New Story of Lv Bu

: : Haosheng knocks on Liu Jingsheng's bamboo stick

"Brother Changwen, I specially seconded you from Da Sima this time, just to borrow your talents. You and I co-act a good show, so you can knock on Liu Jingsheng's bamboo sticks!" Xiangyang City is magnificent and magnificent. In the State Shepherd's Mansion, above the third hall, Si Li Xiaowei and former general Hou Cheng said solemnly. "No! Don't you dare to follow your orders?" Chen Qun replied with a smile on his face.

"Brother Changwen, you are my own, so I won't lie to you. Well, according to the generals' intentions, they must capture Jingxiang in one fell swoop and wipe out the Jingzhou army to eliminate the hatred! After that, the treasury of the imperial court was already empty. The three ministers, Wang Wei, Xun You, and Zhao Qi, who manage financial affairs in the imperial court, worked hard every day, trembling, like walking on thin ice!"

"Why? It's not for nothing, it can't be! Xiaoban's death of Wang Wei's old life is buried in the hands of Li Wei and Guo Bang, but most of it is buried in the hands of military expenses! The east wall is demolished every day. Mending the Western Wall, tossing and shifting, with the burden of Mount Tai on his shoulders, even if Tao Zhugong went underground, it was difficult to be comprehensive. After the capture of Xiangyang, Mrs. Zhao Yi led the children, Xun You and Zhao Qi followed, and sent out in a row. Three urgent eagle letters, admonishing Da Sima and General Wei to accept the child when they see it well, so that they can knock on Liu Jingsheng's stick."

"Now, Da Sima has secretly returned to Luoyang City, where there is another battle to be fought. General Wei has commanded the army of all roads to go out, and go south along Yicheng and Dangyang, and go straight down to Jiangling City, making a no-brainer. The posture of taking the Jiangling vows to never give up. Naturally, all the money and grain from the government treasury in Jiangxia and Nanjun counties will also be transported back to Luoyang. If you can get it, you will get it first."

"The negotiations with the Jingzhou Army are the responsibility of the two of me. I will share the work with you. I will sing the black face, you sing the red face, you can take bribes and embezzle with a big fan. Just remember. At one point, this is just singing, don’t take it seriously. After the performance is finished, the stolen goods are usually included in the public. Other than that, how to sing, it’s all up to you!"

Hou Cheng finally finished speaking. He raised his eyes and fixedly looked at Chen Qun. As a well-known "Mr. Ziyu" of the capital, he still knows the background of Chen Qun. The head of the Chen family in Yingchuan has been serving as the magistrate of Luoyang as "the first county in the world" for eight years. Recently, It took soaring to the sky after the uncle Yan Guo was cast in effect. Such a person is not just as simple as "long-sleeved benevolent dance". The seat of the county magistrate of Luoyang is a big oven, and Chen Qun can do it for eight years, so he must be unique.

Sure enough, Hou Cheng had been expected, and Chen Qun did not disappoint him. "Former general, your handling is naturally very appropriate. But there is one thing, how big is the bamboo stick this time?" Chen Qun asked slowly with a smile on his face. Upon hearing this, Hou Chengqi secretly admired him in his heart! This sentence is really the most critical point, without this sentence, nothing can be talked about.

"The taxation of this dynasty, when the first emperor collapsed, had an annual income of 500,000 yuan, and the income of the Shaofu was 900 million, and the total income was 1.4 million. Jingzhou was a land of wealth and the annual income was approximately It was about 200,000 yuan, or about 200,000 Bingzhou gold coins. After the capture of Xiangyang, we found 300,000 yuan worth of money in Liu Jingsheng's mansion. Liu Biao had so many in Jingzhou for three years. Calculated in this way, Jingzhou’s annual balance is roughly 50,000 to 70 million. Instead of leaving Liu Jingsheng to build warships, recruit and train soldiers, it’s better to give it to us! If you don’t have money, you can pay in installments. Well."

Speaking of this, Hou Cheng held his finger, and counted the items for Chen Qun. How much land and land tax are in a certain county, and how much are counted and verbal gifts. How much is the business tax?????? Chen Qun has a very good memory, and he does not use a pen. He listens and memorizes it. When Hou Cheng has finished speaking, he will also remember it. At this moment, he finally understood that Hou Cheng is really too good!

"Three hundred thousand combined state gold coins, no, three hundred thousand gold! It can be paid for with grain, grass and materials, and when it is finished, when it is completely released! After two-thirds of the payment, the captured soldiers will be released. , Generals, and finally, it will be Cai Tao's second sister and Liu Cong! Of course, these people still have to pay for their food, security, and other supply costs."

Upon hearing this, Chen Qun’s mind immediately appeared a scene of deja vu. How the Jingzhou negotiator was inexplicably surprised, and how he jumped from the ground like a cat with its tail trampled on. Got up. Three hundred thousand gold is three hundred thousand catties of gold. Each catty of gold can cast 16 Bingzhou gold coins. Hou Cheng's abacus is really too sophisticated.

"Wei!" Chen Qun crossed his hands, bowed, and bowed in ceremonial manners, then turned around and stepped back slowly. Hou Cheng raised his eyes and looked at Chen Qun's distant back, shook his head thoughtfully. Within half a month, the imperial court is about to repay the debt of 100,000 Bianzhou gold coins, which includes grain, armor, military assets, and other payables and interest. Chen Qun is counted on for this amount of money.

