New Staff of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Chapter 450: The Legacy of the Elf King

Wesley has no idea of ​​fighting against the will of Middle-earth, so he will suffer a lot, and the opponent has concentrated the power of a world. Wesley doesn't know whether he can defeat it, so it is better to fulfill the opponent's conditions , This may save more effort, but I don't know how long it will take in terms of time.

"So, how can you help me?" Wesley asked.

"It's not help, it's a gift for outsiders." The will of Middle-earth said, and then several things floated towards him. Wesley saw it very clearly, a western-style long sword and a long bow , a suit of armor and a book.

Regarding this, Wesley looked at each other suspiciously, "What are these?"

"This is the relic of the first generation of elf kings. The elves have a long lifespan, but they will still come to an end, and the first generation of elf kings can enter this jungle, so I allowed him to sleep here, and these are the things he brought with him. What came here, I will give it to you now, I hope you can make good use of it, and your current attire does not conform to the civilization of Middle-earth."

"The elf king's relic?" Wesley looked at it in surprise, then reached out and put everything into the space inside his body. The will of Middle-earth was not surprised by his method.

Wesley put it away, and then the armor appeared on his body. The elves are all tall, but they are indeed a bit slender. Wesley is very suitable to wear their armor. The golden battle armor seems to be composed of leaves. This is in line with the characteristics of elves. There are some small patterns on each leaf, which look like vines. The workmanship of this armor is very fine.

The long sword is a two-handed sword, and there are several large gemstones on the hilt, with energy flowing on it. Although it is weak, it shows that this is a sword with magical power. Although it is a two-handed sword, Wesley's power is one-handed. Swinging without the slightest problem, he swung the opportunity, and then hung the sword around his left waist. The longbow, the longbow of the elves is really long, basically as high as a human, it is almost impossible to draw it completely, because the arm is not that long, and this kind of longbow is not designed to draw the full moon .

The bow body seems to be metal, and it seems to be a tree. It is difficult to distinguish with the naked eye alone. Wesley looked at the will of Middle-earth and asked, "Are there no arrows?"

"Of course, they are in your hands. The book contains what you need, but you need to learn the language of the elves first. Now you can leave. I can't help you any more. Of course you can Ride a good horse."

This is seeing off the guests. Wesley looked behind him, and there was a black horse with a fur like satin, and all the harnesses were complete. There were no plant patterns on it, and it might have been left by the Elf King.

Wesley doubted why the Elf King came here. Maybe it was the will of Middle-earth that brought him here. He rode on the steed, which was very tall. After Wesley rode on it, the steed immediately The man stood up, neighed, and rushed directly into the woods.

After Wesley left, the little squirrel who led the way ran to the side of the will of Middle-earth, looking at it with big eyes, "You want to ask me why I gave him my things, right? Hehe... I need His help, the price required to become the will of the world is too heavy, I don't care about justice or evil, I can only watch, but he is different, he can feel the huge power in his body, but he is well controlled, not being Lost in power, while helping me, he is also helping himself."

It turns out that the will of this world is the first generation of the elf king, and he finally gave away all his things, and his bond with the elves is over.

Wesley was on the horse, but he didn't control the horse, but let it go on its own, the woods could only go out like this, Wesley knew it well. Sure enough, within an hour or so, the front suddenly became brighter, and the steed walked out of the woods. Outside was an open grassland. Wesley didn't have a map. He really wanted it, but the other party couldn't give him any more help. , he also kept silent.

Pulling the reins of the horse, Wesley began to control the horse and galloped in the opposite direction from the woods. He didn't know exactly where it would go, but it didn't matter.

As night fell, Wesley heard it. He was still on the grassland. Now he and the horses needed to rest, but the horses here are very powerful. After running for so long, there was no problem. Wesley passed the apple, Let the horse find food and water on his own, while he sets up camp.

A tent was propped up, Wesley took out some canned food and ate it, and then asked himself what should he do?

"Does the Lord of the Rings do anything to me?" Wesley asked Apple.

"I don't know, but if it's just tempting, it won't do much for you. Its magic power can't break through the energy of the space gem, and its spiritual effect can't break through my defenses. So the Lord of the Rings should be for you. Not a big problem."

"Then I'll just take the ring and put it in the space inside my body, won't that solve the problem?"

"The question is how do you get the ring. You don't know the time in this world yet. You better hope it's time for the Ring."

"That's right, I ignored the time issue. If the hobbit's unexpected trip, then time will be troublesome. I don't know how the time of the two universes is calculated. It's really troublesome. I don't know where this place is. .” Wesley stayed on the prairie for one night, or this is the prairie, and then set off again the next morning.

Wesley rode his horse across the prairie, "According to the common sense on earth, are we heading south?" Wesley asked Apple.

"Yes, we are indeed heading south, but the specifics are not very clear. We can only judge according to the rising and setting of the sun in the east." Apple said.

Wesley didn't ask any more questions, and rode forward all the way. The grass on the ground began to wither and turn yellow, and the surrounding environment became desolate. Wesley was a little worried, would he come directly to Mordor?

"Can we just flatten Mordor?" Wesley asked suddenly.

"I can only say that you are thinking too much, let's figure out the power system of this world before we talk about it." Apple said disdainfully, and Wesley thought about it too. Now he has nothing to do except swinging his sword with his own strength. The power can be used, he likes the longbow very much, but now he just doesn't know how to make the bow and arrow.

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