New Story of Lv Bu

: : Wang Ling is hard to be a big deal

Early the next morning, starting from Mao's hour, the entire Henan Yin's mansion was opened immediately, and everyone was preparing for the funeral.

There are five rituals in this dynasty. Sacrifices are regarded as auspicious rituals, funerals are violent rituals, military matters are military rituals, guests’ matters are guest ceremonies, and wedding ceremonies are tributes, collectively called five rituals. Namely auspicious ceremony, fierce ceremony, military ceremony, guest ceremony, honorary ceremony. Every etiquette has fixed rituals. Fierce rituals are mourning and mourning rituals, the most tragic and euphemistic, and songs of sorrow, elegy, and other sad songs.

"Zhou Li? Chun Guan? Da Zong Bo" contained: "To mourn death with a funeral; to mourn the ferociousness with a famine; to mourn the calamity with a tribute; to mourn the defeat with a mourning; to mourn the invaders with a condolence." Funeral, It is the etiquette of mourning according to the name, and it also refers to the etiquette of expressing condolences and sympathy to other countries that have suffered misfortune. If the monarch or important minister is killed, it is used for the ceremony. This time, the funeral of the Wang family in Taiyuan used a shirt.

According to "Book of Rites? Under Qu Li", the emperor's death is called Beng, and the princes' death is called Xie. "Doctors call pawns, scholars call unlucky, and common people call death." Traditional funeral rituals can be divided into three parts: One is the funeral, which is a series of ceremonies before the death of the deceased until the burial; the second is the funeral, which is the various rituals in the burial process; the third is the sacrificial ritual, which refers to some rituals held after the burial.

According to the "Book of Rites", there are three main sacrificial rites for scholars, one is "mourning", the other is "ceremony", and the other is "elegy of holding a brush". "Mourning" is to wear filial piety. Dai filial piety is not worn casually, but is to be worn according to the distance between the mourner and the deceased.

Between the ruling and opposition parties in this dynasty, there is a patriarchal society, with the father’s clan as the most important. The relatives of the father's clan, from the great ancestor to the great-great-grandson of the nine generations, are commonly known as the nine families of the sect. The so-called "conspiracy and rebellion to punish the nine tribes", it is these nine tribes who are condemned.

Among the nine races, for relatives, death is for mourning. The relatives serve the heavier ones, and the neglected ones serve the lighter ones, in descending order. The so-called "up-kill, down-kill, and side-kill" in the "Book of Rites? Mourning Apparel" means this, and "kill" means decrease. There are five types of service systems according to the duration of the mourning and the thickness of the mourning clothes. They are called "five clothes": slashing, qi fading, great power, small power, and numbness.

To cut the decline, the decay pass "缞" and "缞" made the sound of "reminder", which is the heaviest mourning dress among the five clothes.

The mourning coat is made of the thickest raw linen cloth. The mourning coat is called "decay" because it is called "decay." Its meaning is: without modification, with full of grief, serving for three years. According to the rule of this dynasty, the princes are the emperor, the minister is the emperor, the man and the unmarried daughter are the father, the great grandson (the eldest grandson) is the grandfather, and the wives and concubines are the husbands. The women's clothes must be cut, and the hair must be tied with raw hemp and combed into a funeral bun. The actual service period is more than two years, most of which is 25 months in addition to filial piety, which is called "three years of funeral and twenty-five months to complete."

Qi Shuai, pronounced here as "Zi Cui", is a mourning dress next to "Zhan Shuai".

Qi, the side of the shirt. Qi Tongyu, decay Tongyu. It is made of hessian cloth and ranks second in the "five suits", second to Zhanfa. The clothes are made of coarse linen, and the clothes are divided into different systems. The edges are sewn and the edges are sewn neatly, hence the name "Qi Fai". It's different from the rough edges. Qi Fai's specific dressing system and time of wearing depended on his close relationship with the deceased. The service period is divided into three years, one year, September, May, and March. For one year of declining service, mourning sticks are used, which is called "sticking period", and mourning sticks are not used for one year, which is called "nonsticking stage".

"War period" and "No stick period" mourning clothes are the same, except that the shoes on the feet are changed from sparse shoes to hemp shoes. After the deceased is buried, the mourners can drink and eat meat, but they cannot hold banquets and drink.

Da Gong, also known as "Great Red," is a mourning dress that is second to "Qi decline".

It is made of coarse linen cloth, and the serving period is nine months. All cousins, unmarried cousins, married aunts and sisters, and married daughters as uncles and brothers, all serve "great merit." "Historical Records of Filial Piety" records: "I have been down, serving Dahong on the 15th and Xiaohong on the 14th." Compared with Zhan Shuai and Qi Shuai, the mourning period for Da Gong has been greatly shortened, and mourning clothing is limited to coarse linen. One. In addition, during the funeral period, instead of hemp shoes, they were changed to rope shoes.

Small work, also known as "shanghong", is a mourning dress next to "big work".

Made of slightly coarser linen cloth. The service period is May. Uncle grandparents, uncle uncle parents, unmarried grand aunts and cousins, married cousins, siblings, brothers, unmarried sisters, and maternal grandparents, maternal uncles, maternal aunts, etc. , All serve small work. "Ritual? Mourning Clothing": "Small work, cloth decline palm, numbness caused by numbness, that is, Ge Wuyue. From grandfather, from grandparents; people ancestor Kundi; from father and sister articles, grandchildren; Those who are their sisters and descendants."

