New Story of Lv Bu

: :attack! Conquer Wancheng!

In a blink of an eye, half an hour passed, and the battle situation had already changed drastically.

In the northwest, Zhang Xiu's iron cavalry had penetrated Wenpin's army, and rushed straight towards Wancheng. Under the **** of hundreds of personal soldiers, Wenpin fought desperately, and this was a disaster. However, there were not many personal soldiers left on his left. "Oh! A misstep will become an eternal hate!" Wen Pin sighed, and he was about to slay himself when he drew his sword, but he was stopped by the left and right.

"General, absolutely! This defeat is not a crime of war! It was all caused by Huang Zu's selfishness!" "General, if you die, I won't live anymore!" "General, it depends. Go further! You sang yourself, what do you do with the clan tribe?" When it was said that it was too fast, he croaked left and right and pulled out the ring head knife on the waist, and put it all on the neck to make a cross knife. Self-caught.

"Oh! The ancients said that life and death are in life, wealth and wealth are in the sky, but how does my fate of Wen Pin rest on others? What! What!" Seeing this posture, Wen Pin couldn't help but burst into tears. He also shoulders the mission of the clan and the future of the trilogy. Seeing that the general no longer insisted on slaying himself, he quickly dispersed from the left and right, went to clean up the collapsed soldiers, and rectified the trilogy.

Wenpin is the general of Jingzhou, and he has repeatedly made military exploits. It’s a pity that the political situation in Jingzhou is that the four big families of Cai Kuai Panghuang helped establish Liu Biao, and Liu Biao got its name. However, the four big families of Cai Kuai Panghuang are in fact, so even if the literary appointment has made all kinds of military exploits, it is only It's just a subordinate. Wen Pin’s long sigh actually exhausted the suffering of the generals of Jingzhou.

According to the sorrow and suffering of the appointment below, I will look back and take a look at how Huang Zu, the commander of the Jingzhou Army, handled military affairs.

"Jingzhou navy, divided ten thousand people, got stuck, don't care about those fine riders. Once they get close, shoot me fiercely with a strong bow and hard crossbow! Wang Wei, you command!" Seeing Zhang Xiu's fine horse shaking the earth, Huang Zu, who was immediately under the city of Wancheng, immediately issued a military order. "No!" Wang Wei shouted loudly, took his headquarters, and rushed into the army.

No matter how the Jingzhou generals boycotted Huang Zu, Huang Zu's land warfare technique, and his ability to line up troops and deal with military affairs were far above the average level. At a glance, he could see the details of Zhang Xiu's department, it was all light cavalry, the horse was not armored, and there was no ability to assault with heavy armor at all. Wenpin was defeated because he was caught off guard. If he waited hard, his pawns could not stand up, and would only fight the enemy with a strong bow and crossbow, not to mention annihilating the enemy, at least to contain the attack of Zhang Xiu’s troops. Did it.

Although Zhang Xiu's cavalry came swiftly, they were all light cavalry. They looked scary, but they couldn't shake anything in the face of the Jingzhou navy formation and the arrows covered with dark clouds. In desperation, they had no choice but to divide into dozens of strands, suddenly splitting and merging, taking advantage of the range of bow and arrow, and shooting the pawns outside the large array with the arrow in their hand. Suddenly, it was inextricably killed.

In the northeast, Chen Dao’s fine cavalry has fought against Liu Qi’s Jingzhou cavalry for several rounds. Liu Qi’s cavalry has been slaughtered, and the corpses are like mountains. Without it, the "flying trapeze" and "meat and egg tactics" are no longer effective. Up. With these two tactics, when the enemy is caught off guard, it is okay to attack and kill the enemy, but once the opponent is prepared, it will be completely useless to have archers to cover.

Liu Qi's 10,000 cavalrymen were only left over 1,000, and most of them were still wounded. However, the results of the battle were also very remarkable, and Chen was able to defeat two thousand cavalrymen. Seeing that he could not break through the opponent's strong defense in a short time, Chen Dao had to order to retreat again and rectify his army. Taking advantage of this empty moment, Huo Jun's three thousand steppers took a big step and stood in front of Liu Qi.

"Ling! Siege!" The cavalry on the left and right wings of the column was blocked. Huang Zu nodded in satisfaction, swiped his right hand downward, and gave the command loudly. His grandma is a bear! After six days and six nights of fierce fighting, as well as the rebellion of Li Zhang and Guo Bang, the catapults and crossbows in Wancheng have long been destroyed, and there are not many county soldiers in the city. I see how you Zhang Ji withstand?

"Prepare to die for the country." Above the head of Wancheng, Zhang Ji croaked out the first knife of the 100-refined steel ring on his waist. "Hey! Thousands of calculations, still failed to keep Wancheng!" On the branches of the towering tree, Yan Kuan sighed, at this moment, his face was extremely ugly. With less than 30,000 soldiers to resist Liu Biao and Liu Jingsheng's 200,000 amphibious army for seven days and seven nights, it was worth it!

Next, there are not many choices left for him. Should he lead hundreds of cavalry under his command to escape, or die in battle? In just an instant, Yan Kuan made the most difficult choice in his life. "Little ones! Come with me. Today, Dalang Yan will definitely not let Zhang Ji and Uncle Zhang Xiu die alone!" Yan Kuan said loudly. As soon as he finished speaking, he slipped down the tree.

