New Story of Lv Bu

: : Lv Zhengxiao, I, actually made an inexhaustible meritorious service

"Fengxian, Lingqi can't go down like this anymore! I have to think of a way to take her heart away!" Yan Yan raised her head and looked at Lu Bu solemnly. "This???" Lu Bu scratched his head, just about to say the catch phrase "Is she still a child", but after a glance at Yan Yan's face, he immediately silenced with interest. No, Madam is going to get angry.

"Hahaha?????? In that case, after Zhengdan, let her study in the Beijing Normal University. A year or two of collective life will surely suppress the wildness of her body." Lu Bu licked the teeth for a long time. , Then he said quietly, his reluctance was beyond words. Strangely speaking, when Ling Hao and Lu An were young, he had never been so concerned about them. Why?

"Why? Feeling distressed? Can't bear it? Think about how you didn't feel distressed when you treated Ling Hao, Lu An and Lu Zhengzhi so severely? Now I am afraid that I am getting older. Looking at my little daughter, I can't bear it. "Zhihu Mo Ruo's wife, Yan Yan looked through Lu Bu's heart with a glance. She moved over gently, nestled in Lu Bu's arms, and rubbed Lu Bu's face with her hands.

Upon hearing this, Lu Bu couldn't help but recall the little bit of Ling Hao when he was young. Ling Hao vowed that "I won't eat roast geese again", and Lu Zheng forced Lu Anman to run into the yard?????? The dew in the morning is like a little bit, floating in my heart, bringing strands of sweetness and fragrance, but those sweet and short times have disappeared without a trace.

"Well, you and I will be old with just one flick of your finger! Decades have passed in the blink of an eye. Your officials are getting bigger and bigger, and my heart becomes less and less secure. Why? Now? , We are wrestling with the world's heroes. Those people are all the heroes and heroes in the world! Picking up one at random, it's all stomping the world and trembling, it's hard to pick it up!"

Yan Yan leaned his head on Lu Bu's knees, clenched Lu Bu's hands with both hands, rubbed Lu Bu's big hands with his delicate face, and said softly, as if whispering. As she talked, her eyes seemed to be a little blurred. Through the vast sunlight, she seemed to see the tired spirit that she never knew when she was a child. "Mother! Are you chasing me?????? Mother! You can't catch up with me! Haha!"

"In addition, the guy who hid in Pingyu County, Runan County, came out to be a demon from time to time, so he held the gourd and got up. Every day, he fought tremblingly, for fear that if he was careless, he would lose all the games. Your temperament is so rude, you just think that you are good to others, and they will definitely return your love. Don't you know that there are many ungrateful people in this world!"

Speaking of this, there was a hint of sweetness and even a hint of shyness on Yan Yan's face. "You tell me, how can you go on like this? If you don't worry about it, someone will have to be frustrated for you! Linghao and Lu An are still young, so I have to go into battle on my own. No, I'm forced to be like this. Political idiots, who have become the old fritters that have been up and down in the officialdom for many years, are always counting people! There is no way, you must not be harmful, and you must be defensive. If you miss it, you will be full of things. Lose!"

Lu Bu sat there, stroking Yan Yan's tender face while thinking about his own thoughts. Sure enough, as Yan Yan said, she was forced from a political idiot to become a veteran political veteran who was arrogant and arrogant. However, no one knows how much effort and bitterness she put in behind this, and even how many times she cried in the middle of the night!

"These years, it’s hard for you! Fortunately, the war is over, and I can finally make time to accompany you! Let’s get to Zhengdan right away, call all the children back, and then call the old brothers, pay With their family members, the big guy is so lively!" Lu Bu said softly. "Yes! This is a good way! Just come to a meeting with a hundred officials and a feast for the officials!"

Yan Yan clapped her hands and laughed. At this moment, Lu Bu seemed to see Yan Yan when she first married, the bright and gentle Yan Yan, Lu Bu's eyes began to moisten. Youth is like a rushing river, all the way forward, day and night. Eliminates the frizz and immaturity of my youth, leaving only calmness and competence. As for the other vicissitudes and sadness, I have long been missing.

It is a pity that such a warm moment only lasted for a moment, not even a few moments, Yan Yan sighed and slowly got up. She dusted her clothes with her hand to make the wrinkles appear to be smoother. Then, after she sat down slowly on the huge case, she reached out and slowly moved the thinnest stack of papers to her eyes, and coughed slightly. Speak.

"Bong first, I have reviewed the usual official documents for you. The left and right are just'in accordance with the agreement','there is a joint discussion','rejected', and'understood'. The rest of these official documents, But you have to nod your head. The first one is Huangfu Songzao. After Zang Ba attacked Nanzheng, Zhang Lu closed the mansion and surrendered. Please tell me how to deal with the Zhang Lu clan."