It seems that everything depends on how Chen Changwen ripped off! Hou Changchang sighed, his eyes returned to the map.

"Brother Degui, let me tell you, what Liu Jingzhou did this time is really too much!" Looking at the panic and sweating Cai Hao before him, Chen Qun couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. It is dictated by the pleasure of revenge. "When the Kwantung Allied Forces were defeated and fled, Da Sima commanded all the army to be chased and intercepted, intending to take the Qingyan Xuyu four states in one fell swoop, the Jingzhou army stabbed his old man in the back! You say! , Can his old man be filled with indignation?"

"Da Sima is very angry, and the consequences are very serious. This full of anger can only be poured on Liu Jingsheng's head! Da Sima has already issued a strict order to absolutely not negotiate with Liu Jingsheng, and will definitely take Jingzhou in one fell swoop, Yixue's heart Hate! General Wei has already commanded the army and split off to attack Nanjun and Jiangxia. As far as I know, the navy division in Binzhou has also gone eastward, going through Yangzhou and going upstream. This destination is Jiangling. City. On the Yuan Highway, Da Sima also sent an envoy. Da Sima’s original words are only one sentence. "Yuan Highway, I want to fight Liu Jingsheng, do you want me to fight you first and then Liu Jingsheng, or hope that I only fight Liu Jingsheng? What? Where to go, please choose yourselves!"" At this point, the pressure on Cai Hao was almost gone, and Chen Qun was silent.

As soon as he heard this, Cai Hao immediately sweated through his heavy clothes. The big beads of sweat followed his cheeks, puffed and puffed down, and in an instant, he wetted his clothes. It wasn't until this moment that he thought of the consequences, the ancients said, don't provoke the sides and provoke strong neighbors, this is true! Thousands of things should not be absolutely right, should not sway Liu Jingzhou to go north to attack Wancheng!

With Yuan Gonglu's urinary sex, he absolutely dare not provoke Na Lu Fengxian. Among other things, as long as the Binzhou navy appears on the Yangtze River, Liu Jingsheng, who is angry and desperate, will definitely order his Cai family to be annihilated. At this moment, for the sake of the whole family of Cai's family, to keep the head of Cai Hao, and for the lives of his second sister and nephew Liu Cong, his straw hat Cai Degui had no choice but to spare it!

Cai Hao winked quietly, and immediately carried ten huge wooden boxes in from left to right, opened the lid, and was full of yellow-orange-orange gold. At a glance, there was at least one thousand gold! "Brother Changwen! Please save my Cai family!" Cai Yuan pulled up his robe and made a puff, making him kneel down. "Oh! Brother Degui, why bother? Don't be like this, don't be like this!"

At the sight of the gold in front of him, Chen Qun immediately understood everything in his heart. He hurriedly stepped forward and tried to pick up Cai Tao, but Cai Tao still couldn't afford to kneel. "Brother Changwen, let’s tell you that, from Mr. Ziyu to the small officials under his command, I have managed to go up and down. As long as the army does not fight Jiangling, what do you want? You have a word! Liu Jingzhou said, Price, open it as you like!"

When the matter was over, Cai Hao had to fight it out. He smacked his neck and slapped his chest. The special envoy is the authoritarian envoy, who is not arbitrarily at this moment, is it necessary to wait for Jiangling to fall to death under the city wall? "Really?" Chen Qun glanced at Cai Hao, as if he was a little unbelievable. "Really! I pledged my family's life, Cai Hao!" Cai Hao roared.

"Since this is the case, maybe there is still something that can be saved?????? So, let me go and meet the former general. Then, visit Mrs. Cai and the second son Liu Cong, and Huang Zu, Huang She, Huo Jun and others waited." Chen Qun said slowly after licking the tooth flower seeds for a long time. "So, I thanked Brother Changwen!" Cai Hao crossed his hands again and leaned over to bow.

An hour later, Hou Cheng and Chen Qun represented the Bingzhou Army, and Cai Hao represented the Jingzhou Army. They signed a peace treaty within the three halls of the State Shepherd House in Xiangyang City. There are only three items in the peace treaty: First, from the date of signing the treaty, within fifteen days, Jingzhou must pay the imperial court 200,000 yuan in gold, which can be used to repay the debt with grain and other materials. After receiving the money and supplies, the imperial court released the 20,000 captured prisoners, with the exception of Jingzhou Zhujiang and Madam Cai. When will the remaining 100,000 gold be returned, and when will Mrs. Cai's mother, son and prisoners be released?

Second, Liu Biao went back to the court. Third, the court ordered Nanhai County and Cangwu County to be transferred to Jingzhou.

In this agreement, the court slapped Jingzhou and gave another sweet jujube. Jingzhou was equivalent to buying Nanhai County and Cangwu County with 300,000 imported gold. In contrast, Cai Wei is also considered to have gained something. After returning to Jiangling, he can naturally claim to be a hero. As for Xiangyang, according to Hou Cheng, in order to prevent Liu Jingzhou from stabbing a knife in the back, Xiangyang must be in our hands.

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