New Story of Lv Bu

: : Whoever wants to grab it will have a million dead bodies!

Lv Zheng lightly car and Jiancong, accompanied by Jia Ji, Apiz and Alimu, traveled around Peshawar for three days before returning to camp. Apiz was born as a wandering singer and has traveled almost throughout Central Asia. Appim is a scholar and is familiar with the customs of the Guishuang Empire and the relationship between the family and the family. As long as the two people's words are confirmed by each other, the truth can be drawn. .

At this moment, what Lu Zheng wanted to know most was how to capture Peshawar City, but after going around Peshawar City for three days, he almost lost his confidence. The Hindu Kush Mountains separate the north from the south and divide the territory of the Kushan Empire into two. To get from the vast grasslands in the north to the fertile plains in the south, the nearest road passes through the two main passes of the Salang Pass and the Khyber Pass.

Starting from the Tocharo Basin in the Amu Darya Valley, heading south through the Kunduz Middle Valley-this valley is one of the many military-significant valleys on both sides of the Hindu Kush Mountains-and then crosses the Salang Pass. Kabul. From Kabul to the south, passing through the middle reaches of the Kabul valley, crossing the Khyber Pass to the Kentala Basin, and further south is the towering Potterval Plateau.

The middle reaches of Kabul river valley is about 70 miles long, sandwiched between two mountains, winding and winding, and the terrain is difficult. It has always been a battleground for military strategists. Lu Zheng's army continuously arrived in Peshawar through the middle reaches of Kabul. However, the most terrible thing is that the city of Peshawar was built four or five miles east of the Khyber Pass, and the city walls were thick, easy to defend and hard to attack, and there were no flaws in it.

If you want to go south to conquer the other half of the Guishuang Empire, you must first pull out the nail of Peshawar City! Otherwise, Lu Zheng's one hundred thousand celestial army's rear food path would not be guaranteed. Not only that, once Peshawar's defenders have three to four points in general, they will inevitably lead their troops to raid Lu Zheng's back road, and together with the Kushan Army of Punjab and Indra Prosto, they will attack Lu Zheng back and forth.

Lu Zheng tried to break his head, but didn't think of a countermeasure. He had to take out the notes of Lord Kang Hou and began to look through the records about the Guishuang Empire. Kang Houye's notes are extremely informative. Whenever he goes to a place, he will definitely send his entourage to survey and map the map to inquire about the local customs and the situation of the city pass. Perhaps, from his few words, he can get some inspiration and come up with a trick.

Unexpectedly, this look was actually seen, and a few giant candles lit up all night in the luxurious Chinese army's big tent.

The Guishuang Empire is a multi-ethnic country. There are dozens of ethnic groups in the empire. There are often disputes between different ethnic groups because of pasture, land, or trade and trade. Over time, a law emerged. As long as the relations between the nations within the empire can be straightened out, the Guishuang Empire will definitely grow stronger, otherwise, it will inevitably fall into internal strife.

The new emperor Vesudipa I was too young and so happy, the ethnic contradictions in the empire became terrible.

In the Guishuang Empire, the Dayue people are the first-class ethnic group. Apart from that, the Hindustani people are the most influential. The reason is simple. The Guishuang Empire was established by the Dayue people, and the Dayue people are naturally the ruling nation. After the Dayue people moved westward, the people under their tribes were divided into five princes, one of which was the Guishuang prince, which eventually unified the five princes and established the Guishuang Empire.

The gain of the Hindustanis is because of the fifth monarch Kagasega I, who is of Hindustani origin.

The first monarch of the Guishuang Empire, Qiu Juque, Kadfez I, was the first emperor of the Guishuang Empire, and he reigned for fifty years. He is known for his good at reconciling the relations between various ethnic groups. After capturing the strategically important Kabul Valley, he began to adopt the title of King of Kings. He completely got rid of the fetters of the Greek City-State Alliance, and captured Tangcha Shiluo and Fengbin.

Tancha Shiluo is Peshawar, which is also translated as Decha Shiluo, Zhusha Shiluo, and Shishiguo. These names refer to the area centered on Peshawar. Tancha Shiluo has been known for his advanced knowledge and skills since ancient times. Five hundred years ago, when Alexander the Great of Macedonia invaded, the Western world only learned of the prosperity and prosperity of Tancha Shiro, and Tancha Shiro was famous all over the world.

Yan Gaozhen, the son of Qiu Juqu, was the second king in the history of the Guishuang Empire, namely Kadfez II, also known as "The Unknown King Sotel Magus", which means great The savior, who has reigned for 25 years, is one of the great kings in the history of the Guishuang Empire. "Yan Gaozhen" has the characteristic that Mongolian names end with "true" sound, while "Yan Gao" means "Agu", which means "brother" or "prince" in Tungusic-Manchu. It can be seen that the name "Yan Gaozhen" probably means "Brother Agu" or "Prince Agu". Under his rule, the Guishuang Empire reached its peak.