Qianma (缌音思) is a mourning dress next to "little gong". The lightest of the "five suits". It is made of finer cooked linen, and its work is finer than "little work". All men who are the great-grandparents, grandparents, parents, brothers of the clan, as well as grandchildren, nephews, sons-in-law, wife's parents, cousins, uncles, etc., are all subjected to hemp. The serving period is three months, and there are much fewer contraindications.

In addition to the five clothes, the relatives of the same fifth generation ancestors are called "sufu", the so-called "sufu", the left arm is exposed, and the cloth is handed forward from the neck to the forehead, and then wrapped around the bun. Since the founding of Emperor Guangwu, this ritual has been abolished for a long time. "The Book of Rites? The Great Biography" says: "The fourth generation is stubborn, and the poor is served, the fifth is spared, the same surname is killed, the sixth is exhausted."

"Daxing does not care about meticulousness, and gives great gifts. You Taiyuan Wang Family is a famous family of wealthy families. Those who are within the five clothes are completely in accordance with the "Book of Rites". Outside the five clothes, they all wear'sufu'. Now. Patriarch Wang, Shijun Wang, I don’t know what you think?” Ma Rixiong, too often, sat behind the desk and said solemnly. At this moment, his heart is very tangled.

The most important way of filial piety in this dynasty, Taiyuan Wang family is also a family of Confucianism, for fear that scholars all over the world will pick bones in the funeral system and funeral ceremony. Wang Ling is also the Patriarch of Cuxin'er. If there is a joke at this funeral, it will definitely affect his prestige. Ma Tai has always been through the **** sea for a long time, and Guan Qiao'er in it has long been invisible. When he said these words at this time, he was already ready to take the blame. Ma Taichang is the grandson of Ma Rong, the master of Confucian classics in this dynasty, and it stands to reason that he is absolutely able to withstand the discussions of the world.

"Wei!" Watching Wang Ling stay silent, Wang Jin had to cough lightly and speak. Now only Wang Ling is left. Ma Rixi and Wang Jin both raised their eyes and waited quietly for his treatment. After all, it was the funeral of the Taiyuan Wang Family. If the Patriarch did not make a statement, how could others overtake it? However, Wang Ling knew that he was suffering. Once there was a mistake, the new Patriarch's face would be lost.

"Uncle Weng is right! Daxing has no regard for meticulousness and great gifts. As long as the big festival is correct and the small things are not strict, don't worry about him!" When Wang Ling was full of entanglements, one The old voice rang at the door of the house. The three of them looked intently, and saw two old men slowly walking in with the help of a dozen disciples. Shockingly, it was Zheng Xuan and Cai Yong.

"I have seen Mr. Kang Cheng! I have seen Lord Cai Hou!" The three leaned over to salute. Zheng Xuan and Cai Yong stretched out their hands and gestured for them to get up, but they walked slowly to the upper head and sat down. With their status among the scholars of the dynasty, they are enough to bear the great gifts of these three people. Neither Zheng Xuan nor Cai Yong are simple and rigid, and they seem to be similar to the dead Wangshu.

"Three please!" It was Cai Yong who spoke this time. "I really made Madam Zhao Yi's guess right. Madam Zhao Yi is worried that you will be the new owner of the family, and she is afraid to make decisions. She specifically asked us two old men to come and sit down. If anyone dares to pick bones in the egg. , Look at me not to smash his head with a stick! Wang Ling, your new Patriarch can't even handle mourning clothes. How can you afford the great things of the Taiyuan Wang family in the future? Huh?" At this point, Cai Yong suddenly stopped the crutches in his hand.

Upon hearing this, Wang Ling immediately sweated through his clothes. He crossed his hands and bowed again, and bowed meticulously. "Cai Houye's words, a word to awaken the dreamer! Wang Ling, you know you are wrong!" "Good life!" Cai Yong knocked on the floor with a cane in his hand, and said loudly. "I brought the little girl Wen Ji and his husband Xun Hong, and Ling Qi, to be your adviser. If you don't understand anything about the ritual system and anecdotes, you can ask Wen Ji. The custom in the family of the family, but Ask Xun Hong. Show your courage!"

With the two leaders of the Confucian scholars in charge, things went much smoother. Starting from the "five suits", the three discussed one by one, and if they were unclear, they asked the "encyclopedia" Cai Wenji next to them. In less than half an hour, the general ritual system was finalized. The three of them were overjoyed, wiped their sweat with a towel, and continued to discuss the last question, where to proceed. "Since it is a state funeral, it must be held in Luoyang City, the capital of the Han Dynasty! I am Anka, and it will be organized in Henan Yinguan Office."

It was Ma Taichang who was very responsible, and he made a final decision. "It's better to live without being familiar. It's better to be quiet. Henan Yin's official office is Wang Caozhuan's official office, and there is no arrogance in the ritual system. Besides, I have already agreed with the new Henan Yin Huangwan. After the state funeral, he will do it again. Enter the official office to look at things." Seeing that Ma Taichang had taken care of it long ago, a warm current surged in Wang Ling's heart. "Thanks Ma Taichang!" he choked up. Although Ma Taichang is a stubborn old man, his heart is full of enthusiasm!

At the same time, in the quiet room behind the official office, Zheng Xuan Kangcheng let out a long sigh after seeing no one around.

"Bo Xie, this Taiyuan Wang Family is going to be quiet for a while. Wang Ling's handling of things is very small, and it's hard to make a big thing!"

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