Upon hearing this, Lu Bu's eyebrows wrinkled immediately. "Take advantage of the battle between our army and the Kwantung Allied Forces, Zhang Lu contacted Yizhou Liu Yan, took the opportunity to go north, intending to attack Guanzhong, it is really horrible! If Huangfu Song didn't rub the sand in his eyes, Zang Ba and Sun Guan had overcome Qian. Difficulties and dangers, attacking Nanzheng and Shangyong, this battle is still unknown! However, Zhang Lu suddenly surrendered! According to his temperament, it should not be like this, could it be Yan Pu and Yang Song who played in it? What does it do not work?"

"Also!" Yan Yan said with a smile. "Huangfu Song reported that it was Yan Pu's weeping blood and persuasion, plus Yang Song was fanning the flames, and Zhang Lu made up his mind. In any case, Zhang Lu is the master of the Five Dou Mijiao after all, and his subordinates paid back. There are more than one hundred thousand religious people, in my opinion, they have to be used as a memorial tablet. However, this Yang Songmin is too angry to stay."

"Easy to handle! Send an envoy to make Zhang Lu a county lord. I remember he has five sons, so let’s make him a Tinghou. Forget it. Move Zhang Lu’s family to Luoyang City, the capital of the Han Dynasty, and I will welcome him in person! All the treatments given to him are preferential, and we must set an example for the princes of the world! Yan Pu, for a village prince, transferred to Beijing to listen to. As for that annoying Yang Song, Feng Shizhong, as The all-powerful envoy, hold the festival, go to Chengdu to recruit Liu Yan!" Lu Bu pondered for a moment, and said loudly.

"Okay! That's great! This is a three-bird strategy with one stone! It depends on how Yang Song thinks about it!" Yan Yanji exclaimed. "The second incident was the joint report by Han Sui, Zhang Yan, Wei Xu, Ling Hao, and Lu An. Seven days ago, in the Qinghe State of Qinghe State in Jizhou, the coalition of the Black Mountain Yukou and Qingzhou Yellow Turbans was defeated, and Li's head was killed in battle. , Huang Shao, Zhou Cang, and Pei Yuanshao led their troops to surrender, and Yu Du was only spared. In this battle, 38,000 beheaded, more than 300,000 prisoners were born, and the army's capital was piled up like a mountain, and there are no more bandits north of Qingzhou!"

Upon hearing this, Lü Bu was overjoyed immediately. He snatched the eagle letter, carefully read it three times from beginning to end. This eagle letter was written by Han Sui and Zhang Yan, and the writing is concise, and it has the potential to sweep a thousand troops. Lu Bu's brows gradually wrinkled, and after finally reading it, his face was already dark.

"Why? Don't you believe it? Did you learn to brag? It's the same as my original impression. Come here, and look at these eagle letters." Yan Yan immediately understood Lu Bu's face, and she smiled. Several essays were pushed over. Lü Bu picked it up and looked at it, but it was written by Siwen Cao and Shadow Shadow’s spies. There were lieutenants in the army and secret observations, all of which were verified in detail.

Lü Bu frowned and took it, and took a closer look. Gradually, his brows finally opened up. "Unexpectedly, Ling Hao and Lu An would actually use the trick! First, they sent meticulous work to provoke the relationship between the Black Mountain Army and the Yellow Turban Army, causing the two armies to lose peace and ignore each other, and then send a small group of troops to pretend to be the Yellow Turban Army and the Black Mountain Army to attack the two. Army, when the two armies hit a real fire, then launch a general offensive! No wonder the results of this battle are so huge, 80% should be on top of this trick! Ling Hao and Lu An are finally mature!"

"They are not the only ones who are mature. Lu Zheng made more noise in Guishuang! He went out and took the city of Kangju's royal capital, Beitian. Then he recruited the warriors of Kangju and Dawan, and went south to conquer Hua. Lazmo and Sogdian are now besieging Peshawar, half of the territory of the Kushan Empire has been in his pocket! The morale of the Kushan soldiers who besieged the city of Kucha is low and panic all day long. I guess they are almost defeated. The day is not far away! This battle will surely bring about a century of peace in the Western Regions!" Yan Yan said with a smile.

"Hey! I didn't expect Lu Zheng to be so brave! I deserve to be the son of my Lu Bu! This son Xiao me! This son Xiao me! I originally only wanted him to go to the Western Regions for some experience, but I didn't expect that he would bring a few dolls. , And laid down most of the Guishuang Empire! Even if it is the contribution of defending Huo, it can't be compared with Lu Zheng! Such an outstanding achievement, how should I award it? Let the courts discuss."

Lü Bu stood up slowly, pressing the sword with his hand and looking into the distance. At this moment, his heart was surging and full of passion. "Okay." Yan Yan responded indifferently, and then wrote on the memorial, urging all officials to discuss their merits. At this moment, Lu Bu didn't notice, a cloud of clouds passed over Yan Yan's face, although it was only a short moment, it was extremely obvious.

Today's Lu family, with two sons and a daughter, are both pillars, but in the future, will the Lu family be more prosperous?

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