New Story of Lv Bu

: : The messenger of the Khorasan is here

This map is hand-painted with fine ink pens, which is quite vivid, and it depicts the entire Peshawar city in just a few strokes. On the map, the height of the city wall and the distance between the main buildings are marked with Arabic numerals, which can be vividly seen at a glance. What's more rare is that this map looks like alive, specific and subtle, and the entire Peshawar city seems to be right in front of you.

Lu Zheng's eyes widened immediately, and he was so familiar with this drawing method! It was the invention of his father Lu Bu, who once taught himself carefully. Looking at this specific and subtle map, my admiration for my father suddenly became apparent! Here is the city wall, ten feet high and three to five feet thick. Even if you use a Thunderbolt, you have to tap it slowly for a few months. This method won't work! This is the Governor's Mansion in the city, only two miles away from the Western Wall. and many more! The **** of the western wall seems to be gentler than the eastern wall.

Lu Zheng sat down slowly, stretched out his fingers, and carefully compared the slopes of the four walls in the south, east, north, and west. The west city wall just faces the Khyber Pass, which is the steepest. The slopes of the north and south city walls are slightly gentler, and the east city wall is about 30 degrees sloping. However, not far to the east of the East City Wall, there is a large cliff, going straight up and down, eight or nine feet high, which is absolutely impossible to climb. It happens to act as a barrier for the West City Wall. Wait?????? Lu Zheng's brain flashed, as if he had grasped something.

If so???? After a while, a smile appeared on Lu Zheng's face, he had already found a way!

"Enjoy General Tianxiong, the envoy of the Khorasan people is here, there are three people in total, and they ask to see you." Just as Lu Zheng was fascinated, the Qiang soldiers who served him walked into the Chinese army's big tent in large strides. , Crossed hands, bowed to salute. "Oh? They came so quickly? I'm going to see them now. Call Alimu and Apiz over and let them both do interpreters."

Upon hearing this, Lu Zheng's face immediately showed a smile. If you don’t come early or late, Khorasan’s messenger comes at this time, and he is definitely here to bargain. If you wait for Peshawar to be captured, Fengbin and Punjab will be in the bag of the Han army, and the Khorasan people will have nothing to say. They came up at this knot, pinched to the point of ignorance.

A quarter of an hour later, Lu Zheng arrived at the Great Account of the Chinese Army. Not only Alimu and Apiz arrived, but also Jia Ji, Song Qian, Gao Han, Hao Meng, Cao Xing, and Yaolivas and Suritang. "Let's see General Tianxiong (Second Young Master)!" When Lu Zheng arrived, everyone bowed and saluted. The messenger of the Khorasan came unexpectedly, and everyone knew what it meant.

"Sit down and announce them to come in!" Lu Zheng waved his hand and motioned to the generals to sit down, then said softly. "No!" The soldiers on the left and right slammed their promise, and went away in a stride. After a while, three Khorasan people walked in with their heads high. The first one was an old man with gray beard and hair, holding a hardwood walking stick in his hand. The two behind, one is a burly man in his thirties, and the other is a young man in his twenties. The faces of the two are arrogant and unwilling.

The three of them stepped forward, with their right fists as their chests, and leaned over to meet Lu Zheng. The white-haired old man whispered a long speech, his face was full of solemnity. After finally finishing speaking, Suritang, who served as an interpreter on the side, finally spoke. "The ruler of Huarazim, the owner of the nine surnames of Sogdian, the owner of the homeland of Daxia, the guardian of Kangju and Dawan, the second son of Dasima Lubu, the governor of the Han Empire from the far east, and the respected General Tianxiong, please allow me to offer my sincerest respect!"

Speaking of this, Suritang stopped. The three Khorasan messengers took off their hats and bowed respectfully. "General, they just bowed three times instead of bowing or kissing the tip of your boots! This is obviously disrespectful! I beg you to allow me to cut off their heads by myself!" Suritang has not yet When he spoke, Apiz, who was on the side, finally couldn't hold back anymore, and he shouted loudly in slightly blunt Chinese. At the same time, he whispered in Khorasan.

Just after Apiz finished speaking, the youngest of the Khorasan messengers immediately jumped up, his face bounced violently, spitting, and murmured a lot of words in a hurry. When he spoke, Apiz was already furious, and his right hand had touched the first knife of the 100-refined steel ring on his waist! "Apizi, don't worry! I'll translate this passage!" Suritang's face turned black immediately, but after all, he is a scholar, and he can barely suppress the anger in his heart.

