New Story of Lv Bu

: :Where is Da Sima?

Liu Qi's coming forward greatly aroused the morale of 10,000 Jingzhou cavalry. Although many of them did not grow on horsebacks since they were young, and the horses under the hips were not very good, but they have strong morale, and have the courage to go forward and give up life! Even the eldest son Liu Qi has rushed ahead. What can I cherish if I have a low life in my generation?

There is a saying, one person desperately, ten people are hard to be enemies, ten thousand people desperately, the whole army will make changes! Ten thousand Jingzhou cavalry roared and launched a charge, and started a hedge against the rushing Jingzhou cavalry. In an instant, the two armies met, and two thousand tiger and leopard horses broke into the Jingzhou cavalry's army with ease, and the Mo knives in their hands flew up and down, relentlessly harvesting the great heads of the Jingzhou cavalry.

These two thousand tigers and leopard riders, even the men and horses, are dressed in thick armors, and even their faces are covered with hideous masks. They are invulnerable and difficult to damage with bows and arrows. On the other hand, Jingzhou cavalry, everyone is nothing more than sleeve armor, copper helmet, plus the ring head sword, they are not made of refined steel. The horses under the hips of the tigers and leopards are all tall and sturdy modified Xiliang horses, and most of the horses ridden by the Jingzhou cavalry are inferior packhorses.

Throughout the ages, in every war, spiritual factors and morale have played a key role. However, that was when the two armies had similar equipment. At this moment, the cavalry on both sides are full of horses, their morale is like a rainbow, and they are all suffocating in their hearts, wanting to give the enemy a good look. In this way, the victory or defeat of the war depends on combat skill training and equipment.

These two thousand tigers and leopard riders are all veterans after a hundred battles. Before leaving, Mrs. Zhao Yi, Yan Yan, was transferred from Luoyang City, the capital of the Han Dynasty, and the mansion of the state generals. These people were originally the old men of the Bingzhou generals, or strict and lenient soldiers, who had traveled in Luoyang City for more than a year, and they had long been suffocated. Today, I was finally able to win the battle, and immediately screamed overjoyed.

For these old fried dough sticks in the military, war is nothing more than a game. The real difference is whether someone will really die. As long as the one who died is not oneself, the rest is just a matter of the thief! With disdainful smiles on the faces of these veterans in the army, the Mo Dao in their hands slanted forward, using the speed of the horse under the crotch to charge, Mo Dao lightly slashed between the necks of the Jingzhou Cavalry. A puff of blood spurted out suddenly, big heads flew up from the sky, and the headless body fell softly.

Behind the two thousand heavy cavalry, there are more than three thousand archers specially drawn out by Zhang Xiu. They are all improved Wuhuan horses who are good at driving and are known for their endurance. These people are not the skilled warriors among the county soldiers, or the old fried dough sticks in the Xiliang Army. They unhurriedly followed the heavy-armored cavalry, drawing their bows and arrows, and the arrows were not empty, shooting the Jingzhou cavalry in the distance one by one. In an instant, the battle went into intense heat, and the Jingzhou cavalry fell like a raindrop, which was terrible.

The Jingzhou cavalry suffered a big loss when they met for the first time. There is no place to raise horses in Jingzhou, and the cavalry is even rarer. In the nine counties of Jingxiang, they are the targets for looking at the field and the wild. Have you ever seen the powerful soldiers of Bingliang? The enemy's war horses were fat and strong, the enemy's arrows were dense like a gust of wind, and the enemy's armor was inaccessible?????? It seemed that in an instant, they were all stunned.

How should this battle be fought? In an instant, everyone was asking themselves, and there was only one conclusion, and that was to fill it with human lives! "His grandma is a bear! I don't want this stubborn life!" A very long roared loudly. From the horse, the big bird flew to the body of a tiger and leopard rider. His intention was simple. His body knocked the tiger and leopard ride to the ground.

The tiger and leopard rider was also really alert, flicking the stirrups with his feet, and drew out the dagger with his left hand, and slammed it into the extremely long belly. Na Shi let out a stern horror, and the corpse fell heavily to the ground. However, the tiger and leopard rider was also taken off the horse. He curled up and rolled outwards, trying to escape the only way out of the horse. It's a pity that it was too late. In an instant, thousands of horseshoes galloped past, trampling his body into masses of ground meat, and fell asleep quietly in the wilderness.

There was something to learn from each other, and seeing this "meat and egg attack" had an effect, hundreds of figures flew up in the array of Jingzhou cavalry. One person, or even two or three persons, clung to the oncoming tiger and leopard rider, desperately dragging them to the ground. Among them, there were the sturdy man and the old dub who had previously complained. The moment they were in the air, the two glanced at each other. do not! My robe, my brother, this year's Zhengdan, we are afraid that we will not have a good time. If there is an afterlife, we will see you again.

"Rush up! Stop them! Even if they are all killed, they can't be allowed to approach the wall!" At the tail of the cavalry formation, Liu Qi waved a spear in his hand and roared loudly. If it hadn't been for him to stop him tightly, he would have ridden his horse forward and rushed to the front line. Even so, he took hundreds of soldiers, leaped horses and whips, and rushed toward the tiger and leopard rider fearlessly.

