New Story of Lv Bu

: : Nanzheng falls

The name of Nanzheng was first seen in "Historical Records? Qin Benji? Six Kingdoms Chronology", Qin Li Gonggong "twenty-six (year), Zuoshu Great Wall Nanzheng". "The Old Biography of Senior Citizens" once said: "The name of Nanzheng began with Zheng Huangong. Huangong died in Dog Rong, and his people rushed south, so he was called Nanzheng." Nanzheng, as the name suggests, is Zheng Min Nanben, and this place is also the land of the state of Zheng. "Chengnanzheng", city, is a verb, meaning of building a city. Nan Zheng controlled Bashu and was a battleground for military strategists since ancient times. The walls of Nanzheng were naturally built to be thick and strong.

Now, Taiwei Huangfu Song personally led a large army to come, and in the praise of Zhang Wei's subordinates, Nanzheng became a military logistics center in the rear. Since ancient times, the guarding of Hanzhong must guard Nanzheng and Shangyong. Shangyong is located in the west of Hanzhong, strangling Jingzhou's westward throat. Liu Jingsheng is fighting against the Bingzhou army in Nanyang, so naturally there is no time to attack Shangyong. Among the three roads from Guanzhong to Hanzhong County, the old Qin road has long been abandoned and collapsed, and only Baoxian Road is still passable. Therefore, as far as Zhang Lu is concerned, as long as he keeps his praise and waits for reinforcements from Yizhou, he can sit back and relax. As for the Meridian Path, it is just a legend, so don't worry about it at all.

In this way, praise has become the top priority, and a large number of reserve soldiers, food and grass, and military resources are continuously transported from Nanzheng to Baozhong. Fortunately, there is only a mere forty miles between Nanzheng and Baozhong, and they are both smooth and easy to transport. However, in Han China, there was not much food produced every year, and there was no surplus, so the collection of food became the top priority.

At the east gate of Nanzheng, a tutor with more than a hundred newly recruited county soldiers was interrogating the people who came and went. For these trivial matters, Lord Tun Chang naturally didn't need to do it himself. His old man sat at the tea stall on one side, chatting while drinking tea, and chatting with the pretty proprietress from time to time. More than a hundred county soldiers stood there lazily, asking for a few words without a match, and waved to let them go. In Nanzheng City, there are no more than 7,000 households and a population of less than 60,000. They are all folks from the village, and they have broken their arms with tendons. I am a temporarily recruited county soldier, and I have to go home after my errands, so I can't make a blush with the folks.

"Master Tun Chang, is there a grain transport team coming today?" the pretty lady boss asked curiously. Since he praised the tight situation, Lord Tun Chang hasn't showed up. He appeared here for an unprecedentedly unprecedented time, and there must be some oil and water to catch. "Also!" Lord Tun Chang poured another big bowl of tea and pulled a sentence. "Ten thousand grains were shipped from Chenggu." "Oh! Ten thousand grains? This is something I've never seen before! In the past, the grain transported from Chenggu was no more than three to five thousand grains. "

The pretty lady boss said in astonishment. "Chenggu's guard is Shijun's third brother. He praises that the war is tight, so he naturally wants to give his full support. If you fight with your brothers, you should go to battle with father and son soldiers." Tun Chang master waved his hand and said. "Master Tun Chang, the Bingzhou army won't come over, right? Isn't there a Meridian Road on the way in and out of Nanzheng?" The pretty lady boss is a local, and she cares most about her own business. "Hahahahahahaha!" Lord Tun Chang laughed loudly. "Ziwudao? How is it possible? That's just a legend from the Cancong and Yufu period! Even if the Han army has wings, there is no way to fly over! Don't worry!"

"Then??? What if??? I said just what if, what if they call from the Meridian Road?" The pretty lady boss was still uneasy. "What are you afraid of? There is me! Just relying on my hundred elites! I can definitely beat them to blood and water!" Lord Tun Chang glanced proudly at the pretty proprietress, and slapped her chest. "Bah!" The pretty lady boss went blushing.

At this moment, I saw a lot of smoke and dust on the official roads of the West, and more than a dozen war horses came from the dust. Before Lord Tun Chang got up, these dozen war horses came to him. "Which officer is guarding the city gate? Chenggu's grain transport team will be here soon, and you will be greeted quickly!" The knight running at the front reined his horse, and the horse squeaked his nose and two front hooves. Children stand up.

Lord Tun Chang looked up and saw that this person had a wide mouth, a sturdy figure, and a sharp and powerful spirit in his eyes. The two arms are like cast iron, and at a glance, you know that they are veterans who have survived a hundred battles. Oops! Today's oily water, I'm afraid it's going to be soaked! Lord Tun Chang said in his heart. Such officers are rare in Hanzhong, and they are undoubtedly the close followers of the big men.

"That's it! Dare to ask who is the name of the distinguished official?" Lord Tun Chang guarded the Nanzheng East Gate for a long time, and he had already developed a pair of fiery eyes. He quickly got up and bowed respectfully with crossed hands, in a polite manner. "Our family is under the command of General Gongren, so it is true that the soldiers sacrifice wine! No, this is the seal of our family. This letter is the military order issued by General Gongren! And give it to you!"

