New Story of Lv Bu

: :Benevolence deeply understands my heart

On the eighth day of November, at Chenshi, Nanzheng, the prefectural governor of Yizhou, Hanzhong County, three halls in the prefectural palace.

Holding a letter in his hand, Zhang Lu sat behind the huge desk, frowning his eyebrows, and looking at it, he looked rather sad. The letter in his hand came from Chengdu, where Liu Yan, a pastor of Yizhou, was in charge. The person who wrote the letter was his biological mother, Mrs. Lu. Mrs. Lu has a good health, "has little tolerance", "does with ghosts", and is deeply loved by Liu Yan, Yizhou Mu. After the death of Zhang Lu's father Zhang Heng, he was able to inherit the position of leader, and Liu Yan was able to assist him in the attack on Hanzhong. His biological mother, Mrs. Lu, made great efforts.

Because of this, the relationship between mother and son is excellent. Apart from the affection between mother and son, they are also political allies. Regarding this point, as Yizhou Mu, the de facto master of Yizhou, Liu Yan naturally knew it well. As long as Mrs. Lu is controlled, Zhang Lu has to be obedient. Two years ago, after Zhang Lu seized Hanzhong, for the future of her son and Wudou Mijiao, Mrs. Lu stayed in Chengdu. Mrs. Lu and Zhang Lu’s younger brother, Zhang Wei, are Liu Yan’s guests, and they are actually Liu Yan’s hostages.

To be honest, Liu Yan treats Mrs. Lu very well. Apart from not being able to leave Chengdu casually, there are no other restrictions, and all the support is quite generous. Holding Zhang Lu's most cherished person in his hand, and being accompanied by beautiful women at any time, such a good thing that kills two birds with one stone and kills three birds with one stone, how can Liu Yan miss it? Zhang Lu can do nothing about this. After all, the people in Hanzhong are poor and cannot stand on their own. Without the secret support of Yizhou Mu Liu Yan, he would be eaten by the Union State Army in a flash.

Even so, every ten and a half months, Chengdu and Nanzheng have to send a letter to each other. This letter is a secret letter, not a senior ritual in the Five Dou Mi Sect, and it is absolutely incomprehensible. The channel for the transmission of letters was also secretly established by the followers of the Wudoumi Sect, and it is safe to do so. Therefore, in Zhang Lu's view, the value of this letter is more precious than a thousand dollars.

This letter was sent from Chengdu half a month ago. Mrs. Lu is a man of Ming Min and determined, and there is not a single word of nonsense in the letter. The whole article is only a few words, but it conveys two amazing news. Liu Yan's health is already very bad. He has been sick for a long time, but his life is not in danger for a while. Zhang Lu is very clear about this. Since Liu Yan sent troops out of the praise ramp, the court immediately beheaded Liu Yan's eldest son Zuo Zhonglang, Liu Fan, and his second son, Liu Dan. King Yizhou didn't do it, but killed his two sons. In addition to the mansion fire, the houses and carts were burned to the ground, and Liu Yan became sick from then on.

Secondly, Liu Yan's youngest son, Liu Zhang, recently walked very close to Zhao Wei. Zhao Wei was originally a Taicang order of the imperial court. He was one of the two subordinates who first followed Liu Yan to enter Yizhou by riding alone. He won the trust of Liu Yan. "Liu Zhang is dim and weak, Zhou Mu is lingering on his sickbed, Liu Wei has not returned from the expedition, Zhao Kun is like this, he is planning for Zhou Mu a hundred years later."

At the end of the letter, Mrs. Lu reminded. For his mother's judgment, Zhang Lu still admires him sincerely. The reason why Liu Yan invited himself to be a herd in Yizhou was because "Yizhou has the spirit of the emperor". The two people who entered Yizhou with him, one was Taicang Ling Zhao Yun, and the other was Dong Fu, the servant. Dong Fu was the one who told Liu Yan that "Yizhou has the spirit of the emperor."

If Liu Yan did not separatize Yizhou and had the heart to become king, he would kill Zhang Lu and he would never believe it.

However, Yizhou hangs alone in the southwest of the Han Dynasty, and has been isolated from Si Li for a long time. Not to mention the tortuous and steep roads, since ancient times, it has been called "the difficulty of the road of Shu, it is difficult to go to the sky." There are only three roads to enter Yizhou. Take the Bao ramp from Guanzhong to Nanzheng, the Junzhi of Hanzhong, and then take the Jinniu Road from Nanzheng to the west to reach Chengdu, or take the Micang Road from Nanzheng to the east to enter Jiangzhou. The last one is the Han waterway everywhere in the east, but this one is a waterway. Liu Yan sent Zhang Lu to segregate Hanzhong in order to isolate the passage from Guanzhong.

With Hanzhong as a buffer zone, it is impossible to enter Yizhou by land. The Han waterway in the east is a waterway, and there are many reefs in the river, making it difficult to sail. In this way, Yizhou is really lonely outside the big man. Liu Yan can also be his Yizhou King behind closed doors. But he didn't think that the king of Yizhou also needed an heir, and his third son, Liu Hao, was his favorite.

When Liu Yan entered Sichuan, apart from Dong Fu and Zhao Yun, he only brought his third son, Liu Wei. The eldest son Zuo Zhonglang took Liu Fan, the second son Liu Dan, and the youngest son Liu Zhang, all taken hostage by him, and threw them in Luoyang. After taking the post of Yizhou Mu, Liu Yan immediately appointed Liu Hao as his other Sima, and hired Wu Yi's sister as his wife, but he had not yet passed the door. Wu Yi's younger sister, but a well-known beauty, said to be rich and noble. Sending Liu Hao to lead the troops north this time also allowed him to do more military merits.

