New Staff of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Chapter 480 Analysis from the perspective of interests (1600 monthly ticket plus more)

Master Yoda talked about the remaining centralized applications, such as controlling other people's minds, which Wesley can do, but that is Apple's method. There are also Force Defense Enhancement, Force Lightning, Future Foretelling, Increased Lifespan and Comprehension.

For Wesley, the most important thing is to control things. Others are not very necessary. Some of them can be achieved, while others are not needed at all. It is like predicting the future. It may not be a good thing to know. Son, dunno maybe avoidable. In Wesley's view, everything depends on his own strength, and predicting the future is too incredible, and it is very likely to mess things up.

The first thing Wesley did was to develop his own mental power. He had always relied on the Apple, and now he had to keep the Apple quiet, and then entered the way of Jedi Knight training, focusing his attention, and then mobilized Your own energy, this is the first step.

Wesley has always stored energy in his body, and then mobilized it with Apple, so his ability to control his own energy is very weak, so it gave him a chance, now he can strengthen his own energy control, to achieve whatever he wants the point.

The crazy Titan Thanos said that Wesley can't really master the power of the infinite gems, maybe it's caused by this shortcoming, so it's still too late.

He was cultivating day and night, but the planet was not peaceful. Senator Padmé Amidala was assassinated again, this time almost killing her, and the two Jedi knights pursued all the way, and finally Found a little clue.

Wesley was invited to the elders' house again, and he was given a seat, "Sorry for disturbing your cultivation." Master Yoda said.

"Is something wrong? It seems that you need my opinion. There is no problem at all. You can just say it."

Master Yoda nodded, and then said: "Padmé Amirada has been assassinated again. We want her to return to her own planet. It may be safer there. What do you think?" Master Yoda Wesley had already been told about the current situation, so this time he was directly talking about the problem.

Wesley thought for a while, and then said: "I don't think so. Now we have different views on things. First of all, we have to see whose way Padmé Amidala is blocking?"

"Whose way is in the way?" Master Yoda repeated in doubt.

"Yes, the assassination must be intentional, so what did the congressmen do? We need to analyze it from the perspective of interests. After all, everything needs interests, and interests are nothing more than rights, money, and maybe women."

"Please continue!"

All the elders listened carefully. They thought it made sense, but the Jedi Knights were not good at analyzing problems through their interests. This was their shortcoming.

"Okay, first of all, the question of the recent vote. The Union Republic wants to form an army, and the MPs are staunch opponents. So who did she block in this matter?"

"Wesley, you don't mean Mr. Speaker?" Master Yoda asked suddenly.

"It may not be impossible. Don't use your eyes to distinguish right from wrong, because what you see may not be true, and it is often more practical to analyze from the perspective of interests. The speaker wants to form an army, and the army will be under his control. Now, the question is, why does he want to build an army so urgently, there is no serious threat to the Republic at present, and the existing military strength is quite a lot."

"Well, there are still some problems with this point, but it will be very dangerous for the councilor to stay." Mace Windu said.

"This is another question. Does the other party really want to kill the congressman?" Wesley's question stunned them, and then they stared at Wesley blankly.

"If a senator is killed, the planet needs to be dispatched again. At the same time, it will be a major blow to the prestige of the speaker, and the vote will be suppressed, waiting for the arrival of a new senator, so the senator has nothing to do until now, and she is still alive. All right, but needs to leave, and her surrogate will be left to vote in her place."

"It makes sense to say that." Master Yoda frowned and said in a low voice, but he was very unwilling to believe this fact.

"And it didn't happen recently. I think the war on Naboo ten years ago is a big problem. Your current speaker has snatched his current position at that time."

"Do you mean that the other party started planning ten years ago?" Master Yoda asked again.

"That's right, you've told me everything, especially what happened to Planet Naboo ten years ago. The Trade Federation didn't have the guts to do this, but they did it anyway. Obviously someone gave them more courage, otherwise how could they attack but A Jedi knight who is the speaker's ambassador? And when the parliament is convening, there are people who keep preventing it from making a decision, which is very abnormal."

"But is it possible? After all, it's ten years."

"Why is it impossible? The current speaker wants the army very much, so he must create an enemy for the Union Republic, and the member said that it was Earl Duke who wanted to kill her. There seems to be a lot of things in it."

"So according to what you mean, the congressmen shouldn't leave?" Mace Windu asked.

"Yes, it should not be left, but the army still needs to be established. Not having armed forces is indeed a big problem, but the army cannot be in the hands of politicians. They will do wrong things for profit."

Master Yoda had some premonitions and asked directly: "Do you want to put the army in the hands of the Jedi Knights?"

"Yes, I don't think I need to say anything about the prestige of the Jedi Knights, and your creed is to uphold justice, otherwise you can't become a Jedi Knight. I think it is the best choice for the Jedi Knights to control the army for such a demanding requirement."

Master Depa Birabha said from the side: "Is it too early to say these things? The issue of the army has not yet been decided, and it takes a long time to form an army."

Wesley smiled, "Not necessarily, if my thinking is correct, then I'm sure that this army is being formed in a distant place, and it is probably ready to go into battle. I don't know if you believe it or not?"

"Do you have any information?" Master Yoda suddenly opened his eyes and asked.

Wesley shook his head, "There is no information, this is my guess, provided that my guess is correct, isn't Master Kenobi looking for it? I think there will be news soon, the other party left a clue , as long as the clues continue, there will always be something to be found. And if we really found an army, then I would like to ask everyone, will you still trust this Mr. Speaker?"

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