This wave of "meat and egg attacks" completely disrupted the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry's attacking rhythm, and the originally neat attack formation finally became messy. "Slow down, turn back to the formation, and re-array! The trapeze will be handed over to the archers behind!" As soon as he saw this, Chen Dao had to give an order to retreat. The archers from behind rushed forward and shot the Jingzhou cavalry with their bows.

It was just a battle of more than 100 breaths, and the Jingzhou cavalry lost more than two thousand, but the battle of the tiger and leopard cavalry was repelled.

"Follow me! Assault! Destroy them!" Zhang Xiu's golden gun with the tiger head in his right hand pointed diagonally to the front right, and coldly ordered. "No!" The six or seven thousand fine horses behind him suddenly promised, prancing horses and swords, and went straight to the Wen Pin army lined up not far away. "Line up! Knife players and spearmen hold steady! Crossbowmen shoot and kill the enemy!" Wen Pin shouted loudly with a wave of his right hand.

At the same time Zhang Xiu launched the attack, Wang Wei, Fu Xun, and Huo Jun retreated quickly, trying to rendezvous with the Yellow Shooting Army that was under siege, and then watch the development of the battle. If the Tiger and Leopard Cavalier's attack is blocked, they will attack the city together with Huang Shot. If the Tiger and Leopard Cavalier breaks through the battle formation of the first son Liu Qi, they will rush to block the hole. In any case, you have to retreat to the city before talking.

"Back to the city lineup! Be prepared!" Huang Sheer gave the order loudly two or three miles away from Wancheng. This time the siege, absolutely can't lose a big defeat again, let's take a look at the style first. If the Tiger and Leopard Cavalier's attack is blocked, it will not be too late to launch another attack. If the Tiger and Leopard Cavalier drove straight in, the first to suffer, it is estimated that he shot yellow. In any case, save yourself first.

Looking back at the southeastern side of Wancheng, and on the west bank of Yishui, tens of thousands of Jingzhou naval forces are slowly disembarking from the ship. Look at that posture, whether they are going to support the yellow shooters attacking Wancheng, or they may rush to block the holes and block them. Tiger and Leopard Rider's offense. Suddenly, the original one-sided battle suddenly became unpredictable. The reason was simply the sudden appearance of a cavalry of six to seven thousand men.

At this moment, the instigator of the incident, the new Nanyang prefect Yan Kuan Yan Dalang was sitting on the branch of a towering tree with Erlang's legs upright, and he was drinking with a small flask in his hand. Little wine. "Oh! I didn't expect the people of Jingzhou to be so brave! It was beyond my expectation. Chu Nan Gong Zeng Yun: ‘Although Chu has three households, Qin must die!’ This statement is true!"

All of what happened before him actually came from Yan Dalang. After discussing with Zhang Xiu for a long time, he came up with this tactic of replacing Taoism on behalf of Li. When the Jingzhou Army's attack on the city was the fiercest, Zhang embroidered cavalry came out first to lure the besieged Jingzhou infantry to the northwest. Then the iron cavalry will raided Gaogang where Huang Zu flew, preparing to capture Huang Zu alive. However, the grandmaster Liu Qi was not counted, and the master brother was the first to rush ahead. The Jingzhou cavalry was inspired by him, and only then dared to perform the "trapeze in the sky" and "the attack of meat and eggs". The technique happened to be able to contain the indomitable offensive of the Bingzhou heavy cavalry.

After expressing his emotions, Yan Dalang took out a pair of magnificent and precious clairvoyance from his arms, leaned in front of him, and carefully observed the movements of the Jingzhou army in the distance. In the northwest, under the fierce attack of Zhang Xiu Jingqi, Wenpin's army has been battered. Although it can be supported for a while, looking at that posture, at most it can be supported for half an hour, and it will definitely collapse.

The army of Wang Wei, Fu Xun, and Huo Jun was retreating in the direction of Wancheng, two or three miles away from Wancheng. Two or three miles away from the south gate of Wancheng, the yellow-shot infantry was waiting. Looking back, and looking at the southeast of Wancheng, the 40,000 Jingzhou naval forces had already lined up and marched towards the Gaogang where Huang Zu was standing. In the northeast, Liu Qi's cavalry and tiger and leopard cavalry are all in a team.

Looking at the posture in front of you, when the 40,000 Jingzhou naval forces came to Gaogang, Huang Zu would definitely lead his army to counterattack and head straight to Wancheng. If Zhang Xiu and Chen Dao ignored them, he would definitely take Wancheng in one fell swoop. If Zhang Xiu and Chen Dao lead troops to attack, he will fight the two in a decisive battle under the city of Wancheng. This trick "invite you to enter the urn" is really high! It is worthy of being the captain of Jingzhou's army.

"Hey! This posture in front of me is very familiar. In the past, when my brother-in-law broke the yellow scarf, and when Xiliang broke Dong Zhuo, wasn't the situation like this? My brother-in-law used to sneak attacks and was always in the enemy's direction. Unexpectedly, and unable to change the formation, the decisive raid was launched. Therefore, once a raid is launched, the enemy army will be horrified and flee in all directions in order to get the first effect!"

Yan Dalang said to himself. At this moment, my sister-in-law's brother-in-law is probably secretly spying somewhere.

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