New Story of Lv Bu

: : As expected of my son, Liu Biao

Looking at Zhang Ji, who looked up to the sky and smiled at the top of the city, the yellow shot under the city wall couldn't help but become angry. Just before the ants attached to the city in the hard battle, his pawns suffered greatly, and the dead were four to five out of ten. Now the rain of arrows under Zhang Xiu's Bingzhou Jingqi has made him worse. If it is a checkpoint battle damage, it will be six to seven out of ten. How can he explain such a heavy loss to his father? How to deal with the elders and relatives of the Huang family? Not only that, but Wancheng, which could be captured in front of him, was also missed.

I bother! Wenpin, Wang Wei, Fu Xun, and Huo Jun, it was the four of you who were wolves and were unable to patrol, that led me to a big defeat in this battle! When I meet the lord, I must accuse you of your crimes and let the lord cut off the heads of the four of you! Alas! This is the case with selfish people, who only think about the disadvantages of others, but never think about the benefits of others! Yellow shot, that's the case.

As for the selfishness of his father Huang Zu, it was naturally ignored by Huang She selectively. But anger returned to anger, and the battle was always going to be fought. Seeing that Bingzhou Jingqi roared away, Huang She had to lift up from under the heavy shields, shouting loudly to clean up the mess. After a little check, the casualties were much greater than he expected. Except for the 800 cavalry who served as rangers, there were only more than a thousand people left with five thousand foot soldiers. Among the thousands of people, one and a half children were injured. In desperation, Huang She had to send people to ask Huang Zu for help, asking for more troops.

Not to mention how humiliated Huang She was, and jumped with anger. Looking back at the entire battlefield, Zhang Xiu's thousands of fine riders whizzed along the southern city of Wancheng, and after giving Huang a fierce shot, they immediately turned to the northwest along the eastern city, toward the dense forest. . Huang Zu immediately stood on top of Gaogang, so angry that he was so angry that he yelled at him. "His grandmother is a bear! I am angry too! The order, Wenpin, Wang Wei, Fu Xun, and Huo Jun chase Zhang Xiu, must wipe out all of them! Send out all my soldiers and reinforce the Yellow Shot!"

The soldiers on the left and right carried out Huang Zu's orders to the fullest, and sent a signal through the golden drum flag. In an instant, Wenpin, Wang Wei, Fu Xun, and Huo Jun rectified their troops and turned to the northwest to pursue Zhang Xiu. The only four men were unable to patrol, so that they missed the opportunity, causing Huang Shot to suffer heavy losses. If Zhang Xiu escapes again this time, he will be punished for both crimes, and he will definitely lose the head of the four men! Thousands of pawns under Huang Zu's command, after hearing the order, immediately strode forward and went straight to support Huang Shot under Wancheng.

At this time, Liu Qi had already joined the 10,000 cavalry under his command. He was riding a superbly handsome white horse and a uniform saber under his hips. From a distance, he looked like a majestic and graceful young master of the world! "Playing the semaphore, our army requested to pursue Zhang Xiu. The four Wenpin men are all infantrymen, and they are determined not to catch up with Bingzhou Jingqi." Liu Qi put up the pergola in his hand and said, looking towards the northwest for a long while.

After a while, Huang Zu's military order came. "Supervisor Huang ordered our army to stay in place and wait for orders." The army officer in charge of communications paused, and after reconfirming, he continued to speak. "Bingzhou army is as cunning as a fox. When fighting, there are often unexpected actions. If Lu Fengxian's reinforcements arrive, your ten thousand cavalry will go up to plug the holes. Don't say it is unexpected!"

Upon hearing this, Liu Qi immediately shivered. Don't think Huang Zu is a big boss, but there are some fines in the thick, and his heart is as thin as an embroidery needle. Huang Zu’s command is actually very meaningful. This cavalry is not easy to come by. Either you will stay there for me honestly, or, when Lu Feng comes first, go and stand it hard for me, don’t fucking. That's nonsense to Lao Tzu! You don't have the same hair as a baby, you are not qualified to give Lao Tzu five or six drinks! It's so stunned.

In a blink of an eye, just half an hour later, outside the south gate of Wancheng, Huang She had already rectified his formation and was slowly moving forward. The Jingzhou pawns lined up in an array, with sword and shield soldiers and pikemen on the periphery, in the middle were the ladder and jump soldiers, and the crossbowmen were in between. Obviously, this time the attack will be more violent, and it will smash Wancheng in a big way. This time, Huang shot was extremely well prepared. Thousands of infantry lined up, and more than a thousand cavalry served as rangers, scattered in all directions, surrounded Wancheng from a distance, and prepared to rob the remnants of Bingzhou who fled after the fall of Wancheng. . On the high post, there were only three or four hundred cavalry soldiers beside the governor Huang Zu.

At this moment, if you look down from a high altitude, in the northwest of Wancheng, about seven or eight miles away, six or seven thousand cavalry under Zhang Xiu’s line are on the edge of the dense forest, waiting for Wenpin’s fourth general who is slowly approaching. . Following this line, to the southeast is Wancheng. Three or four miles away from the south gate of Wancheng, Huang shot five or six thousand steppers are slowly advancing towards Wancheng. Further southeast, on a high post five or six miles away, were Huang Zu and his three or four hundred guard cavalry. To the southeast, five or six miles away, is Liu Qi's 10,000 cavalry. Farther to the southeast, seven or eight miles away, above the wide muddy water, is the navy of Jingzhou, who is waiting.

