New Story of Lv Bu

: : Ye Yatou Lingqi's marriage

"What do you think?" Lu Bu pushed out the stack of papers in his hand, and fell on the thick pillow. Not only that, but he also raised Erlang's legs, and the corners of his eyes and eyebrows were pleasant. "Oh! In recent years, although the tide has risen and the boat has become bigger day by day, it is not as comfortable as before! No matter where you go, there are rules everywhere, and someone is watching."

Lu Bu's nature is actually a hot-blooded man. There are three things he likes most in his life: the zither is the first, the soldier is the second, and the beauty is the third. However, since his reincarnation and rebirth, he has been tossing and struggling under tremendous weight, and he has walked tremblingly every step of the way. In the face of difficulties, naturally there is no intention to consider personal hobbies. Therefore, he felt extremely tired.

As of yesterday, the Kwantung Allied Forces had lost a lot of money, abandoned their armour and moved away, and the general situation of the world has been roughly determined. Should we stop and take a breath? This thought only turned around in his mind, and in an instant, he denied himself. Nothing! It's hard to fight the world, and it's even harder to sit in the world. What's more, there is still a situation where the heroes are competing, and it is far from it!

Ugh! The heroes have not yet been wiped out, the world is falling apart, and the ordinary people are still suffering, so I still can't let go of this breath! Zang Ba attacked Nanzheng, and Sun Guanqi succeeded in attacking Shangyong. How to clean up Liu Yan? There are also the anxious wars in the Western Regions. Far away when Pingyu always draws a cold arrow to come up with a dark arrow, how to clean up the endgame in Youzhou, Jizhou and other places? When is the leader?

"Hey! Unexpectedly, the people of Bingzheng were so painstaking! If I knew this, it would be better to still be a state shepherd in Bingzhou!" At the thought of this, Lü Bu couldn't help but feel like a fight. He let out a long sigh and said loudly. Upon hearing this, Yan Yan next to her hurriedly put down the paperwork in her hand, walked a few steps on her knees, and walked over to embrace Lu Bu's head in her arms, stretched out her soft hands, and pressed **** both sides of Lu Bu's temples. After a while, Lü Bu made slight snoring noises.

Yan Yan let go of her hands gently, put Lu Bu's head gently on her lap, and then yawned gently, stretched out her hand and picked up the documents on the case, and read them one by one. Up. The papers on the case table were piled like a hill, but Yan Yan criticized them quickly, half an hour passed, and only a small pile of papers remained on the case table. The other documents have long been divided into categories, neatly piled on top of the huge cases. Yan Yan put down the pen and yawned wearily.

"Father! Mother! Did you hear that?'Wang Ling is cautious, it's hard to make a big deal.' This is what Mr. Kang Cheng said!" At this moment, a silver bell-like voice rang from the entrance of the hall, Ling Qi bounced around. Jumping to the ground appeared in the hall. The little girl is eleven years old this year, at the age of naughty and playfulness. According to the tradition of the family of the dynasty, it was time to marry after one or two years, but she seemed unaware of it, and was still as happy as a peacock. This has already caused Yan Yan a headache.

Ugh! This Lingqi is like a wild horse every day! Fighting and killing every day, a girl from a girl’s family stays in the barracks all day long, not riding horses and archery, hunting and camping, just like a bald boy! If you continue like this, you won't even be able to find your in-laws! When she thinks of Lingqi's current appearance, Yan Yan doesn't get angry. How can she be a leader?

What made Yan Yan even more indignant was that his husband, Lu Bu, acted for granted. "Ma'am, my daughter of Lu Bu is a tiger girl! Tiger girl is always a bit tigerish! Don't you think?" Seeing Lu Bu's comforted look, Yan Yan couldn't wait to step forward and give him a big shot. mouth! I bother! Tiger girl? Lingqi can't find her in-law's house, are you a partner?

After receiving her father's support, Lingqi became more arrogant and lawless. Yan Yan was so angry that the roots of her teeth were itching, and she wanted to find a cane so that she could pick up this crazy girl. However, thinking that there is only one little daughter by her side, she really can't do anything about it. In desperation, Yan Yan had to hold back the raging anger in her heart and write down the account for the time being.

"Call???" Lu Bu opened his eyes slowly, and saw Lingqi at a glance. "Lingqi, come to my father!" His face immediately filled with anger, and opened his hands towards Lingqi. "Daddy??????" Ling Qi rushed over, and when she was about to arrive, she suddenly turned a tumbler in the air, and landed directly in Lu Bu's arms. "Father, you were so busy as soon as you came back and ignored Lingqi. Did you remember that I had a daughter?" Lingqi grabbed Lu Bu's right ear and asked loudly.

"Hey??? ah??? ah??? let go! Quickly let go! Killing as a father!" Lu Bu quickly picked up Lingqi lightly, grinning and cooperating. Obediently boom! This girl started quickly and ruthlessly, hitting the point! You have to let Shadow and Siwen Cao Haosheng go and check it out! Who did you learn from? Among Yan Yan's nirvana, she had never seen this one before.

