New Staff of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Chapter 475: Going Another Way

Wesley returned to the island of the Comprehensive Research Institute. He had been away for only two months, and there was no change at all. Deadpool reported to him the situation on the island, that is, there was no situation.

The X-Men Headquarters is developing well. They are now using propaganda methods to face the public again with a good image, and Charles lost his legs, which hurt him a lot this time, but he is more calm and composed , Losing his legs did not knock him down, but made him stronger.

Wesley didn't go to see them because there was no need, they could rely on themselves now, Wesley saw that everything was normal enough, he left again and went straight back to the desert, the aircraft was in good condition, now changed direction , Wesley is ready to cross again.

"Apple pays attention to the records, the aircraft starts and starts to accelerate." With the first experiment, Wesley has some confidence, and now the most important thing is to find a direction, a direction that is infinitely close to the Marvel universe, and then continue to move towards The house moves closer.

The aircraft took off again, and then accelerated, "Time is up, activate the space gem." Apple reminded.

Wesley controlled the space gem and opened a space barrier again. The aircraft passed quickly, but the opposite side was pitch-black, and there were dots in the distance. Wesley observed it, "Is this the universe?"

"Yes, this is the universe, and the positions and images of the stars are being recorded. The coordinate positioning in the universe is very difficult, and there are not many things we can rely on." Apple said.

"Record everything that can be recorded, and then we will replace the 'Destroyer' fighter plane, which is more suitable for space flight." Wesley said with some headaches, this time it actually appeared in the universe, which was the most troublesome thing for him , The coordinates are not well marked, so I won’t talk about it. Where to go next is still an unknown question.

Apple quickly recorded everything that could be recorded, and then Wesley put on the 'Black Jazz' and put away the aircraft. Just as he was about to take out the 'Destroyer' fighter jet, a bright spot suddenly appeared in the distance.

Wesley stopped the movements in his hands, and then looked over. It looked like a spaceship, approaching his direction. Wesley stopped his movements in a hurry, and then waited quietly.

The pitch-black shell of the 'Black Jazz' has become the best cover in the universe, and it is difficult to find it without careful observation. The speed of the spaceship is very fast, and Wesley passed by. At this time, Wesley started The propeller was released, and it was affixed to the bottom of the spaceship silently.

The shape of this spaceship is completely streamlined, even the wide wings on both sides are the same. The shell is one piece, bright silver, and looks very beautiful. Wesley uses the armor to adsorb to the bottom of the spaceship, so that he can It's easier, at least you don't have to decide which direction to fly.

"Apple, record the flight path." Wesley ordered.

In this way, Wesley is staying at the bottom of the spaceship, but he will not be idle and do nothing. It is still necessary to scan the spaceship. After all, Wesley is not good at things like technology. It will be too little.

After Apple scanned it, Wesley had a very weird expression, because he found a remote-controlled bomb at the bottom of the spaceship, which made Wesley very puzzled, was it installed by the spaceship itself? Or was it installed by someone else? But these are not very important now. After all, he is on the spaceship. Although the power of the bomb cannot hurt him, he still needs the spaceship to lead the way.

Slowly moving at the bottom of the spaceship, Wesley came to the side of the bomb and scanned it. The structure of the bomb was very simple, but it was secret enough. Wesley slowly dismantled the bomb and threw it into the In the internal space, so he was relieved.

Wesley didn't wait too long. The spaceship arrived at a planet after only two days. During the two days, Wesley drilled a small hole in the bottom of the spaceship to absorb the oxygen inside, otherwise his battle armor would not Maybe for two days.

After scanning the spaceship, the structure inside was determined. Wesley had nothing to worry about, as there was equipment such as an oxygen generator. Following the spaceship, it would slowly fall towards the ground. After the spaceship entered the atmosphere, Wesley directly chose to leave.

This is a planet with highly developed technology, but it doesn't seem to care much about the monitoring of the universe. Wesley was not found at all, and then Wesley continued to descend and passed through the clouds. The aircraft shuttles between these buildings, like a flying car, are these the means of transportation for this planet? No wonder I couldn't find myself.

Hiding into the clouds again, Wesley found a relatively remote place before landing and put away his armor. However, the clothes on his body were indeed incompatible with this place, and he kept hiding his figure and observing everything around him.

"A robe?" Wesley saw an alien wearing a robe with a hood on the back. This Wesley definitely had one, so he took out one and put the hood on his head , covered his face, so that he swaggered out of the invisible place and started wandering around this strange planet.

There are really a lot of aliens here, with strange shapes, and they are not surprised or afraid when they are with humans. They are completely peaceful, and Wesley will not ask anything, after all, it is easy to cause others Suspicious, but he didn't know, there was something wrong with his attire, and he didn't know anything about the culture of this strange place.

Robes are a symbol of dignity here, and are usually worn by the leaders of a planet, the members of the republic, and their robes are more gorgeous. And this kind of robe with a hood is worn by another respectable profession. Wesley didn't know this. He thought the robe was just ordinary clothing.

While he was wandering around, a human being was losing his temper in a tall building, "Why didn't the bomb explode? Didn't you bribe the mechanic? This made our plan passive, and she must be made to feel the threat of death." .”

"My lord, don't be angry. We will make her feel the threat of death soon, but the other party's security force is a little weak. What if we accidentally kill her? The plan still needs her to be alive."

"Well, I'll try to find a way to find two better bodyguards for her, but now I need that adult to think about the excuse." The room returned to silence.

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