From the southeast to the northwest, a diagonal line was formed on the battle line of more than twenty miles. This is probably the meaning of the thief.

"Although it has gone through twists and turns, this time, I must be able to capture Wancheng!" On the five-toothed ship of the Jingzhou navy, Jingzhou Mu Liubiao Liu Jingsheng said flatly. There was an unspeakable smell in his voice, a little sad, a little melancholy, and even a hint of joy. Most people who are masters always don't want the generals under his command to be monolithic. This is just right in front of them.

"Speaking of combat, Huang She still has two brushes. The last time it was careless, this time, it should not be. What I am most afraid of now is that Lu Fengxian’s reinforcements will arrive early. I have carefully studied all his battle examples. It was at the most appropriate time to put it on the enemy's waist and eyes fiercely!" Behind Liu Biao, Jingzhou Zhizhong Kuai said slowly, and he rarely praised the yellow shot. Fang Cai’s brother, Kuailiang, has already been on the platform for the eldest son Liu Qi, and his words to excuse Huang shot one or two, which is also the rightful meaning of the question.

"As long as Wancheng is captured within half an hour, or even an hour, the entire Nanyang County will belong to our Jingzhou Army! Even if Nalu Feng comes first, he will retreat when he sees that the situation is over. Otherwise, our army will carry it. Relying on Jiancheng and relying on the Jingzhou navy, he has no choice but to join the state and sigh!" The leader of the main battle faction, the general and Nanyang prefect Cai Hao finally spoke.

"Hahahahahahaha! What Degui said is absolutely true!" Liu Biao laughed with his palms. One hour should be enough.

However, Liu Jingzhou's dream of winning Wancheng fell through again! At this moment, behind a winding hill in the northeast corner of Wancheng, a cavalry suddenly appeared. Seeing that posture, there were a total of six to seven thousand. Running at the forefront were more than two thousand heavy cavalry with men and horses in heavy armor. The cavalry on horses were all wearing hideous masks and draped in pitch-black mountain armor.

More than two thousand cavalrymen lined up in a huge wedge. In the center of the wedge-shaped formation was a large flag on which was painted a lifelike and colorful tiger head. Next to the tiger head banner, there is a general banner with the word Chen. Under the banner, a young general holding a long spear, the commander leads the army, slowly galloping towards the high post where Huang Zu is immediately. After more than two thousand rides, three or four thousand Bingzhou fine riders in heavy armor.

"Hey! It turned out to be a tiger and leopard rider! That tiger head flag, but the world-famous tiger and leopard rider flag! Could it be that Lu Fengxian's reinforcements have come?" All of a sudden, on the five-tooth ship, everyone immediately I was shocked. Tiger and Leopard Cavalry is one of the elites under Lu Fengxian's command. He has gone through hundreds of battles and has never been defeated. Even if only two thousand people came, it was enough for the Jingzhou army to drink a pot! What is even more frightening is that since there is a support army, there will be a second and a third ?????? How can this be good?

Two thousand tigers and leopards rode in front, three or four thousand combined state spirits rode in the back. With a horrible and destructive force, they brought up the billowing yellow dust and rushed straight to Huang Zu's immediate Gaogang. Looking at the tiger and leopard rider, Huang Zu immediately sweated through his clothes. At this moment, if he pulls the horse and flees, it will surely cause the whole army to fall sharply. If he doesn't run away, how can the three or four hundred cavalry under his command be able to withstand it?

To escape, or not to escape, this is a question. In an instant, Huang Zu's mind immediately turned hundreds of thoughts.

Perhaps it was the thief who had eyes, and after only a few dozen breaths, Huang Zu didn't have to deal with it. Because the eldest son Liu Qi shouted violently, he took the lead and rushed out first! The soldiers on the left and right were shocked immediately, his grandmother was a bear! The eldest son rushed out! Hurry up and keep up, and you can't let the old man make a mistake! As soon as the old man's soldiers shook out and rushed forward, Ten Thousand Qingqi screamed together, raised the ring head knife in his hand, hugged the horse's neck and started the charge! Damn it, go!

After all, Liu Qi is still young and can't stand the slightest anger. Huang Zu's words just like a big rock, pressed tightly on his heart. Don't you Huang Zu look down on me? Didn’t Liu Qi ridicule me for not daring to plug the hole? Now before the two armies, I, Liu Qi, are the first to launch a charge, let you Huang Zu take a look, let my father take a look, is Liu Qi an indomitable man!

The guards on the left and right hurriedly caught up with Liu Qi, gently grasped the reins of his hip horse, and tried their best to let the horse descend slowly. In the blink of an eye, the cavalry behind them galloped past Liu Qi. Huang Zu flew on the high post, and at the same time the drums rang together, and issued a series of orders, urging the four Wenpin to withdraw quickly!

"Worthy of my Liu Biao's son! He is an indomitable man! Even if you die on the battlefield, it is better than forbearance and humiliation!"

On the five-tooth ship of the Jingzhou navy, Liu Biao and Liu Jingsheng let out a sigh of emotion. It is for Liu Qi, but also for himself.

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