New Story of Lv Bu

: : My father did have a suicide note

Seeing that this major event finally had its place, the people who held the seat let out a sigh of relief. Alas! The murderous aura emanating from Da Sima is also terrifying! As expected to be the number one star in the world, when he was angry, the whole room was shrouded in murderous aura. It was a majestic murderous aura, like a three-nine-day blizzard, sweeping across the sky. He is not a famous general after a hundred battles, he is absolutely unable to resist this unparalleled murderous aura, not to mention everyone is a literati.

Just as the people holding the seats were sweating heavily, and the sophisticated people secretly figured out the minds of everyone, Sikong kind of brush was one of them. Zhong Sikong has been through the ocean for a long time, and he is used to seeing joys, sorrows and joys, ups and downs. Although he is old, his pair of old eyes looks farther and thorough than eagles and falcons. Alas! Watch him get up a tall building, watch his banquet guests, watch him collapse! Too much to go!

The old man, the tycoon of Bingzheng, has also seen several groups of people, but I have never seen someone like Da Sima. With such a temperament, he is clearly a child! When he was furious, whether he was an angel or not, even if there were a million soldiers in front of him, even if there was a sea of ​​swords and flames in front of him, first let out the breath of salty air in his chest! Da Sima is very gentle when he treats the common people and his wives and children.

In the past two campaigns against Xianbei and one campaign against Wuhuan, did he not rush to the forefront when he didn't take the arrow of the arrow in person, clung to it and stubbornly? In the just-concluded Guancheng War and Wancheng War, he also led eight thousand tigers and rushed to the forefront. When he heard that Wang Yun was killed in the Wancheng Mutiny, he was furious and threw the army to Gao Shun, leading his own army to pursue and kill Li Lao Guo Bang for thousands of miles.

However, this sagacious martial artist, who is like a young child, has won unprecedented support from the ruling and the opposition. It seems that the day to be king is not far away! Apart from other things, I just said that I just dealt with angels. Even the stubborn old man Ma Riyi, the number one fighter and the number one thug of the Han sect, raised it aloft and put it down gently, let alone sitting in the house as usual. Shaofu Xunyou, Dasinong Zhao Qi and others who didn't change their lust. In this way, in the near future, this Han family will probably have the surname Lu!

However, looking back at what Da Sima has done over the past fourteen years, and then at what Liu Xie has done today, you can look forward to it! A barren and desolate state where birds don’t shit, it was built into a paradise on earth by Da Sima. Let’s look at Sili, Liangzhou, the Western Regions, and even the distant Youzhou and Jizhou, which is about to recover. Which one is not a wasteful place. Xing, thriving?

Ugh! The old man is still very old, so he should return to the countryside as soon as possible and make room for the young people! Kind of sighed.

Putting down all the emotions in his chest, Sikong didn't mention it, and looked back at the person in charge of the Taiyuan Wang Family. When the proclamation envoy was making noise outside the house, someone could not help but want to take action to teach the servant a bit. It was only because of the nine officials and officials in the house that they had to bear the breath. . Who knew that with a thunder on the ground, Da Sima was going to stand up for the Wang family.

Lu Bu was furious, and he shed blood for thousands of miles, and corpses a million. However, listening to the head of the Taiyuan Wang Family's ears, it is more melodious and pleasant than Xianle. Enlightenment is the most important in this dynasty. Even if you are the emperor, he often meets with the elders in the village and asks for warmth. Visiting is a gain or loss for politics. The actions of the envoys of this edict were really horrible, and the king of Taiyuan had to forbear it secretly because of the face of the present. However, the Taiyuan Wang Family had no choice but to endure, but Da Sima did not have to endure anymore, a roar finally settled the universe!

In the future, if Da Sima is useful to my Taiyuan Wang family, my Wang family will definitely go through fire and water, and will not hesitate! All of a sudden, the Taiyuan Wang family's children present here were silently reading in their hearts. The clear stream of this dynasty, although the eyes are higher than the top, only knows the clear talk. However, the scholars of this dynasty are both civil and military. What's more important is that they cultivated in a bold and upright manner, paying attention to the distinction between grievances and grievances.

Lu Bu is a man of temperament. He never thought that a word he said today would be compensated a hundred times later in a few years.

At this moment, Wang Ling's heart was like fifteen buckets fetching water. The noise of the envoys, the violent anger of Da Sima, and even the finishing touches of the stubborn old man Ma Taichang didn't take it to his heart. All he was thinking about was just one thought. Which of the suicide notes in the left and right sleeves should he take out? What anxious people!

In the deathly silence, suddenly, more and more people appeared. Everyone looked intently, and it was Wang Jin. Wang Jin walked forward on his knees, crouched his hands, bowed, and leaned down upright, and gave a meticulous gift. Then, he raised his head, tears were already in his eyes. "Da Sima and Mrs. Zhao Yi are kind to my Taiyuan Wang Family and rebuild them!"

Upon hearing this, the members of the Wang clan present unanimously breathed a sigh of relief. That's right! Da Sima is my Taiyuan Wang family's early start, and I should always come forward to thank the Taiyuan Wang family. Wang Ling, whom everyone looked forward to, seemed too sad and didn't realize it. Fortunately, Wang Jin went out to fill this hole.