These rare secrets have already been detailed in the secret letter of his mother, Mrs. Lu, and Zhang Lu has already understood it.

Taurus Road is difficult and tortuous, and it takes ten and a half days to travel from Chengdu to Nanzheng. The information between Nanzheng and Chengdu is only once every ten days and a half. What Liu Yan didn’t know was that just five days ago, Huangfu Song governor led his army to the south of Bao Chuan, via Jigu, with the intention of attacking Baozhong. Unexpectedly, the defender Zhang Wei inspected very strictly. The Han army came out. Ji Gu was immediately discovered by Zhang Wei.

Zhang Wei immediately sent an order to guard the whole army and strictly guarded his praise. Huangfu Song commanded the army to attack for three days and three nights. Seeing that he could not succeed, the two armies confronted each other in praise. Now that the Han army has come to the testimony, it is conceivable that Liu Hao's army that came out of the Bao Chuan must be wiped out, but I don't know whether Liu Hao survived. After receiving the news, Zhang Lu immediately dispatched an envoy and Xingye went to Taurus to report the news.

"Presumably Zhou Mu hasn't seen the messenger I sent yet. He doesn't know the news of Liu Hao's army defeat. Once he learns that Liu Hao has been defeated and he does not know his life or death, his condition will probably get worse. Liu Hao and I have been friends. Well, the relationship with Liu Zhang is not very good. If Liu Zhang is in charge, it would not be a good thing for our Zhang family. Why not let my mother take the opportunity to escape back to Nanzheng."

Zhang Lu sat there, thinking carefully for a long time, then he picked up his pen, brushed a little bit, and wrote a secret letter in his hand, telling his mother his opinion. "Come here, send this one hundred thousand urgent secret letter to Chengdu. At the same time, we will send some people to take my mother and escape back to Nanzheng." Zhang Lu patted the case and ordered softly. "No!" The cronies on the left and right immediately went down to handle it.

After taking care of this major event, Zhang Lu stood up and walked slowly to the map on the screen. His white fingers drew across the map and spotted heavily in one place, praise! Ten miles to the north of Baozhong is Keitaniguchi. To the north of Jigu is the Baoxie, and the exit of the northern section of Baoxie is the Xiegu. After the Xiegukou, passing through Wuzhangyuan, it is the Weishui River.

Baoxie Road is located at the southern foot of the Qinling Mountains, arranged in the northeast and southwest direction, and is a main traffic road. On the north side, there are some valleys connecting the north and south of the Qinling Mountains, forming valley roads. There are two larger valley roads: one is to go north to the mouth of Lianghe River in the southwest of Taibai Mountain, Qilichuan, a tributary of Baoshui River, goes up, crosses the Qinling Mountains, and goes down the Mawei River, to the exit of Huaishuping, to the shore of the Weishui River; To the north of Tangkou Street on the east side of Taibai, follow the Shanghe River to the top of the Qinling Mountains, cross the Qinling Mountains, and descend along the Fayu River to the east side of Jinpenli and reach the bank of the Weishui River.

These two valley roads are shortcuts to Chencang. From Nanzheng to the north through Guanzhong, you must pass the Baoxian. The difference between the two roads is only whether they go west or east after reaching Taibai Mountain. For Hanzhong, as long as you hold the Baoxie, you can hold Hanzhong. However, the northern section of Baoxie cannot be defended, and only Jigu in the southern section can be guarded. As long as Baozhong is firmly controlled, Jigu will be in his hands.

This time, Huangfu Song led the army to try to win the praise. Fortunately, Zhang Wei was vigilant and Huangfu Song did not succeed. However, the Han army continued to attack for three days and three nights, and Zhang Wei's army suffered heavy losses. The original eight thousand county soldiers had killed or injured 60% to 70%. In desperation, Zhang Lu had to search around and sent all the soldiers on hand to the testimony. In Nanzheng City, there were only five hundred soldiers and 1,500 newly recruited soldiers. So far, although Hanzhong County is not all soldiers, it is not far off. "Hey! Let's just keep the testimonial first. After the state muh gets the news, he will definitely send reinforcements." Zhang Lu said flatly.

"Shijun, the message with Chenggu finally got through! It turned out that Hong Ling, who sent the letter the day before, accidentally frightened the horse. He stumbled and fell into the mountain stream and fell dead!" Holding a letter to the left and right, he rushed in. Up. "Oh? What happened?" Zhang Lu finally realized. From Chenggu to Nanzheng, it is only fifty miles away, and there is a ten-mile gorge, which is really difficult to walk. Hong Ling between Nanzheng and Chenggu is anxious, falling into a mountain stream and falling to death is a common occurrence. The reward that Hong Ling received in anxious manner was also the richest. Under the reward, there must be a brave man. If there is no great reward, who would put his head on the waistband and desperately deliver the letter?

Zhang Lu waved back and retorted, and opened the letter with his own hands, but this letter was written by his third brother Zhang Gu. "Big brother and senior master: I heard that the two brothers fought against the combined state army in the praise, and suffered heavy losses. Under the amazement of the younger brother, I can't help feeling. Although the city is small, there are many fertile fields, and the younger brother thinks as the backing of the older brother to collect grain and grass. Continuing transportation. Tomorrow, we will send out 10,000 Hu of military rations, which can be used for one month, and we can reach Nanzheng in two or three days. Send someone to meet your eldest brother and quickly transport it to Nanzheng City. My brother Renton pays his respects first, year, month and day."

After reading this letter, Zhang Lu was overjoyed, ten thousand **** rations! Justice, you really know my heart!

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