New Staff of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Chapter 7 The Distant Observer

At a high altitude ten kilometers away from the textile factory, an unmanned reconnaissance aircraft is flying around the textile factory. In a residential house thirty kilometers away from the textile factory, three people are sitting in front of a pile of advanced equipment. One of them was manipulating a joystick, and he was the one driving the drone, while the other two stared at monitors with satellite imagery and a recording device that sounded Sloan's.

Behind the three stood a man and a woman, the woman said: "Carlos Gibson, codenamed 'Cross', discovered that Sloan had concealed the truth, and now he is officially mutiny. He is currently hunting the members of the Brotherhood of Assassins outside. The way he acts It's the inside and the outside. And Sloan found his son, the only man he couldn't kill, who also had the ability to have a heart that beats more than 400 per minute."

"Very good, so we have another alternative target." The man said.

"Sir, aren't we clearing the Assassin Brotherhood?" the woman asked.

"No, this is not our job, this is the job of the FBI and the CIA, we are responsible for global security, although S.H.I.E.L.D. was established in the United States, but now it is managed by the World Security Council, be clear about our work , this time is just to select talents to absorb in, the father and son of Carlos and Wesley are our goals, just pay attention to them." When the man spoke, he was very gentle, as if he was very approachable.

The mills didn't know they were being watched, and Sloan was still saying: "There are only a few people in the world who can do this kind of thing like you, your father can do it, you can do it too, as long as With a little training you can control it."

Wesley knew that it was almost there. He needed to leave here first. It would not benefit him at all to join now. The point was that the money had not been withdrawn yet.

"Stay away from me." Wesley stood up suddenly and pointed the gun at Sloan, but Sloan was not in the slightest fear. They had been watching Wesley for a long time, a coward who was cuckolded and dared not speak. "I have a gun, sir, do you understand?" Wesley continued to pretend to be calm. In fact, even though he knew in his heart that the other party would not kill him, he was still nervous, there was no need to pretend.

"My name is Sloan, this is a fox, and everyone else around is a master of murder." Wesley's gun instantly pointed at the fox, while Sloan blocked the muzzle sideways, "They are all top The killer, so you'd better keep the gun pointed at me, or the consequences will be hard to say."

Wesley seemed startled and pointed his gun at Sloan again, "That's right."

"Are you a lunatic?" Wes asked, looking at the other party with unbelievable eyes, he seemed to be in the play, and unknowingly entered the role of Wesley, but now he is the real Wesley, playing himself Relatively easier.

"No, the real madness is when you have the blood of a killer, but you do nothing; the real madness is when you hide a tiger in your heart, and you have the key to release it, but you are willing to live a miserable life." Sloan walked step by step. Approaching Wesley, speaking demagogic words.

"This gun in your hand belongs to your father, Beretta 92 series (the prototype of Imanishi17 in the movie), you can use it to play a symphony. You can also use it to kill the murderer of your father, the one who thought last night The person who wants to kill you is the murderer."

"Your father is one of us, we are the Brotherhood of Assassins, the weapons of fate, we have transferred all of your father's fortune to you, trust me, it is a considerable fortune, this is what you are waiting for Long-standing fate, join us."

Intimidation and enticement, it's a very cliché thing, but it works for most people, if Wesley is not from another parallel universe, then he is sure that he will join in as soon as he sees a sum of money. Here, and I believe in their words, but the play still needs to continue.

Wesley held the gun against Sloan, his expression struggled, and then said: "Back off, please back off." The harsh language was indeed so civilized, "You don't know me at all." After finishing speaking, he walked to the stairs, where the fox was standing. Wesley came to her and continued to point the gun at her, "Can you go away? Could you please go away?" The serious expression was full of comedy. , the fox smiled and moved out of the way, and Wesley went downstairs with the gun in one hand and the fly he had just shot in the other.

When he came outside, he threw the fly away, pulled the gun and stuck it in his lower back. Then he got into the car that the fox stole back. After starting it, he drove out of the textile factory. Someone here actually opened the door for him. It seems that the other party didn't think about it. To persuade him to join at one time is really an old hand at manipulating people's hearts.

It was almost dawn, Wesley drove the car to the vicinity of the house, did not drive directly, but parked the car far away, then walked back to the house, opened the door, went in and quietly lay down, and then fell into a deep sleep. Go, he's really tired.

"Dang bang bang bang" came again, Wesley woke up suddenly, glanced at Casey beside her, she should be used to this sound, and there was no sign of waking up, got up and went to the bathroom, He closed the door and took out his pistol, "Apple, how do you use it?" Wesley asked Apple directly.

"Beretta 92 series pistols use 9mm bullets with a capacity of 13 rounds." Apple briefly introduced it, and then taught Wesley to take off the magazine, then install it, turn off the safety, and Wesley then directly put it Put it in the toilet tank.

"Huh, I'm going to check the deposit next. I don't know how much there is." He quickly washed his face and brushed his teeth, sorted himself out, and then went straight out of the house with his briefcase. ATM, insert the bank card, enter the password and click query.

A series of numbers appeared. It was the first time that Wesley saw so many numbers, more than 3.6 million and it was US dollars. He took a deep breath to calm his mind, and then withdrew a few thousand dollars and put it into his wallet. But now he feels that his wallet is too worn out, and it doesn't match with so much money, but in the end he put it in, took out his bank card and left here.

"Apple, I can eat a lot of my breakfast today to provide you with enough calories. By the way, my heartbeat was so fast yesterday. Have you compiled a lot of information?"

"One millionth of the total amount of data has been sorted, and the progress is very fast." Apple hit Wesley again, and it turned out to be only one millionth. When will this be completed? How can Apple upgrade without completing it?

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