In the era of Yan Gaozhen, the Guishuang Empire turned south and marched towards the northwestern part of the Hindustan mainland. It annexed many Hindustan-Greek city-states to the south, and occupied Punjab and Indra Prosto in the upper reaches of the Ganges. In the north, the Guishuang Empire annexed Khalazm, Sogdian and Sistan, and the country was greatly expanded. During his rule, the Guishuang Empire began to Indianize.

After Yan Gaozhen's death, the Guishuang Empire was plunged into chaos and turmoil. In the end, King Jagosega I took advantage of the situation and finally won the victory after three years of struggle. His trophy was the entire Guishuang Empire. Jia Ginsega I was originally one of the many generals who guarded Tianzhu by Yan Gaozhen. He was very clever. He was the most influential monarch in the history of the Guishuang Empire.

During the reign of Kagasega I, he adopted an inclusive policy, treating all religions in the territory equally, and reconciling the relations between the various races. The production in the empire has been greatly developed, the economy is prosperous, the people are prosperous, and a large number of new towns’ religions The center rises. The Guishuang Empire was prosperous and became one of the four empires with the same reputation as the Han Empire, the Anxi Empire, and the Great Qin Empire.

Externally, King Kagasega I ran Kangju and Huarazim to the north, suppressed the Parthian Empire to the west, and dominated Central and South Asia. Most importantly, the Guishuang Empire almost monopolized all the spice trade on the Silk Road, and it also accounted for a large share of the silk trade. Ka Gian Sega I sent a fleet to cross the sea westward, opening up a new business route from Hindustan to Daqin via Palmyra.

In his notes, the clever, wise, well-informed, and countless-reading Lord Kang Hou said this is what Kagasega I was. "I think that Ka Ginsega I was the greatest monarch in the history of the Guishuang Empire. There is no one. This comment on him is not because he expanded the territory of the Guishuang Empire for thousands of miles, and also harmonized the various races in the territory. , But because he saw the importance of the Silk Road! After seeing this, he gathered all the peoples in the empire under his command, in order to preserve the huge business brought about by this Silk Road Struggling for profit. Surrounding this trade road, he exhausted his mind and sacrificed everything! Looking at the Qingliu celebrities in this dynasty, the magnate of Chaozhong, only Da Sima saw this, and he put it into action!"

Seeing this, Lu Zheng couldn't help but feel a little fascinated! He slowly closed the weather-beaten and some broken notes. As early as ten years ago, his father Sima Lubu realized the importance of the Silk Road. If the business is successful, the huge profits obtained on this business road are enough to buy the whole man! Can even buy a few big guys.

Lu Zheng once heard Lu An and Linghao talk about his father's actions. At that time, Lu An said in the original words. "I think that this hand of chess played by my father ten years ago is absolutely related to the gains and losses of the whole world! As long as you hold this Silk Road tightly in your hands, you will have countless wealth. Wealth is enough to support the Bingzhou army to conquer the entire world! From this point of view, the Silk Road is a hen with golden eggs in the world! For it, even if one million people die, it is worth it!"

Thinking of this, Lu Zheng was finally enlightened like a divine enlightenment! In his mind, the past and the present, everything he had clarified and understood, finally joined together. It turned out that my father was playing such a big game of chess! It turned out that this Silk Road was so important to the Han Empire! It turned out that his elder brother Lu An had already understood all this! And I just got insight into everything! Lu An, I will not lose to you! Father, although I am a little stupid, I am at least ten times stronger than Lu An on the battlefield! I will definitely hold this hen who only lays golden eggs tightly in my hand for you! Regardless of Guishuang, rest in peace, or Daqin, anyone who wants to grab it will have to lay down a million corpses and bleed for thousands of miles!

Lu Zheng finally got up, and at this moment, his heart was full of excitement. The youth’s desire for meritorious deeds, and the stubbornness of not wanting to lose to Lu An, and the immense admiration of his father?????? All of these are integrated together, under the enthusiasm of the heart, in a certain devil hidden in the dark. Under his instigation, it finally turned into a sky-high ambition, and a firm will!

I, Lu Zheng, the second son of Da Sima Lubu, must hold this Silk Road tightly in my hands! Even if it pays the lives of millions of people, even if it is hitting the end of the sea, even if it is ten swings and ten battles, ten deaths and no lives, even in the face of a powerful country like Anxi and Daqin, I, Lu Zheng, will fight to the end! If you don't reach the goal, never stop! I, Lu Zheng, will definitely beat Lu An!

Suddenly, the notes of Lord Kang Hou in his arms fell to the ground, and a hand-drawn map fell out. This is a map of Peshawar's city defense, marked with various numbers. It was a simple text that his father had taught him and used to keep accounts. Lu Zheng slowly leaned down, picked up the city defense map, and looked at it carefully. He saw it with great enthusiasm.

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