New Story of Lv Bu

: : Lu Zheng arrives in Peshawar

For the Guishuang Empire, Peshawar City is an extremely important hub that must not be lost. The territory of the Guishuang Empire, the northern part is a vast and broad steppe, which has been inhabited by the nine Sogdian surnames and the Serbs for generations, and the south is northwestern Hindustan, which was established by the Serbs who took the lead in invading Hindustan hundreds of years ago. The city-states of China have long been integrated with the local Hindustanis. Among these city-states, the Hellenistic trend is very serious, and the sturdy and combative Greek infantry are well-known.

Between the savannah in the north and the Hindustan plain in the south, is the tall and stalwart Hindu Kush Mountains. The Hindu Kush Mountain is the dividing line between the Indus River Basin and the inner river basin of Central Asia, and the watershed of the Amu Darya River. There are two main veins, one is Baba Mountain, which runs east-west. The other is Hazaragat Mountain. In the middle of the Hindu Kush Mountains, there are many extremely important mountain passes. As far back as 1,800 years ago, invaders from Central Asia brought their Indo-European languages ​​into South Asia through these important mountain passes.

The vast grasslands in the north, the fertile plains in the south, and the towering Hindu Kush Mountains in the middle constitute the main body of the Guishuang Empire. In the southwest of the Hindu Kush Mountains, there is a large plateau called Khorasan. Khorasan, also known as Khorasan, means the land of the sun. Khorasanstan is one of many stan in Central Asia. In its heyday, the territory of the Khorasan (Parthian) Empire stretched from the Caspian Sea to the west, the Hindu Kush Mountains to the east, bordered on the Rest to the west and Hindustan in the south.

However, time has passed and the world has changed with time. Today's Khorasanstan has been dismembered by the Anthian Empire and the Guishuang Empire. The Parthian Empire got the eastern part of Khorasanstan, and the Kushan Empire got the western part of Khorasanstan. Under the rule of the Guishuang Empire, Khorasan was divided into three parts: North Khorasan, Khorasan, and South Khorasan, each of which was governed by governors sent by the Guishuang Empire.

To be honest, the Guishuang Empire looks like a hodgepodge of many large and small Stan. From north to south, they are Huarazim, Sogdian, Dayueshi (Daxia) homeland, Huh. Rosan, Gandhara, Fengbin, Punjab, Indra Prosto. Among these stans, the separatist tendencies in Khorazmo and Khorasan are the most obvious. Faced with waves of independence, the governors of the Guishuang Empire adopted extremely stupid methods and sent troops to suppress them again and again.

Since Lu Zheng's Tianxiong army conquered Huarazim and gave the local nobles certain autonomy rights, the nobles of Khorasan immediately took off. "We want to have our own fief like Hualazimo! We have our own army! We have our own family crest and flag! Follow General Tianxiong to Guishuang to make a fortune!" In an instant, there was chaos in Khorasan. A group.

In the vast area of ​​Central Asia, Anxi is the number one power. It stands alone with the Great Qin in the West and the Great Han in the East. It is the three largest empires in the world today. The three kingdoms of Kangju, Dawan, and Wusun at the northern end of Central Asia are all grassland countries that live on nomadic hunting. In particular, Kangju has a vast area of ​​thousands of miles, with 120,000 victorious troops, and the capital city of Beitian is a military center in northern Central Asia.

Before the Guishuang Empire's emperor Vesudeva I's eastward conquest, these three grassland kingdoms all served as vassals and surrendered under the wing of the Guishuang Empire. Because of this, the powerful empire taken on the paper of the Guishuang Empire, the Anxi Empire to the west of it has always guarded the border, not daring to take a step beyond the thunder pond. Nowadays, because of Lu Zheng's raids for thousands of miles, apart from Wusun, Kangju and Dawan have been destroyed by Lu Zheng and become part of the Han Empire. Cheng Xun, a good brother of Lu Zheng, was also appointed governor of Kangju and Dawan.

"Cheng Xun, I used to say, Lu Zheng, to be rich, don't forget each other! Today I finally fulfilled my promise!" Lu Zheng patted Cheng Xun's shoulder and said boldly. "Boss, I, Cheng Xun, must follow in your footsteps, conquer all directions, and destroy countless countries. Wherever your horse hoofs under your hips go, it is the territory of the Han Dynasty! Until the end of the sea!" Cheng Xun stared with both eyes. Jin Guang'er, slapped her chest. "Hahahahahahahaha!" Lu Zheng laughed. "Those who know my heart, Cheng Xun!"

"Masters, don’t worry, I promise, Lu Zheng, within five years, each of you will be a governor with thousands of miles of land! Lu Zheng puts one foot on a big rock and puts the Western Region wine in the crystal glass. He drank it and roared loudly. At this moment, against the setting sun, he was like a mature male lion, roaring loudly towards the Guishuang Empire in the south.

