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Chapter 479 Acceptance (1400 Monthly Pass Plus Update)

The strength shown by Wesley is too powerful. The original force is the energy of a Jedi knight. The four masters no longer stand in one direction alone. Angle to attack.

It would be very difficult for ordinary Jedi knights to resist, but Wesley felt that their speed was too slow. No matter how he moved, Wesley would always attack Depa Bilaba. He didn't mean to kill him. , but forced the other party to be in a hurry.

Master Yoda now understands that the opponent's strength is too strong, so strong that he still hasn't tried his best, he directly pulled out his laser sword, "Add me now, I hope Mr. Wesley Gibson can take it seriously .” After speaking, he jumped directly into the battle circle.

Wesley was not careless. Master Yoda is a guy who has lived for hundreds of years. His combat experience is very rich. Wesley didn't want to capsize in the small river. He immediately became serious, and then his speed increased a little. Son.

Master Yoda's stature is short, but this gives him more flexible characteristics, flipping around Wesley, and Wesley's two laser swords dance imperviously, and all viewers have a feeling of suffocation, The fierce fighting in the battle circle was too exciting, and at the same time they became curious about Wesley.

It is estimated that after half an hour, Ella Secura couldn't hold on anymore. She was just a Jedi knight, not a master. She didn't have a lot of force, and her body began to weaken immediately, and Wesley didn't make her too ugly. , just knocked away the laser sword in her hand.

Master Yoda knew that the four of them would fail if they continued, so he jumped out of the battle circle, "Stop, we have seen how powerful you are."

Hearing this, Wesley swung the remaining three laser swords at once, and then took a few steps back, "The Jedi Knights are really good, I think you still have a lot of abilities that you haven't used, so I can learn the power now." Are you in control of your skills?"

"Okay, please come with me." Master Yoda decided to teach Wesley, because just now he could have directly kicked Ella Secura into the air or injured him, but Wesley didn't do that, but Knocking off the opponent's weapon is over. Master Yoda believes that Wesley is not an evil person.

Although it is still very dangerous to teach Wesley, but the opponent really doesn't really need the power of the Jedi Knight, the opponent is already very powerful, this kind of person should not be able to fabricate a lie.

Master Yoda directly took Wesley to the top floor, which is the place of the elders' house. Wesley had been here during the day, but Master Yoda did not sit down after entering. Instead, he came to the window and watched the night outside. .

Wesley came over and stood beside him, also looking outside, the fire was brightly lit, the power of technology was fully utilized, and the planet still looked very beautiful at night.

"The Jedi Knights have guarded the Union Republic for thousands of years, and now the crisis has reappeared, and your appearance at this time has to make me feel worried." Master Yoda's words stunned Wesley, and then he thought about it. .

Wesley said: "You don't have to worry at all. To you, I am just a passer-by, but the necessary help can also be provided. When you need my help, you don't need to be polite, just treat it as my reward for you. "

"That's not what I meant. The Jedi Knights still have the strength to protect the Republic." Master Yoda said firmly.

"In my opinion, your history is old enough, but there are still disadvantages in this way. Your thinking and way of thinking have been fixed, and you often can't see the development of things clearly. I think you can tell me the problem. I can help analyze it, after all I am an outsider, maybe I can see it more clearly."

Master Yoda was taken aback, then looked at Wesley, "This is really a good idea, why haven't we thought about it?"

"It's not that I haven't thought about it, but like I said, you are too old, your thoughts and thinking are completely fixed, and your enemies must know you very well, and they will make plans based on this. And the competition just now Let your heart be shaken, the Jedi Knight is no longer an invincible existence, so you brought me here, didn't you?"

Silence, Master Yoda was silent for a long time before he said: "Yes, you are not only powerful, but also possess enough wisdom. Starting tomorrow, I will teach you how to use your power. Whether it is helpful to your power It depends on yourself. At the same time, I hope you can help us tide over the difficulties."

"No problem, I'm happy to help." Wesley turned and left after speaking. The other party had already begun to accept him. Compared with Sith Knights, Jedi Knights were more receptive to others. Wesley only thought of this because of this. To show great strength.

There was nothing to say all night, but many Jedi knights who watched the night's competition felt a little insomnia. They felt their own insufficiency and wanted to practice again, but the tedious work made them have to let go of this idea temporarily.

After breakfast the next day, Wesley was brought in front of Master Yoda, "First of all, you need to understand what is the Force, but for the Jedi Knights, there are many different interpretations of the Force, we first determine the light And darkness, these two kinds of force are the most common, there was a Sith warrior in the past, they admired the force of darkness, they were very destructive, but they were finally defeated by the Jedi knights and disappeared.”

"In addition, some of our masters believe that there is another kind of force of life, which comes from the living body itself, and the most basic explanation of the force is the power of galaxies in the universe. To put it simply, we can feel the force of the force, but if we really want to give A specific definition would be very difficult."

Wesley thought silently. After listening to this explanation, the Force is more like free energy in the universe, and some life forms can absorb this energy, so they are qualified to become Jedi knights.

The original force is also a kind of energy, so he does not lack energy, "Understood, please continue."

"Very well, our development of the Force pays more attention to our own thinking, liberates our minds, and communicates with the Force, and then the first step is to use the Force to strengthen ourselves, just like when we fought last night, the Jedi The samurai are very flexible, and their physical strength, speed, and jumping ability have all been enhanced."

Wesley nodded. He was also strengthened with energy, but yesterday he was under siege and did not show his flexibility. He can also achieve the level of a Jedi Knight, and he can do it better.

"The second is your own thoughts, strengthen your own thoughts, concentrate your mental power, and use it to move objects. This is also one of the abilities of the Jedi Knights. It was not shown yesterday, and you don't seem to know how to do it."

"It's really not. I haven't thought about it." Wesley really didn't think about it. He didn't think much about things like mental power. He was more concerned about the strengthening of his body, technology, and magic, and he didn't pay attention to himself. The key is that there is a biological computer in his mind.

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