New Staff of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Chapter 6 Textile Mills

The hand feel is really good, smooth and elastic, Wesley is not fascinated by the beauty, the hand holding the steering wheel is very stable, of course, the hand holding the thigh of the beauty is equally stable, turning the steering wheel from time to time to overtake, because the accelerator The beautiful woman has already used the small fire extinguisher on the car to withstand it, and the speeding sports car will not stop unless it hits something.

This time Wesley didn't shout to the police, and the beauty didn't rely on hitting the police car to greet the police, but their gunfights and speeding performances have alerted the police, and the 'scream' of the siren can be heard from a long distance nearby .

The beauty holds two guns and fires at the back handsomely, but the latter is a top assassin who has the same ability as herself. It is too difficult to hit him, and Wesley is dedicated to two purposes, and his heart is also Beating fast.

"Well, it's black, it seems to have lace trim." Wesley paid attention to the scenery under his skirt. If it weren't for the high-speed sports car, he would be more focused, but not right now, because he still needs to be in from time to time. Looking up at the road, it made him very uncomfortable, but the beautiful leg in his hand gave him a little comfort.

"Give me the gun under the seat." The beauty shouted suddenly, Wesley moved quickly, and found a double-barreled shotgun directly from the short barrel, and then handed it out. "You have to be careful" I told her again, as if she was afraid that she would fall out. She hugged her beautiful legs even tighter, but the heels of the high-heeled shoes pressed against her chest, which was really uncomfortable, but she was reluctant to let go.

The sound of the "Bang" shotgun was louder, and the pet transporter behind finally slowed down. It should have hit the engine. The beauty climbed back and took control of the steering wheel again. Wesley looked at the rearview mirror, and two bullets slashed He flew over in an arc, and he could see it clearly. The rapid beating of his heart made his eyesight, hearing, and sense of smell extremely sharp. .

The tire on the right side of "Pfft" was blown out. This is the strength of a top assassin. Without wanting to kill himself, he can hit this level. Wesley is very excited. He will be one of them.

The right tire of the sports car burst, but this did not affect driving, because the car was stolen, and the beauty naturally wouldn't stop for someone else's car. She re-entered the car, removed the fire extinguisher on the accelerator, and held the steering wheel. .

"How does it feel?" the beauty asked.

"What? Does it feel? Oh, it's amazing. I don't want to control the steering wheel of a sports car. It's a pity I can't afford it." Wesley directly led the topic to the car.

"Haha." The beauty smiled and didn't worry about anything. The police vehicles began to concentrate here. Wesley was waiting for the plot of the sports car to leap, but it didn't appear this time. Some things changed because of his change. First of all, it was the problem of the route. , he didn't run around, so he got into the car from the back door of the convenience store, then the whole route was different.

The handsome leap has not been achieved, but it is safer now. After changing to another car halfway, he arrived at the No. 17 Textile Factory without any danger, and he was not carried in unconsciously.

After "getting off" and entering the gate, the beauty said coolly, and then walked straight in. Wesley followed closely. He is very cautious now, and the expression of fear does not need acting skills, because he is really afraid , This is the wolf's den, so it's no wonder if you're not afraid.

The route Apple took was in charge of recording, and Wesley was just looking here and there. He was taken to an office area, and there were flies everywhere, and Wesley had to slander, "They're not going to kill them. Wings of flies, and deliberately made this place so dirty?"

"Sit down" beautiful women's words are always so few, Wesley sat at a desk, looked left and right, a fat man should be nicknamed 'The Butcher' for a knife master, a black man is a gun master nickname 'Gunsmith', there is also a thin white man nicknamed 'The Repairman', plus the beautiful 'Fox' who brought him, the main characters are basically the same, and Sloan is missing.

"You're a lot calmer than I thought." Wesley looked up, an old black man, this is Sloan, he really looks like Morgan Freeman. Wesley looked at him and said, "I've been through the excitement last night, so I can keep my cool now, and I need to remind you that I'm an accountant, and a poor accountant, maybe you can call My boss, Janice, I think she's more useful than I am." Wesley said incoherently in a calm, more panicked tone.

He understands it this way, the incoherent effect in panic is not good, he is very scared now, but he pretended to be calm, and then said the lines in the movie, the effect was really good, Sloan came over with a smile and handed it to him A gun, "Take it and shoot down the wings of the fly." He pointed to the trash can beside him.

"You're kidding me, aren't you?" Wesley said, still pretending to be calm.

"Crack" came the sound of the gun being loaded behind him, and a metal object held his head, "Either you shoot or I shoot, I will only count three."

Wesley hurriedly took the gun, and then his heart began to beat rapidly, this was not under his control, but the moment he held the gun, he was really nervous, everything started to slow down, He slowly saw the flying trajectories of the flies and their almost transparent wings. "Bang" he clearly saw the bullet fired from his gun, and shot down the fly's wing accurately, and shot again. Hit, he fired only two shots.

"Huchihuchi" gasping for breath, he pretended to walk aside, put the gun on his lap, and then took out a bottle of medicine. The reason why he only fired two shots was that he was saving bullets. He didn’t know this kind of pistol at all, and he was not familiar with how many bullets were in it. Now that he needed to perform, he didn’t have time to communicate with Apple, so he took out the medicine bottle he had been equipped with.

Although he no longer takes this kind of neurosuppressive drugs, he always has a bottle that is more effective on his body. He opened the bottle with trembling hands, and at this time Sloan had already picked up the fly he hit and walked over, pressing the button. He held his hand, then took the medicine bottle while talking, and put the fly on his hand, "Before today, many things were impossible for you, and you weren't anxious just now. During an attack, your heart beats more than 400 beats per minute, producing a lot of adrenaline, which allows you to see and react faster than the average person."

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