New Staff of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Chapter 568 Annabelle Misses Too Much

Everyone's performance is different, and the preparations for the war are going all out on Earth, no matter how long it takes for the opponent to come back, but preparation is necessary, and there may be really not much time. People are busy, and even Carlos and Mindy have begun to strengthen their training. The fitness-like training method in the past has changed, and it is completely the training mode of happiness, which makes Annabelle very painful.

Although Annabelle can eat grilled fish every day now, this is what Mindy asked Hannah to prepare, "Annabelle also needs to train. Let's fight together for the first time, right? Annabelle."

"Meow." After being strengthened by Wesley once, Annabelle can understand human language. Of course, it has no resistance to grilled fish. This is all Wesley's pot. Who let him eat so well for himself What to eat?

But the nightmare started. Annabelle had to get up with Mindy every day and then be thrown onto the treadmill. She needed to run non-stop for at least half an hour. Endurance is not Ben Meow's strength.

After Annabelle finished running every morning, she was tired and didn't want to move. Mindy only pulled her front paws, dragged her to the dining room, and put a small basin of water in front of her, and Annabelle would only move at this time. She got up, stretched her tongue out and drank water desperately, then lay down again and rested for about ten minutes before she could enjoy her breakfast, cat food and grilled fish.

Annabelle will think of Wesley at this time, "Wesley, I miss you so much."

The next step is the training of reaching out. Mindy used to be a super-killer. She is decisive, agile, and has unparalleled skills. As her partner, Annabelle also needs to be dexterous, but this is a cat's specialty.

The cat's movements are light, agile and silent, the speed of the dash is very fast, the jumping and balance are very good, but it is still difficult to last, Annabelle and Mindy are training frantically, the room after improvement is very good. Appropriate practice agility and cooperation between them.

But for one morning, Annabelle couldn't take it, "I'm not good at me! Wesley, I miss you so much."

Annabelle was surprised by such a hard life. She persisted for a year, but when will she be the boss? I want to sleep until I wake up naturally and add a layer of fat to myself. Now I'm too thin, I'm all muscle, and I'm not fleshy at all.

Annabelle persisted while thinking of Wesley, but recently she felt that someone was staring at her home. The villa Wesley originally designed was close to the sea, so the battle was not affected, and it was completely preserved.

Annabelle knew that she should protect this place. She ran out early this morning and started patrolling along the walls of the villa, escaping the morning training by the way, but there were people staring at the villa, and her keen sense told herself so.

The most suspicious thing is that there is a pickup standing on the side of the road opposite the gate of the villa. The car has been parked for a long time. Annabelle crawled forward, and then got under the car, ready to investigate, but the other party had already discovered her. A big hand grabbed her from under the car.

"Meow?" Annabelle was shocked. How could Ben Meow be found out?

"Annabelle, how did you get here, and why did you get under the car?" Wesley looked at the cat in his hand. Although he had been away for a long time, Annabel had been transformed by him and could be recognized at once.

"Meow." Annabelle saw Wesley, and her eyes were full of tears. You finally came back. The day of Ben Meow's freedom has come. Thinking of this, Annabelle's front paws hugged Wesley's neck, and her small tongue continued to forehead. Licking Wesley's cheek.

"Oh, you still remember me, what a good girl, but why are you so thin." Wesley touched the cat suspiciously, not feeling as fleshy as before.

"Meow..." It's all tears, it's not easy for me, can I not lose weight? , I don't practice cats like this.

"Good girl, go home quickly, I can't go back now, I've been away for too long, I want to see everyone I know, and if I can get back their memories and feelings, I'll officially go home , don't worry, it won't take long." Although it has only been a year here, Wesley has experienced hundreds of years, and one of them has spent his life.

"Meow?" Annabelle didn't want to live the old days anymore, Wesley put her on the ground, but she was holding Wesley's leg tightly with her front paws, meowing "Kill to death" Ben won't let go."

"Be good, be obedient, I'll be back in a few days." Wesley squatted down and took Annabelle's little paw away.

In the end, Annabelle had to be obedient and entered the villa with three turns, while Wesley drove away. Annabelle was caught by Mindy. Although she continued to complete her training, she wanted to cry without tears, "Ben Meow misses Wesley very much."

Wesley wanted to walk into the villa with Annabel in his arms, but now he felt a little unfamiliar with it, and he needed to get acquainted with it, so he observed every relative, friend, and lover.

No one else could find him because of his ability. Only Annabelle, a cat that relies on animal instinct, found him. Wesley looked at his father Carlos and Hannah. The two of them still went to the flower shop every day, but now Carlos every day In the evenings he would go out to sea on a yacht, where he practiced guns, although he knew it was of no use.

And Mindy insisted on training for a long time every day, Tony Stark and Bruce Banner continued to conduct research, and the entire Avengers was running at full capacity.

"Apple, connect to Elizabeth of the Helicarrier." Elizabeth was used on the Helicarrier of S.H.I.E.L.D., and now Wesley is naturally familiar. He is mainly looking for Daisy's situation. After all, Daisy has been performing tasks outside. .

Wesley saw Daisy's action record, and knew that there was a problem with her arms. The energy of the shock girl was a double-edged sword, hurting others and hurting herself. Wesley couldn't sit still for a long time. Emotions exploded.

"I'm going to meet them, I'm going to talk to them..." Wesley couldn't sit still, he was still using a pickup truck turned into a deformed body.

"You might as well talk to them, which makes it feel good to be able to find out in advance." Apple reminds.

"Yes, yes, I should talk to them first, how can I talk to them at the same time?" Wesley was a little confused.

"They're all using ... Macs right now."

"Yeah, I forgot, I acquired Pym Technology and quit the Mac. Elizabeth immediately contacted everyone, and we talked to them at the same time." Wesley shouted excitedly.

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