrong. He has no plans to become this kind of life form now, and he is anxious to go home.

"Huh?" A wave of spiritual energy wanted to enter Wesley's brain, but was blocked by the space gem. Wesley put away the dagger in an instant, and began to mobilize energy with both hands. Now the only fighting method he can choose is the mage's method up.

"Don't be nervous, you are a human race, right?" The white energy body actually spoke, and it was in English. Does the whole universe speak English?

Wesley nodded, then continued to look at each other, "Very good, but you are not from this world, where are you from?"

Wesley was silent for a while, and then said: "I am traveling in a parallel universe. I came from another parallel universe, but it seems that I chose the wrong direction."

"It should be like this. The things you use do not conform to the laws of nature here, so they are banned, but I can help you temporarily open this prohibition."

Wesley got a little excited after hearing this. If he could really use the flying shuttle, then he could try to go back, but the other party's words were obviously conditional, "Do you have the conditions?" He asked tentatively.

"Yes, I am the will of this world. This forest is hidden in this world, so it is impossible for you to get out unless you use the powerful energy in your body, but then you need to fight me gone."

"The will of the world? Since you are the will of the world, what do you need my help for?" Wesley didn't know. So, isn't the will of the world the most powerful?

"As the will of the world, I must be fair, so I usually won't make a move, but you are different, you can, so I need your help. This world is sick, and a cancer has appeared for a long time, but the creatures outside are too Too greedy, especially you human race."

Wesley frowned, the world is sick? What is this scenario?

The will of the world continued: "A demon king created a ring with powerful magic power, but I can't destroy it with my own hands, so I want you to go."

"Is that fair?" Wesley asked back.

"Of course, you can only fight with the rules here, which also limits your abilities, so it's fair."

"What's your world called?"


Wesley was surprised, and Middle-earth World Will looked at Wesley and asked, "Have you heard of it?"

"There is a fictional story in our universe. It is about the world of Middle-earth. That ring is the Lord of the Rings. Is the Lord of the Rings called Sauron?" Wesley asked.

"Yes, it seems that our two universes are not very different."

"Do you know about parallel universes?" The other party didn't seem surprised, so Wesley asked hastily.

"I don't know, I know very little about it. You are not the first outsider passing by here in the long years, but I have always been vigilant against outsiders who come here. If it is not for me to have something for you to do, then I will let you go straight away, and now all I can say is sorry."

Wesley can only admit that he is unlucky, unless he has a battle with the will of Middle-earth, he will lose for sure, and the most likely thing is that he will escape into the universe. There must be a universe here, but when the time comes There is no way for him to return to the original place, and there will be a lot of deviations in the experimental results. This is the first time he has done this kind of experiment, so it is better to be careful.

"Okay, I can help you, but how should I fight?" Wesley asked.

"Sword and magic, for the use of energy in your body, I think you can use magic. Of course, you need to learn this by yourself. I can't give it to you. It's not fair to other creatures in Middle-earth, but I can. I will give you some weapons, these weapons are made by the natives themselves, I can give them to you as long as I can."

Wesley pouted, and then moved his hands. He wanted to use magic, but he couldn't draw the core of the element, "No need, the magic you use is incompatible with this world, you need to sing here, use voice and magic elements to communicate, otherwise it is useless even if you sketch the elements correctly."

Wesley was speechless, is this the power of the laws of the world? Even if you understand the highest-level language of the universe, it is not enough. The universe is different, and there will always be some changes. Magic needs to be chanted, which is a very bad way.

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