In the third year of the Han Dynasty, on November 3rd, at the beginning of the Shen Dynasty, the sky was high and the clouds were pale. However, Wancheng was about to fall.

"Prepare for another assault! The tiger and the leopard are riding in front, the archers are behind, and the target is Huang Zu's middle army! This time, once the attack is launched, it will not stop. Either behead Huang Zu’s head, or all The army died in battle, there is no other way!" Chen Dao shouted with a solemn face, holding the spear in his hand, under the banner of the general Chen in the strong wind. "Either cut off the head of Huang Zu's Xiangshang, or all the army died in battle, there is no other way!" His three or four thousand Bianzhou Iron Horses had a right fist on the chest and shouted loudly.

This military salute, respect the heavens and the earth, and respect your grandmother and wife. Today next year, don’t forget to go to my grave!

"General Chen, don't worry, wait for me! I, Dalang Yan, will die together with you!" Chen Dao looked up and saw that after the spongy hills in the northeast of Wancheng, a group of three or four hundred men rushed forward. Come. One person first, his face full of jealousy, as if he was the second child in the sky, he was the third child. This person is not someone else, but the brother-in-law of Da Sima Lubu, so is Da Lang Yan, Kuan and Yan!

"Hahahahahahaha! To be able to die with Yan Dalang, Chen Dao fortunately even!" Chen Dao looked up at the sky and laughed loudly.

"Prepare to charge! Target, Huang Zu’s middle army. As long as his head is cut off, the Jingzhou army will definitely collapse. You princes, please come with me! This battle will not leave any prisoners, spare your life, the only purpose, It is to break into the enemy line and behead the flag. Those who died in battle, today next year, will be given blood! Those who survive by chance should treat the grandmother in the battle robe as their own!"

Perhaps it was because Chen Dao was about to launch a surprise attack, Zhang Xiu also gave the same order to his trilogy. To tell the truth, at this moment, the Jingqi assault, regardless of the death and injury, carried out the beheading operation, and beheaded the head of the Jingzhou army chief Huang Zu. It was indeed the only choice. As for the success, it is not in the consideration of Zhang Ji and Chen Dao.

"Ling Yuzhen lingered, left and right blade wounded. Two rounds of haze and four horses, aid Yushan and beat drums. The sky is full of mighty anger, killing all and abandoning the wilderness. Can't get in or out. If you go back, the plain suddenly goes far. With a long sword and holding Qin Gong, you will not punish your heart. Sincere is both courageous and martial, and in the end is strong and can not be overthrown. The body is dead, but God is spirit, The soul is resolute as a ghost!"

Accompanied by the fierce west wind, a song of "National Sorrow" was sung. The song was so desolate and so heroic. Around Wancheng, up and down the city, inside and outside the city, from Zhang Ji to Yan Kuan, from Zhang Xiu to Chen Da, and then to every soldier, whether it is an old soldier with gray temples or a young and energetic newcomer, All of them sang with eloquence and enthusiasm.

As long as this song of "National Sorrow" is over, the Bingzhou Army will launch a decisive assault on the whole army, without cutting off the head of Huang Zu's Xiangshang, and will never survive! This is the tradition of the Union State Army. As long as it is about life and death, the Union State Army will always play a red flag and sing "National Sorrow", and then the whole army will assault, and it will not match the enemy's formation, and it will not survive! It's just that the recent merger of the state army has become more powerful, and this kind of scene has long been rare.

"Not good! At this moment, Bingzhou Jingqi Song "National Sorrow" is already ready to fight to the death! This is the old tradition of the Bingzhou army. Whenever he lives or dies, Nalu Fengxian will definitely play the red flag and sing "National Sorrow". Then the whole army will attack without breaking the enemy, and it will not survive! Every time the song of "National Sorrow" is heard, the state army will burst out with extremely high combat power, even if it is in front of the sea of ​​flames, cliffs, and dangers. Forget about life, ten swings and ten finals. I don't know if our army can withstand their desperate blow!"

The prefect of Nanjun, Kuailiang, is indeed an erudite scholar, and he can tell the truth about it in one mouth. "Hahahahahahaha! No! No!" Kuailiang's voice fell, and Cai Hao, the general and the prefect of Nanjun, laughed with his palms. "Zirou's words are wrong! In the past, Nalu Fengxian sang "National Sorrow" and released the red flag in order to break the foreign race and return the Han family. Now, the Bingzhou army is fighting a civil war, which is an unpopular act, even if it is a song. It’s a waste of effort to display a hundred red flags on "National Sorrow" a hundred times!"

At this moment, the setting sun is like blood, the peaks and mountains are like gathering, and the waves are like anger. On the vast wilderness, the Jingzhou army is waiting, but the Hezhou army seems to be in poverty. On the five-tooth ship, Jingzhou Mu Liubiao and Liu Jingsheng set up a pergola and watched the scene quietly. In his heart, there were ups and downs. The first step when he captured Nanyang County, the next step was to explore the Central Plains.

However, can Liu Biao and Liu Jingsheng's ambition be realized? Can the dream of staying in the old capital after studying the Central Plains and Zhongxing Han Dynasty come true? Can Liu Jingzhou become Liu Jingzhou, plus Liu Sili, or even Liu Yuzhou and Liu Liangzhou? All of this depends on the Wancheng warfare in front of you. The capture of Wancheng is the first step in restoring the world!

"Offensive! Conquer Wancheng!" Liu Biao's right arm slammed down, finally making up his final determination.

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