"Father, when you were away, Lingqi missed you all day long! There are also the eldest sister, the eldest brother, and the second elder brother. Suddenly, the entire Da Sima Mansion is empty!" Ling Qi said aggrievedly, her eyes on her. In the midst of it, tears were already full. "Good girl, don't cry! Don't cry! I'm coming back this time, but I brought you ten carts of gifts!" Lu Bu hurriedly resorted to the ultimate killer trick, a bribe! In the past, this trick was one of the best. "No, what Lingqi wants is the eldest sister, the eldest brother, and the second brother!" Lingqi cried.

"Oh! My dear daughter, they are all grown up. They should share their worries for the country and the court!" The most irresistible thing the old man can resist is the little daughter's cries and tears. Seeing Lingqi full of tears, Lu Bu's heart immediately softened. "Fortunately, the war in Jizhou is over, and the Western Regions are coming soon. This time on Zhengdan, they will be able to return to the court!" Lu Bu quickly took out a silk handkerchief to wipe her tears for Lingqi.

"Really?" Lingqi raised her small face in Lu Bu's arms, her face still flickering with tears. "Really!" Lu Bu said solemnly. "Father, you don't want to lie! If you are a lie, hum!" Lingqi raised her two small fists in demonstration. Lingqi is extremely smart, who said she doesn't care about those ten carts of gifts? When she saw a big victory in the first match with her father, she was naturally anxious to go.

"Alright! Alright! Lingqi, if you smell it, what's your body smell? It's all sweaty, go! Hurry up and go to Haosheng to wash up! Let's not smell bad girls in the Lu family!" Seeing the father and daughter Ren successfully reached an agreement, Yan Yan took the posture of Yan mother from the side. "If this continues, in the huge Luoyang city in the future, you really can't get married!" Yan Yan scowled.

It's strange to say that in Da Sima Mansion, everyone is not afraid of Lu Bu, but Yan Yan, and Lingqi is no exception. When she saw her mother speaking, she hurriedly crawled out of Lu Bu's arms, cocked her nose and sniffed her clothes, her face flushed. "Isn't this just coming back from the barracks???" she whispered, stood up, and ran away in a hurry.

"Oh! Fighting and killing all day, she has become a wild child! The poems and books that Wenji Suori taught her, you dare to eat with food!" Yan Yan sighed. Said helplessly. "Let her go crazy! At most, you should be crazy for two or three years, and you should marry someone! Once you marry someone, you are someone from the family. Even if you want to see it, it is rare to see it in leisure time!" Lu Bu He sat there, staring out the window, and said suddenly. "That Lu Xun and Lu Boyan, where are you now?"

"Lu Xun??? He is in Taixue now. I heard that the veteran is not in good health. As people get older and get older, they will think more about Luoye's return to their roots. No, I heard that he is going to return to Yangzhou with his family. If it's??????" At this point, Yan Yan stopped her mouth. What she wants to say is that if Lu Boyan still stays in Luoyang, he and Lingqi are best friends, and they are in good agreement, and they may be a couple in the future.

"It's okay! It's human nature to hire old people and fall leaves to their roots. I think of Lu Boyan, regardless of his young age, but foresight, wisdom and courage. With time, he will become a generation of outstanding people! If I can be a guest here, I can No regrets! Besides, after staying for a while, he will come back." Knowing his wife Moruofu, when he saw Yan Yan's appearance, Lu Bu understood what he was thinking at this moment. "Fongxian, you are right. With Lu Xun here, Lingqi must be able to converge a little bit. Don't go down in the wild anymore."

Yan Yan sat there and nodded softly. Suddenly, a smile appeared on her face. It was the kind of smile that knew everything in her chest. "Fengxian, you just got the second state of Youji, and you're thinking about fighting Yangzhou again! The Lu family lived in Wu County, and has always been a big family in Jiangyou. You are going to plant a seed in Yangzhou and wait for it for several years. Take root and sprout later."

"Also!" Lu Bulang laughed loudly. "Who knows me, Yan Yan! What do you think of Zheng Kangcheng's ‘Wang Ling’s formality is hard to make a big deal’?" Just now, Lu Bu wanted to ask, it was just this matter, but Lingqi turned it off. "Three secret reports, one for Zheng Kangcheng and Cai Houye, one for Dark Shadow and one for Si Wencao. From this point of view, this matter is already firmly established and has not been changed."

Yan Yan pointed to the three secret reports above the case, and said softly. "Wang Wei's intention is just to preserve the clan! In the world, when I hit the country, how can there be any reason for not giving his son a seat, but letting people from outside the line? In my opinion, Lao Wang said that there is probably It seems that there is something to stay, which seems to be not good for Wang Ling. Keep it in the file and save it. If you say it is not good, you can still use it in the future!"

Speaking of this, Yan Yan stretched out her hand, picked up the pen, and approved the four characters "stay in, archive" on the three documents.

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