"My esteemed master, just now, Apiz reminded him that the etiquette used was wrong. This young man might be ?????? has some objections to which etiquette to adopt. He said that the nobles of Khorasan are composed An alliance has been determined to go to war with the Guishuang Empire, and the ultimate goal is to obtain Khorasan independence. The three of them were just ordered to come and see, what kind of person you, General Tianxiong, is not like. What those people said was ordered to negotiate with General Dahan. Just take a look."

There was a kind of anger, a kind of helplessness, and even a bit of pity in Sulitang's voice. As soon as his voice fell, the old man immediately turned around and started arguing with the young man. The two were arguing with each other, their voices getting sharper and faster and faster. "Apizi, you come to translate! Don't modify it, I want you to translate it authentically!" Lu Zheng frowned, his face terribly dark. The messengers of the Khorasan people unexpectedly had a fierce quarrel in front of him, which showed that the Khorasan nobles had not made a final decision on whether to surrender to the big man. Maybe they really came to take a look.

"No! My dear master!" Apiz replied respectfully. "Habibullah-this is the old man's name. He scolded the young man:'Nasing-this is the young man's name-you are here this time only because of your father. Please remember. , You are not just a spectator, you are also a messenger. As a messenger of the Khorasan, you must have the cultivation of the messenger. Don't lose the Khorasan's face in front of the Dahan general!'"No! No no no! Habibullah, you are wrong! "

Speaking of this, Apiz changed to an arrogant and domineering voice. "Nassin retorted." My father, and most of the Khorasan nobles, believe that by relying on the power of the Khorasan people, it is absolutely possible to win independence! There is no need for the help of the Raoshzi Dahan, he will sooner or later be Those who want to withdraw. Why? Dahan, that distant empire is too far away from us!'"

"'Historically, neither Alexander the Great, or the unknown king Sotel? Mags, nor the most accomplished monarch of the Guishuang Empire, Ka Ginsega I, have never really conquered Khorasan! They are nothing but Khorasan! Occupied the land of Khorasan, but never conquered the hearts of the Khorasan people! This young Han Dynasty general is the same, he only wants the territory and wealth of Khorasan! Why the Khorasan people want to promise What are they good for? Habibullah, you and the nobles who support you are scum among the Khorasan! With the power of aliens, you can never win true independence! Independence depends on yourself!' "

"'Besides, what he is in front of is Peshawar City! It is Peshawar City that even Alexander the Great can't conquer! As long as he can't conquer Peshawar City, we don't have to negotiate with him!" After hearing these words, ha Bibula was silent for a while before he spoke. "When he takes Peshawar, what else can we talk to him? At that time, he doesn't need us anymore! Young man, I want to save Hula. The life of the Shan people, not the independence you said. For a nominal independence, it is not worth sacrificing the lives of hundreds of thousands of Khorasan people. Young people, under the power, pure independence is not worth it. Existing. In that case, why don't we follow this general and share the great benefits of the Silk Road under his command?'"

"'No! No, no, no! The Silk Road can indeed bring prosperity and a better life! However, that was what Emperor Vesudeva I of the Guishuang Empire wanted. For this business road, he did not hesitate to take a long distance The big man is going to war! What we Khorasan people need is not the Silk Road, but complete and pure freedom! For freedom, we are willing to trade everything for us! Even hundreds of thousands of lives, living lives, we The Khorasan people are not hesitating too!' At this time, Nassin was already filled with righteous indignation. He roared this remark. At this time, Habibullah was silent for a while before slowly speaking. "

"'Young man, you are too naive! That big Han general is the greatest genius commander in history, just like Alexander the Great! It only took him three months to conquer Dawan, Kangju, and Farah. Zimo, Sogdian, and Daxia’s homeland, only the gods can do this! The last person was Alexander the Great! The little city of Peshawar cannot withstand his horseshoes.'"

"'Young man, if you stick to your own opinions, you will bring disaster to the Khorasan people! Nassin, you must remember that what we Khorasan people want is a prosperous life, not empty slogans. First. Let the Khorasan people get rich, live a good life, and talk about your unrealistic things! What we want is the Silk Road! What we want is to live and work in peace and contentment! Since the Khorasan people are under the rule of the Guishuang people If he can survive, why can’t we negotiate a good price? If he captures Peshawar, we will be worthless! "No! As long as he can't capture Peshawar, I will never negotiate with him!" Then, We have to part ways!'"

Apiz finally finished speaking. He raised his eyes and looked at Lu Zheng with confidence. He believed that the general would take measures.

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