New Staff of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Chapter 474 The Legend of the Dragon Knight

Cutting off the connection between the Lord of the Rings and the earth world, Sauron's soul lost its shelter, "Aw..." A sharp and piercing roar echoed in the air, Sauron's soul began to collapse, and then everything he built Things start to fall apart.

The tower where the magic eye was placed collapsed, and the orcs below suffered. They were killed countless times, but Wesley could not let them go. These creatures should not stay.

"Archers shoot and kill." Wesley began his final command. He was about to leave this world. Although he only spent a short time here, he still had to fulfill his final responsibilities.

All the soldiers with bows and arrows started to shoot arrows. They kept shooting and killing the remnants of the orcs until there were no living creatures standing. Wesley sent people to the Doomsday Volcano to find Frodo. Neither he nor Sam died, but They were temporarily imprisoned at the foot of the Doomsday Volcano. After getting the Lord of the Rings, the Ringlings were eager to give them to Sauron, and had no time to deal with them.

"Sorry, I failed." Frodo looked haggard. No one wanted to blame him. He was just a hobbit and had no power.

"Frodo, we have defeated Sauron, and peace is about to come." Gandalf patted Frodo on the shoulder and said, then he looked at Wesley, "Your Excellency Wesley Gibson, thank you very much I wonder if the Lord of the Rings will be destroyed?" Gandalf still asked worriedly.

Wesley looked at Gandalf with a smile and said, "Don't worry, the Lord of the Rings will no longer exist. I will leave this world with it, and it will no longer be the Lord of the Rings."

"What do you mean?" Gandalf didn't understand.

Wesley didn't explain, and time was running out. A dark spot in the sky was approaching quickly, "Ang..." A dragon's cry attracted everyone's attention, especially Gandalf, who died sixty years ago. Having fought a dragon once, he is too familiar with it.

"Dragon~" Gandalf hurriedly reminded the army that the alliance retreated in a panic. They had all heard of the legend about the dragon, but this was the first time they had seen it.

The "buzzing" dragon flapped its huge wings, the air flow was chaotic, flying sand and rocks, and finally it landed, right in front of Wesley, and Wesley didn't rush to get on the dragon, but patted him first The horse neighed and ran to the distance, and it would return to the jungle where it would never be found.

Wesley jumped onto the head of the dragon, and there was a seat on it. Wesley sat on it directly, and then looked down, "Goodbye, my task is completed, I should leave now, we will not We will meet again, and I hope you will not miss me."

The dragon flapped its wings again, flew straight into the sky, and then disappeared, leaving only the shocked Alliance soldiers, Gandalf looked at the sky in disbelief, and muttered to himself: "Is this the Dragon Knight? "

"Dragon Knight?" Aragorn beside him asked suspiciously.

"Dragon knights exist in the ancient books of wizards. It is said that they are mortals who are as powerful as gods and have the power to compete with gods, but they have never appeared. They will only show up when Middle-earth is in crisis. I I always thought it was a legend."

Wesley didn't know there was such a legend. He didn't read the history books of Middle-earth, so he didn't know very well. The will of Middle-earth specially arranged for a giant dragon to take him back. What is the intention of Wesley? Don't know, but it would be nice to leave a legend behind.

The dragon took Wesley all the way to the north, and the mysterious jungle reappeared, and then the dragon landed in the center, and Wesley saw the unique energy life form again.

"You have done a very good job. The ancient alliance is united again, and evil is defeated under your leadership. This is the story I want." Said the will of Middle-earth.

"Story?" Wesley asked strangely.

"That's right, a story that can be passed down for a long time. They will continue to sing it, and future generations will always take it as glory. Justice and virtue have been passed on, and at the same time, the legend of the Dragon Knight has been left behind."

"Dragon Knight? Well, whatever you need, I've done it, haven't I? Now I need to get the magic you promised, and I need to use my flying machine. It's time for me to go back."

"Of course there is no problem. There are enough books here. You can leave after reading them." Middle-earth World's will was very happy, and there were no more tasks for Wesley, and Wesley started reading again. , These books are very old, but they are well preserved. The magic knowledge on them is more profound than Saruman's collection. Wesley still records it. There is no need for him to study here. He needs to go back and follow his own Study the laws of the world.

A few days later, Wesley landed at the place where he landed. Wesley took out the aircraft and sat on it. "Apple, let's check." Wesley turned on the start switch, and the instrument was activated. There is a sound, and all the indicators light up.

"Understood, now start the self-inspection, the inspection progress is 5%... 40%... 90%... Finished, everything is normal, the aircraft is in the best condition, it seems that when passing through, the strength of the aircraft No problem at all."

"Okay, set the speed, direction, and distance when traveling, and the timing of the energy release of the space gem. The intensity is under my control."

"Understood, everything is ready, let's go now?"

"Let's go." After Wesley finished speaking, he glanced outside. The will of Middle-earth came to send him off. Wesley waved his hand, and then the aircraft took off and accelerated.

"Time is up." Apple reminded Wesley, and then Wesley released the energy of the space gem, the space barrier was opened again, and the aircraft disappeared into this world.

The will of Middle-earth looked at Wesley who disappeared, and then said to himself: "Fortunately, he is kind enough, otherwise my world will be in trouble, but the training of dragon knights needs to be accelerated, otherwise it will always be What do you do with a guy like this?"

"Boom" Wesley's aircraft passed through the space barrier. After shaking for a while, everything was normal. He landed directly. This is a desert. I don't know if he left the desert. "Can Apple connect to satellites?"

"The spatial fluctuations haven't stopped yet. It won't work for now. You need to wait for a few minutes."

A few minutes was not long, but Wesley felt like his days were like years. Fortunately, the fluctuation finally disappeared, and Apple connected to the satellite, "It is the universe we left, and there is a satellite in the sky, which is the synchronous orbit we left there Satellite, it's been exactly sixty days since we left."

"Sixty days? Fortunately, it's not sixty years. It seems that there is no problem with the time. Then we can prepare for the next time travel. This time the direction is obviously wrong. We will do it again in a different direction, but we first Go back and have a look."

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