"From then on, as long as Da Sima and Mrs. Zhao Yi have orders, even if I go through fire and water, my sons of the Wang family in Taiyuan will not hesitate! The ancients said, Daxing has no regard for meticulousness, and generous gifts. Although Wang Jin is a rude person, But he also knows how to receive the grace of dripping water, and he must repay him as Yongquan! The Wang clan of Taiyuan is the famous gate of Bingzhou, and he has always remembered the grace of Da Sima and Mrs. Zhao Yi for rebuilding! Thank you Da Sima!"

"Thanks to Da Sima!" "Thanks to Mrs. Zhao Yi!" Wang Jin's voice was heard, and Wang's children cheered together. "Long live Da Sima!" "Da Sima mighty!" Wang Jin roared with a solemn expression on his face. "Long live Da Sima!" "Da Sima mighty!". Wang Shi's children then roared with arms outstretched. "Long live Da Sima!" "Da Sima mighty!" Among the nine officials of the Qing Dynasty, some of them also roared. "Long live Da Sima!" "Da Sima mighty!" Xun You, Zhao Qi, and Ma Rixi also joined.

The cheers were earth-shattering, deafening, and endless, abruptly turning a memorial meeting into a support meeting.

This is persuade! Persuade nakedly! Amidst the earth-shaking roar, Chong Sikong slowly closed his eyes.

Finally, the roar stopped, Lu Bu stretched out his hands to signal everyone present to be quiet. "Ma Taichang!" He stretched his voice. "The minister is here!" Ma Rixi went out more and more. "You are responsible for the funerals of the old Patriarch, Wang Situ, and Wang Henan. I only have a word, to do it well! It is beautiful! It is beautiful!" Lu Bu said with his right hand.

"Chen, take your command!" Matthew Chang cross-handed and saluted. The Taichang of this dynasty is the head of the Jiuqing and has heavy responsibilities. He is responsible for building the world, gods, rituals of humans and ghosts, tribute to the good and bad guests, and jade silk bells and drums. Taichang’s officials include Taile, Taizhu, Dazai, Taishi, Taibu, and Taiyi Liulingcheng, respectively in charge of music, prayer, worship, astronomical calendar, divination, and medical affairs.

Today, Da Sima issued an edict to let Matthew often organize the funeral of six people from the Taiyuan Wang family, which meant to be buried in national rituals. Matthew naturally understood this meaning. "Hold on." Suddenly, Mrs. Zhao Yi, Yan Yan, who was sitting next to Lu Bu suddenly spoke. "Ma Taichang, Da Sima meant three things: First, Wang Situ died in battle, and he died of heroism. This is a dead society, and he must be shown as a model for his loyal ministers and filial sons. Second, Wang Henan is working on national affairs. Death, although not as heroic as the death of war, is also a model of the country's important ministers and good ministers, and is regarded as the model of the world's officials. Third, the old Patriarch is the pillar of the country. Once west goes west, the world will be shocked! . Do you understand all these three meanings?"

Ma Rixiong is extremely clever, and upon hearing it, he immediately understood. He raised his head and said loudly: "The minister understands it all! The king's family in Taiyuan has one door and six doors, enough to be a model for the world's scholars. Although dead and still alive, loyal and loyal forever! This time, the court is going to arrange for Jiuqing to carry the coffin? ?????" "Lift the coffin, count me as Lu Bu!" Lu Bu said aloud when he patted the case with his right hand.

"Da Sima!" Wang Jin yelled, his voice full of gratitude, full of joy, and something unclear. At this moment, the tears he had been holding back finally came out magnificently! "Da Sima!" All of the Taiyuan Wang family's children present wept loudly. Suddenly, there was a long-lasting mourning inside Yin's mansion in Henan.

Then we cried bitterly for a quarter of an hour, and then everyone slowly stopped their tears. "Okay! Alright! This is considered a sorrow!" Ma Tai used his big sleeve to wipe tears, then raised his head and said. Perhaps it was just a bitter cry, and the anger and sadness in his chest were crying out. Everyone's mood was much calmer. Although there was still sadness on their faces, their hearts were much better.

The six-member funerals of the Wang Family in Taiyuan are also state funerals. There are so many things that need to be prepared, and it seems that they have to be dealt with well. Just as the Jiuqing and Hundred Officials were about to disperse, Mrs. Zhao Yi's Yan Yan suddenly spoke again. "Well, when Wang Henan was dying, he never said the last sentence because of the edict. When his old man was dying, who was the last he saw? Is there a suicide note left? Or he took care of the family affairs himself. For example, the choice of the future Patriarch?" This sentence naturally refers to the Wang family.

"This??????" Upon hearing this, the head of the Taiyuan Wang Family immediately raised their eyes and looked at Wang Jin and Wang Ling. "Mrs. Qibi Zhaoyi, before my father's death, he did have a suicide note! It's here!" Wang Ling responded, stepping out from the crowd, and striding forward. At that moment, like a ghost, he took out the document in the sleeve on the left and presented it. At this moment, Wang Jin also stretched out his hand and squeezed the suicide note written by Wang Wei in his sleeve pocket.

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