New Story of Lv Bu

: : You can’t achieve independence by acting as pants

However, Lu Zheng sat there blankly, staring into the distance, as if he was reminiscing, as if he was thinking. Lu Zheng's demeanor caught everyone's attention. They raised their eyes together and looked at Lu Zheng steadily. No one knew that at this moment, Lu Zheng's heart was surging with anger. From the words of the Khorasan people, he once again confirmed the importance of the Silk Road!

Just between the lightning and the fire, in Lu Zheng's mind, suddenly, aura suddenly appeared, and his wisdom opened up. Father, my respected father! I finally thought of a way to capture Peshawar City! This method, Lu An, definitely can't think of it! Suddenly, Lu An burst into tears. He stood there quietly, letting tears wet his clothes, letting tears raging.

Father, my respected father! This is the last time I shed tears! From then on, I am no longer an immature boy! From now on, I, Lu Zheng, will become an amazing commander in command! Will become a ruthless emperor who only knows what is wrong! Turning your hands into clouds, covering your hands as rain, stalking horizontally and horizontally, leading an army of millions of people under your command to fight everywhere until the end of the world!

Father, I want you to take a look, Lu An and I, who is the final winner and who can reach the end of the world!

The silence, the deathly silence, seemed to be ten thousand years later. It seemed that it was only a short moment when Lu Zheng finally recovered. He stretched out his big hand, wiped a handful of tears on his face, and said in a choked voice. "Masters, today, at this moment, I understand my father's hard work! He is in the next big chess game! I, Lu Zheng, must be his pawn!"

Upon hearing this, everyone present hurriedly bowed to salute. "Long live the big Sima! The big Sima is mighty! General Tianxiong is mighty!" Everyone shouted with a right fist to the chest together. All the generals of the Tianxiong Army present were extremely clever, and it seemed that there was always a break-up between his second son and his eldest son Lu An, and everyone knew it well. Lu Zheng's move today just confirmed this conjecture.

In any case, the second son, Ku Xiao, is his father, under the command of Da Sima, to be a pawn, this is absolutely not wrong.

"Apizi, tell the Khorasan people according to my original words. Please listen carefully, messenger of the Khorasan people! Tell the Khorasan people exactly what I have said! I, Lu Zheng , General Tianxiong of the great man, don’t care what they are here for. Even if all Khorasan people oppose me, I will conquer the whole Khorasan! As long as the great man needs it, my Lu Zheng will kill all Khorasan people, Make Khorasan a real place name! This is the answer of my Dahan Tianxiong!"

Speaking of this, Lu Zheng patted the case with his right hand and shouted loudly. "Now, I'm finished. Just take a look. Please go back. After I take Peshawar, I will continue to march on Khorasan. Until then, I will not negotiate with you. There are only two paths in front of you: one is to die in battle! The other is to surrender under my horseshoe! Where to go, please choose yourselves, it is not unpredictable! If you want to negotiate, I, Lu Zheng, are willing Listen to your terms."

After Lu Zheng finished speaking, he sat there with a golden sword, his face restored to his former calm. At this moment, his heart was filled with a desire for fighting and killing. In his heart, there was a devil's voice tempting him all the time. Lv Zheng, take up your swords and guns, lead your army, conquer all quarters, and develop a great empire with a vast territory! Let everyone have a look, let your father Sima Lubu have a look, let your mother Princess Adele's Spirit in Heaven have a look, you are stronger than Lu An!

Apiz, a wandering singer, conveyed Lu Zheng's meaning in both form and spirit. With his left hand akimbo, his right hand clenched his fist, he waved fiercely and roared loudly. Listening to Apiz’s words, among the three Khorasan messengers, Habibullah and Mosen immediately turned their faces as earth-colored. They dropped their heads on the ground and muttered to themselves, as if praying and repent.

Nassin, the youngest messenger, finally flew into a rage, his eyes flashed with angry flames, and he roared a lot of words. "My respected master, the young Khorasan messenger Nassin said so. "Young Dahan general, you are too naive! Khorasan cannot be conquered! If you want to conquer Khorasan, you Let’s take the city of Peshawar first! Five hundred years ago, it took Alexander the Great five months to capture Peshawar! I don’t think you are better than Alexander the Great. You don’t even have siege equipment! If you can If I take Peshawar within a month, I am willing to cut off my head!' My noble master, he laughed wildly at this point. In my opinion, he really does not believe that you can take Peshawar. "

"Hahahahahahaha!" Hearing this, Lu Zheng let out a long laugh. "Apizi, translate according to my original words. I, the second son of the Great Sima Lu Bu of the Han Empire, General Tianxiong Lu Zheng, will conquer Peshawar in three days! Let him wash his head and buttocks and wait. That day is here! At that time, if he refuses to plead his sins, I don't mind hanging him!"