A few days ago, after Malakanda defeated the 30,000 army of the Guishuang Empire, Kharazmo descended in the wind. The Sogdians, the Dayue people, and the Hindustan people of Gandhara who finally understood the situation also sent envoys to request the Tianxiong general from the distant Han Empire to become their ruler. It is said that the nobles of Khorasan, large and small, also united and sent envoys to ask Lu Zheng to be their king. Today, Lu Zheng already owns thousands of miles of territory, which is larger than the Anxi Empire.

As the king of kings, as the ruler of a huge empire, Lu Zheng has the courage to speak like this, and the strength to speak like this!

The importance of Peshawar is that it is the backbone of the entire Guishuang Empire, with one end of the vast grassland in the north of the empire and the other end of the fertile plain in the south. Because of this, King Gagansega of the Guishuang Empire once established the capital here in order to strengthen the connection between the north and the south of the empire. In addition, it is the strongest fortress guarding the many passes of the Hindu Kush Mountains.

Lu Zheng, who had just conquered the nine surnames of Huarazim and Sogdian, and the hometown of Daxia, also came to Peshawar through these very military mountain passes. At this moment, the Tianxiong Army under Lu Zheng has completely become a large multi-ethnic coalition army after absorbing many Dawan, Kangju, Huarazim, and Sogdians. , The number is as many as 100,000.

In this huge army, according to the habits of various nationalities, Lu Zheng quickly and effectively reorganized various arms. The Dawan people and the Kangju people are nomads, so naturally, they acted as scouts, archers, and chasers. The Khalazmians, who were accustomed to living in large and small cities, and the Hellenized Cypriots, appeared in this army as light and heavy infantry. The Dayue people are more evenly distributed, with infantry, cavalry and even various auxiliary units.

Throughout the ages, the nine surnames of Sogdian have been engaged in business, and have been active in the business road from the east to the sea and Daqin in the west. Lu Zheng, a descendant of the Eastern Qiang people, naturally understood this point. He gave the order readily, and the businessmen of the nine surnames of Sogdian were in charge of military supplies and logistics. For this, Sogdian merchants raised their hands to welcome. However, General Tianxiong seemed to be dissatisfied with their integrity and integrity. His old man appointed more than a hundred Han Confucian scholars as inspectors to supervise and deal with all illegal acts in the army.

On November 12th of the third year of Chuping of the Han Dynasty, Lu Zheng arrived in Peshawar. He was inseparable from his little brother Jia Ji, who is also the number one civil minister of Sima Lubu, who has always been called "Brother Wenhe" without a name. Jia Xu’s third son. As Lu Zheng's followers, there were one thousand Eastern Qiang light cavalry, one thousand Dawan archer, and one thousand Han heavy cavalry--this was Gao Han's idea.

From a very young age, Lu Zheng had a dream. He once talked with his father Lu Bu and his eldest sister Ling Hao. He wanted to command hundreds of thousands of troops like Hou Huo, the brilliant and brilliant champion of this dynasty. Thousands of miles on the battlefield, destroying the country and surging a hundred, killing people and surging wild, blood is flowing. Now, the dream has finally come true, and his heart is already turbulent, and his heroism is dry.

Those who came to greet him were the generals of the Tianxiong Army, Gao Han, the son of General Wei Gao Shun, Song Qian, and the sons of General Song Xian, Hao Meng and Cao Xing, who had arrived under Peshawar first. Han Jiang. These people all followed Lu Zheng's long journey, and during the long journey, all of them have gone through numerous difficulties and dangers. Now, they all got everything they deserved.

In addition, there is a new vote of Lu Zheng’s younger brothers: Suritang Aini Arslan (rich lion monarch), Yaolivas Sawuti Batur (hero in tiger armor) , Alimu Xierefu Vals, (the noble scholar heir), Apiz Alif Sabir (a tough lonely singer). All of them wore bright and dazzling mountain script armour, surrounded by thousands of foreign soldiers wearing all kinds of clothing and armor, headed north, waiting for Lu Zheng's arrival.

Finally, a light cavalry appeared on the mountain road to the north. They were dressed in light steel armor, and under their hips were Wuhuan horses who were good at driving, and hanging from their waists was the first sword of a 100-refined steel ring. "This is the Eastern Qiang cavalry under the general's command. It has always been a pioneer! Behind them should be the general's guard, the Han heavy cavalry." The witty Apiz raised his eyebrows and said playfully. "I have just been apart from the general for a few days, how come it's like we've been apart for several years?" Alimu nodded thoughtfully.

Sure enough, behind this Eastern Qiang cavalry, there appeared a Han Chinese heavy cavalry. The cavalry on the horse is burly and sturdy, wearing heavy armor, and carrying a shiny sword in his hand. The horse under the hip is a tall and strong Xiliang horse. At the front end of the Han heavy cavalry, a burly flag officer held a flag with Lu character high in his hands. It was the general flag of Tianxiong General Lu Zheng.

"The general is here! Everyone, please follow me to clean up my clothes and go to meet him!" Gao Han coughed and said loudly.

"No!" All the generals slammed their promises, purging their outfits and setting out to welcome them.

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