New Staff of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Chapter 567 Missing

In the Marvel Universe, after the battle of Manhattan in New York, known as the 'Doomsday', everyone looked up at the sky, Wesley banished the crazy Titan Thanos to a distant universe, and the space channel finally exploded. of people had absolutely no idea what was going on.

"Why hasn't he come down yet?" Tony Stark muttered to himself in his damaged Iron Man armor, while Daisy, the shock girl in the distance, had tears in her eyes. She knew that this was Wesley's choice. And now there is no other way.

The superheroes of the Avengers felt their powerlessness, even Wesley, who always seemed to be omnipotent, could not. Stephen Strange finally knew what sacrifice and dedication was. He wanted to comfort the people here. People, they are so sad, or maybe he can use the time gem to change that? No, the cost band of using the Time Stone on Earth is too great, this is the warning of the Old One.

After being silent for a long time, he opened the door of space, and then left, he knew that he was not strong, and he needed Gu Yi's guidance.

The ‘War of Doom’ was over, and Carlos, Hannah, and Minty finally got the news, but the news was very bad. They didn’t know whether Wesley was dead or alive. Mindy was messing around and shouting, but to no avail.

"Annabelle, brother will come back, right?" Mindy hugged Annabelle and cried while hiding in her room. Maybe she should enter that battle, maybe be stronger, but she understands that Wesley No, she can't either. She avoided Carlos with some self-blame, but Carlos blamed herself even more. As a father, he should be stronger and help his son.

People are blaming themselves, but these are useless, life still has to go on, the countries on earth have begun to think, there are too many powerful beings in the universe, and the strength of the earth is far from enough.

At a UN meeting, Tony Stark and Steve Rogers of the Avengers were invited to the scene, "Ladies and gentlemen, this is a disaster, but we have to face this disaster, and now please Tony Stark. Mr. Tucker gave us a briefing, is that crazy titan Thanos still alive?"

"I just want to say, he also said, that's for sure, Wesley has the Space Stone, and the other side has two Infinity Stones, it's very important, he can have two Infinity Stones at the same time, this Wesley Sley couldn't do it either. In the case of being unable to defeat the opponent, Wesley chose to exile the opponent, so the opponent must still be talking. As for Wesley, I don't know how he is now, but I think he should also Alive, he is looking for his way home." Tony Stark's voice was low.

"So what should we do?" someone asked.

Steve Rogers took up the topic, "United, our enemy still exists, even if he does not exist, then the universe is so big, there may not be other enemies, and the earth needs to be fully prepared, and should not be in mutual Hostile, we must all unite, combine the strength of all, so that no matter when, we can fight back."

"What if we handed over the Infinity Stones on Earth?" someone said inappropriately.

Tony Stark looked up and said disdainfully, "Yes, then you can kneel at the feet of your new master to pray for safety. You have all seen the power of the Infinity Stones, and the other party has Infinity Gloves. Once you gather six stones , the Infinity Gauntlet is complete, then he has no opponents in the universe, and the entire universe will become his slave, maybe you can shoot in front."

His words made the person blushing just now, but he didn't dare to say anything, because everyone around him looked at him with disdain.

"Okay, now what we need to discuss is how to deal with the next problem. First of all, Manhattan has destroyed the most prosperous area. Now it needs support from various countries to rebuild. Is there any problem?" The chairman of the joint chairman asked.

"No problem, it should be." The following countries have proposed support.

"In addition, Mr. Tony Stark, is willing to donate the location of the Stark Building to build a statue to Mr. Wesley Gibson to prove his bravery, at the same time inspire all people on earth, and remind everyone , our enemy is still there."

"Yes." The whole book passed again.

Then the countries on earth began to unite, first of all to rebuild Manhattan, and at the same time, various countries also began to unite. Through the technology provided by the Avengers, they were ready to establish a combined earth army to deal with challenges from aliens.

Time passed so slowly, but Wesley's family and friends missed him so much that Daisy would come to Wesley's house every week to have dinner with Carlos and the others, and the Hydra was destroyed , and S.H.I.E.L.D.'s work is easier first, and Daisy has become the main force of the team, but after she uses her ability, her arms have been fractured, but she has not told others, she will continue protect the Earth.

Mindy and Daisy get along well, perhaps because of their shared thoughts, Tony Stark works frantically every day, which makes Little Pepper very worried, "Tony, you should take a break."

"No, Wesley sacrificed himself to buy us time. Now there is not enough time, we need to work hard, otherwise what will we do next time? Sacrificing one?" Tony Stark did not look up, still buried in his design .

Not only him, the entire Avengers is like a high-speed machine, completely overloaded, even if ordinary fighters are applying for fighter pilot training, and the moon base will have a large number of fighters flying in space every day. training, and practical training.

Wesley has helped a lot of people. They now express their thoughts in other ways. They work hard to train, study, and exercise to keep themselves busy until Wesley's statue is built. The speed is very fast, the tall statue, Holding a pair of spinning axes in both hands, he looked up at the sky, as if something was attracting him there.

The company under Wesley's name is the most rewarding. Now everyone uses TT. At the same time, the game League of Legends has become the overlord of global e-sports. Ordinary people are crazy about this game, and the prototype of the Avengers is large. The usage rate of the designed heroes is the highest. Even with data balance software, the heroes are very balanced, but they are still not enthusiastic about people's use, especially the purchase of skins is crazy.

Maybe this is missing too?

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