New Story of Lv Bu

: : I am willing to coexist and die with Gangneung

On the seventh day of November, at the beginning of the morning, Jingzhou, the southern county's prefectural Jiangling, above the north gate city wall.

The season is approaching midwinter, but the weather in Gangneung City hasn't changed much, it's still the same as the autumn days that have passed away. Looking from the top of the city, there is still a lot of green among the surrounding mountains. The only difference is that all the trees have fallen out of their leaves, and they appear smoothly in the warm sunshine. The warm and wet northwest wind blew gently, not like a winter breeze, but like a spring breeze.

The Yangtze River in the south of Jiangling City showed no signs of freezing, and it was still rolling eastward. "The Analects of Confucius? Zihan" says: "The son said in Sichuan:'The deceased are like a spouse, and will not give up day and night.'" It is probably the scene before me. On the Yangtze River, sails are like forests, and buildings are like sea. The Jingzhou navy is busy shuttled back and forth, delivering food, salaries, and military supplies to Jiangling.

"In recent years, the winter has been unusually warm. You smell the northwest wind, which is full of moisture and humidity. Where does it feel like winter? It's like spring!" Jingzhou's new army governor Wang Wei opened his nose and smelled it. The warmth mixed in the breeze frowned and said. The officialdom of this dynasty emphasized the art of prophesying the most, and winning the summer in winter. In Wang Wei's view, it is really an ominous thing.

"General Governor, the Bingzhou Army is ready to attack the city!" Huo Jun, who is next to Wang Wei, didn't care whether the winter northwest wind was harsh or gentle. His whole mind was already placed on the Bingzhou Army outside the city. . The two brothers of Cai Hong and Kuai clan attacked the lord and went north to attack Nanyang twice, but they all returned in defeats. It is true that one report is worth another, and the state army's revenge is imminent. As long as it is not a fool, anyone can tell. However, it was unexpected that the offensive of the Union State Army came so quickly and so directly.

Since the second day of November, Dasima Lubu broke the siege of Wancheng, and the next morning, Hezhou Jingqi went south in a big way. Eight hundred li from Wancheng to Jiangling, and Jingzhou Jingqi arrived in three days and three nights. The reason for not launching an attack immediately was to wait for the follow-up infantry and siege equipment, and second, to attack nearby counties and counties. Food and grass supply. Therefore, the two armies are in peace.

Upon hearing this, Wang Wei hurriedly set up a pergola and watched swiftly, only to see the Bingzhou Army Camp in the north of Jiangling City, more than ten miles away, with banners and drums trumpeting. Teams of cavalry and infantry were lined up. . The catapults, bed crossbows, and siege engines seem to be densely packed, with at least more than a thousand vehicles. In the Chinese army camp, the general flag of Dasima Lubu and Wei Gaoshun has been raised.

"Quickly inform the lord and the eldest son! Send the order, all the armies in Jiangling City, immediately prepare for battle!" Wang Wei slammed his right hand downward, shouting loudly. "No!" There was a loud promise from left and right, and he went hurriedly. Jiangling City is located on the north bank of the Yangtze River. Jingzhou Navy can only protect the grain road while assisting the defense of the city. The more than 30,000 county soldiers in the city, together with the temporarily recruited young men, are really not the opponents of the Union State Army. Once the war started, this Jiangling City could last for a few days, and Wang Wei's heart was really unfounded.

In the city of Jiangling, the prefectural government had been temporarily requisitioned to become the prefecture and herdsmen. Kuailiang, the prefect of Jiangling, had to seize the county government of Jinxiang County. In the inner room, Jingzhou Mu Liu Biao leaned on the couch with a tired face, listening to Jingzhou Zhizhong Kuai Yue to explain the current situation. Next to him, the eldest son Liu Qi sat upright. After two big defeats, his wife and youngest son fell into the hands of the Union State Army. While full of guilt, Liu Biao was even more heartbroken. His face was full of sorrow, as if he couldn't bear to listen.

"Let’s take a look at the battle in Jiangxia County. Yunxian and Xiyang in the northwest have fallen into the hands of the Union State Army, and Nanxin and Yundu in the east have also fallen. The forwards of the Union State Army have already captured Anlu. It’s only two hundred miles away from Jiangxia. At the speed of Bingzhou Jingqi, you can reach Jiangxia City in one day and one night. There are no leaders in Jiangxia City, and there are only five or six thousand soldiers. It is really precarious! The seven thousand county soldiers mobilized from Changsha County, Dongting, which is still thousands of miles away, is really hard to put away a nearby fire."

After talking about Jiang Xia's situation, the small wooden stick in Kuai Yue's hand was placed at the location of Xiangyang again, and then all the way south. "From Xiangyang to the south, along the way, Yicheng, Lankouju, Dangyang, Yiling, Yidao counties have all fallen, and all the money and food of the government's treasury and silk have fallen into the hands of the Bingzhou Army. The entire southern county is now only left. We have left the two isolated cities of Jiangling and Huarong." At this point, Kuai Yue sighed, put down the small wooden stick in his hand, and said nothing. It was too unexpected to lose two more counties between ten days and days.