The officer didn't get off his horse, stretched out his hands and took out a few things from his arms, and threw them to the chief of the army as soon as he raised his hand. Lord Tun Chang stretched out his hand in fear, took a look at the ten lines, and quickly returned it with both hands. "Honorable officer, this is the handwriting of General Gongren, and certain eyes are worth seeing?" "It's good to know!" The officer snorted coldly, reached out his hand to take over the things, and still put it in his arms. "What are you doing in a daze? Get out of the way quickly and **** the grain transport team into the city! You missed an errand, be careful of your head!"

The officer frowned, his eyes swept like a falcon, and between his eyes opened and closed, there was a fierce murderous aura. "No! The younger one will do it!" Oops! Can scare me to death! Master Tun Chang was so scared that Lingling shivered a few times in a row, and quickly shook his hand to the side. This honorable official must be a big man, and it is this pair of eagle eyes that is frightening!

As I spoke, I saw that on the official road to the east, ox carts carrying grain slowly approached Nanzheng, winding and winding, covering the entire official road, which was several miles long. Every bullock cart is dragged by three bulls, and even so, it walks very slowly. The ruts on the official roads are extremely deep. The head of the village is used to seeing the grain transport team. At a glance, he knows that this huge ox cart contains at least one hundred shi of grain. A car carries two hundred shi, and ten thousand hu is afraid there are five hundred cars.

While thinking about it, Lord Tun Chang couldn't help but feel a move. How did the five hundred bullock carts meander for several miles? This follow-up civilian husband seems to be a little bit more embarrassing. Seeing that the leading bullock cart had entered Nanzheng City, suddenly, he seemed to understand something. Open your mouth and shout out loud. When the anti-drug shouted, he felt that there was no strength in his whole body. When he looked down, there was a shining blade on his chest. "You??????" Lord Tun Chang asked difficultly.

"Grab the city! Inform General Zang Ba and enter the city quickly!" The officer who had eyes like a falcon slowly drew out his dagger and roared loudly. Drops of blood slowly dripped from the dagger, and splashed drop by drop on the land in midwinter. "No! Wu Junhou!" The young men on the left and right roared and lifted the lid of the grain truck. More than a thousand well-armed elite soldiers jumped from the huge truck, brandishing a dazzling ring knife, and pounced on the county soldiers guarding the gate.

Where did the county soldier guarding the gate have seen such a **** scene? Seeing these wolves like tigers and fine warriors wielding the dazzling 100-refined steel ring with their first swords, they immediately slapped their claws. The ring-headed knife in their hands fell to the ground with a clam, they hugged their heads with their hands, and squatted softly with their legs. "Don't kill me! I have eighty old mothers, and I have children under the full moon!"

Among the more than one hundred county soldiers, there were a few wise men who looked at the gaps and ran towards the city gate. Oh my god, the enemy is coming, this is a big deal! If you report to your teacher in time, there will be a great reward! Whoosh whoosh! Whoosh whoosh! There was only a sound of bowstrings, dozens of arrows shot out, and the few clever ones were shot to the ground, and they were dead!

"Brothers! Beheaded to capture the flag and seal his wife's shadow, right now! Come with me! Close the four gates of Nanzheng City! Don't let Zhang Lu's servant run away!" Wu Dun had already put on it at this time As soon as he struck the mountain script armor, he waved the first knife of the 100-refined steel ring in his hand, roared, and took the lead to rush to the city wall. "Stop the flag and seal the wife's shadow, right now!" "Chong!" "Kill!" More than a thousand Taishan soldiers roared together, and followed Wu Dun and killed them! In any case, the hard work of crossing the Meridian Road for a month cannot be wasted!

At this moment, I saw a dozen fast horses galloping on the official road of the East, and the first one was the commander-in-chief of the Taishan soldiers, Zangba. In the tide of people, Zang Ba slowly reined the horse under his hips. "Wu Dun has rushed in?" He asked slowly, looking straight ahead. "Exactly, Nan Zheng's defense is too loose!" His general Yin Li replied loudly.

"Sun Kang, you lead your troops to control the north gate of Nanzheng City, in case the praised Zhang Wei divides his troops to rescue! Speedy Yingxin sends a letter to Huangfu Taiwei, and reports that our army has successfully attacked Nanzheng East Gate! Yingxin gives Sun Guan, ask him if Shangyong ever succeeded? Yin Li, you come with me! Go and capture Zhang Lu alive!" Fang Luoer, Zang Ba and his horse, rushed into the city gate. "No!" The left and right promised loudly, and they went separately.

At this moment, if you look down from the sky, seven thousand Taishan soldiers flooded into the east gate of Nanzheng City like a tide. Then it was divided into several strands, and some people climbed up the city wall and covered the south gate and north gate along the city head. Some people divide their troops to control the granary, the treasury, and the government offices at all levels. The remaining two thousand people followed Zang Ba closely and went straight to the Hanzhong Prefect Mansion where Zhang Lu was located.

This city of Nanzheng, which was named the Great Wall to the north by Liu Yanyi of Yizhou Mu, finally changed its owner today.

However, with the fall of Nanzheng, there was an uproar within the Yizhou regime??????

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