Apiz once again translated Lu Zheng's words both in form and spirit, and in an instant, everyone in the Great Account of the Chinese Army exclaimed. In the face of a fortified city like Peshawar, even if there are enough slingshots, it will take months and the lives of tens of thousands of people to conquer it. However, General Tianxiong unexpectedly uttered brave words casually like this!

As soon as the military order came out, even if there was a sea of ​​swords and blazes ahead, the Han army had to follow suit and die, to fulfill the commander's wish! However, if the city of Peshawar cannot be captured within three days, wouldn't the Khorasan people read the joke for nothing? In addition, if the troops were stationed under the strong city and failed for several months, once they were taken by the Guishuang army and the Han army's food path was broken, wouldn't it be a big defeat?

"Hahahahahahaha!" Nassin laughed wildly. "Young General of the Han Dynasty, you are so tender! How can Peshawar be so easy to conquer? Come on! Let's take a bet! If you can conquer Peshawar in three days, I am willing to Self-congratulation! Not only that! I, a man of the Nashin Ju clan, must mourn and apologize! If you can’t attack, Lu Zheng will also mourn your sins!"

"Okay! Then let's take a gamble! See who is the one who finally apologized!" Lu Zheng laughed loudly.

The situation has developed to such a point that both Lu Zheng and Nashin have no retreat, not only them, but also the big men and the Khorasan nobles behind them. Nassing flicked his sleeves, snorted coldly, and walked out of the account. Habibullah sighed and spoke slowly. "Respected General of the Han Dynasty, Nassing is just a spoiled rich second generation. You don’t need to have general knowledge with him. In my opinion, you still have to proceed with caution." "Habibullah, rest assured, I will be there. The Baishan tile city was captured in three days! I guarantee it with my reputation as Lu Zheng! Now, let's talk about your purpose." Lu Zheng glanced at him and said slowly.

"Honorable generals of the Han Dynasty, Mo Sen and I have only one purpose here, and that is to express surrender to the Han Empire. At the same time, we hope that the Han Empire will treat the Khorasan and the Khorasan people in the same way. Please allow us to keep our army and fief, as well as our people. Under this premise, the Khorasan people are willing to gather under your command, provide you with a steady stream of warriors and food, and always follow you to fight the Quartet until The end of the world! We can represent the Khorasan people."

Having said this, Habibullah raised his head and carefully looked at Lu Zheng's face. "The messenger of the Khorasan people, my reply is as follows: Those who dare to offend a strong man will be punishable even if they are far away! Anything that the Great Han army traverses is the territory of the Great Han! As long as it is subject to the jurisdiction of the Han Empire, it is no compromise. According to my Lu Zheng’s order, I can enfeoff these territories to you and allow you to keep your own army and fiefdom. According to actual needs and your performance, I can seal or deprive your army and fiefdom at any time! You must remember Loyal to me, Lu Zheng, is loyal to the big man!" Lu Zheng said with a solemn expression on his face.

Upon hearing this, Habibullah turned his head and exchanged glances with Mawson. Mawson nodded unnoticeably. Habibullah turned around and leaned down to show his surrender. "Honorable General Dahan, I accept your terms on behalf of the Khorasan people. Here is a list of your supporters and opponents. As long as you capture Peshawar, the Khorasan people, the Khorasan people, the Khorasan people, and the millet Special people, Fengbin people, and Kandhara people will give you the crown of the king of kings in Peshawar. Please call you emperor. Then, we will unite closely under your command and hold the silk tightly. The lifeblood of Lu. When necessary, we can follow in your footsteps, expedition to rest in peace, and even Daqin!" After speaking this paragraph, the two Khorasan envoys retreated.

Finally returned to his camp, Habibullah waved back to the left and right, bowed his head, and gave a deep salute to Mawson. "Honorable King, what do you think of today's affairs?" Mo Sen stretched out his hand and took off the hair cover on his head, revealing the shiny top of his head. He turned out to be a monk! "Habibullah, you performed very well today. Nassin is too young and energetic! Just now, I secretly used my magical powers to spy on the young Han Dynasty general. He is a man of great wisdom. ."

Speaking of this, King Mawson paused gently, as if recalling the impression left by Lu Zheng. "Under Guishuang's oppression, Khorasan people are already poor enough to be trousers. Since we can share the great benefits of the Silk Road, we are willing to surrender to his feet. In any case, Khorasan cannot be achieved by being trousers. Independent. The group of Nassines is not far from the extermination."

"Habibullah, send an envoy to Khorasan, and when that general captures Peshawar, we will fulfill our promise."

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