"From Xiangyang, is there any news coming?" Liu Biao leaned on a pile of pillows, as if an old monk had entered Ding. Don't look at his face, the wind and the waves are calm, the clouds are light and the wind is light, but the storm is turbulent in his heart, and he is very regretful. If I knew this, why bother? If you don't listen to the frustrations of the brothers Tsai and the Kuais, keep your eyes closed, and ignore the affairs of the Central Plains, how can you come to today's predicament?

"Father, two days ago, General Cai sent the last eagle letter, which listed the requirements of the Jingzhou army one by one. According to his father, he showed the government and the public to solicit opinions. The clinker was in a big uproar and scolded Cai Degui. To lose power and humiliate the country, sign an alliance under the city. The public opinion is so fierce, this discussion of peace has to be put on hold for the time being." Upon hearing Liu Biao's question, the eldest son Liu Qi immediately bowed his hands and answered.

"Huh! They are all pedantic people! Pedicial words! They are all coming to the city, and they are still thinking about the soft children at home. Once Jiangling falls, don't you know who the wealth belongs to? Come, send orders, and scold Cai Degui. Those who lose their power and humiliate the country, pull all the way to the north gate city wall and let them help defend the city! Since they are loyal, they will definitely be able to defend Jiangling and save them from danger."

"No!" Liu Qi responded, and quickly ordered left and right to do it quickly. The reason why he appointed Cai Wei as a special negotiator was to deprive Cai Wei of military power, and secondly, he did not want to bear the name of losing power and humiliating the country. As for the outcome of this war, he knows better than anyone else that the cedes of land and compensation are inevitable. Naturally, don't even think about the money and food in Xiangyang and Zhoumufu. What is left is to save the remaining six counties at a price. Since these gang of Zi Suwa are so stubborn, he is also happy to see them make a fool of themselves.

"Zhou Mu, something bad happened! Bingzhou army is about to attack the city!" A Hong Ling hurried in. "Masters, please follow me to the city wall to take a look!" Liu Biao said loudly. What he wants to observe is naturally the gang of Zi Suwa, not watching the battle. "Yingxin Cai Degui, one hundred thousand in a hurry, no matter what the Union State Army requires, you can agree to everything!" Liu Biao roared.

When Liu Biao and his party came to the south gate city head, the city head was already densely packed with people. In addition to the remaining thirty or forty thousand soldiers from the prefectures and the more than ten thousand young men who were temporarily recruited in the Battle of Wancheng, there were five or six hundred gentry, gentry, and officials at all levels in various costumes. These people are doing their utmost to oppose peace talks with the Union State Army. I bother! How can I be afraid of barbarians even if I have a vast area of ​​thousands of miles and a million dollars in armor? Those Beidi who came to join the state are all barbarians who eat raw meat. The field battles are acceptable, and it's over when it comes to siege. Thinking of me, Jiangling is a strong city that has been built for hundreds of years. The city walls are high and the soldiers are many.

Precisely because of this kind of thought, these people acted extremely resolutely one by one, as long as Jiangling City can be held, the conditions that the state army put forward is fart! You know, once the agreement is signed, don't all the money have to be taken out of the big guy's pocket? How about letting go instead of making money and avoiding disasters? Cai Tao doesn't know things, do you Liu Biao and Liu Jingsheng also don't know things?

"Dear fathers! While the big guys are here, I will ask Liu Biao again. Are you willing to share the indemnity and sign a peace treaty with the Jingzhou Army, or are you willing to defend the city and live and die with Jiangling City?" Liu Biao stood tall. Ask as loudly as you can. silence. Deathly silence. In desperation, Liu Biao asked again loudly, and an old man appeared tremblingly.

"Zhou Mu! I am the three elders of this southern county, and the big guys have already thought about it! I am willing to live and die with this Jiangling City! My Jingzhou has a vast area of ​​thousands of miles, and I have a million people. How can I be afraid of those Beidi? Old man, although Old man, willing to join the army, be an ordinary soldier, defend Jiangling! Everyone, don't you think?" The old man looks like he is more than sixty, he has a clear body, a loud voice, and three long beards. He seems to be very energetic. Although he crossed his hands to salute, his eyes flashed with arrogance. "This statement is great!" "That's right!" "If you can't resist the Union State Army, you should give up the position of the State Shepherd!" Hundreds of officials and gentry immediately raised their arms and roared loudly.

"Good! Good! Good!" Liu Biao said three good words, but his face immediately became like the bottom of a pot.

This is a provocation! It was a naked provocation to his Liu Biao! "If you can't resist the merged state army, you should give up the position of the state shepherd!" These words sounded like a needle stick. However, Liu Biao is a prince who dominates one side after all, and in an instant, a smile appeared on his face. "Masters, are the words the old man said just now from your heart?"

Liu Biao's smile was as bright as a flower. "Good!" "Yes!" "I am waiting to be an ordinary soldier and swear to defend Jiangling!" "I am waiting to coexist and die with Jiangling!" "The position of the prefecture, the virtuous one!" These five or six hundred officials and gentry Roared together. I bother! If your Liu Jingsheng can't do it, then abdicate and let Xian do it! "Good! Very good! Very good!" Suddenly, Liu Biao laughed loudly.

Liu Biao's loud laughter made the gentry present stab their backs. What was Liu Jingsheng's idea?

Could it be that he really dared to let me wait for a kiss and be an ordinary soldier?

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