New Story of Lv Bu

: : Liu Xie, the emperor

"Zhou Zhou? Who is Zhou Zhou? Go, find out for your Majesty right away! I'll give you a quarter of an hour!" Li Li turned his head and glared at Li Li, making Li Li shudder in fright. "No!" Li Li hurriedly bowed his hands to salute and walked out in a stride. Seeing Li Li's back disappear at the entrance of the main hall, Li Yu turned around and said to the emperor Liu Xie with a smile on his face.

"Your Majesty, please be at ease. After a while, the person you want will come to you. Although our old Li was late for a while, but before we set off, our old Li had issued strict orders. Your Majesty's side People, no matter who they are, if they dare to touch one of their vellus, our old Li will definitely punish him! This week, since he is a person who never forgets his Majesty, he will definitely be treated in every possible way. The army came with only one purpose, that is, to go through the fire and water for your Majesty, and you will not hesitate!"

Speaking of this, Li Zhang seemed to be moved by his own passion and sincerity, and a few crystal tears could not help but flow down the corner of his eyes. Hearing what Li Hao said, Guo Ben's brows gradually frowned. He quietly stepped back two steps and made a gesture to signal his guards to enter the hall quickly. Humph, Li Su, you are too good at pretending, who doesn't know who?

Without knowing it, Guo Bang's guards walked into the hall in twos and threes, with bows, swords and guns in their hands, ready to take action at any time. Li Yu is a veteran who has survived a hundred battles, how can Guo Bang's blindfold tricks be kept from him? Alas! Could it be that the week that the emperor Liu Xie wanted is dead? Could it be Guo Bang raped and killed? He also quietly made a gesture to signal his guard to enter the hall. In an instant, the entire hall was densely packed with hundreds of people, all with bows and arrows, hands pressing on the hilt, ready to fight at any time.

The atmosphere in the main hall immediately became tense. Li Lao Guo Bang's soldiers stood opposite each other, each of them staring wide-eyed, holding their breath, and staring at all this without knowing why. Looking at this posture, the two bosses are going to fight each other? What is it for? From the start of Nanyang's army, didn't the two bosses stay together? At this moment, how can it be so arrogant?

When everyone was puzzled, Li Li brought dozens of soldiers into the hall. Four soldiers carried a pair of door panels. The door panel was a white quilt, and there seemed to be a slender figure under the quilt. Woman. Seeing this, Li Zhang's heart immediately sank to the bottom. In this way, I guessed right, this woman is dead, mostly Guo Bang's hands and feet.

"His Majesty, Zhou Guiren unfortunately died in battle." Li Li stepped forward, arching his hands upward nonchalantly, and said carelessly. "Dead in battle? When you snatched her away from me, she was alive and well." Liu Xie slapped her case abruptly, and finally got up. "It's you, Guo Ben, you took dozens of people and snatched her away from the ruthless side of the left! You snatched it in front of me! I begged so hard that you didn't deserve it. Do you know that she is pregnant with my son in her womb! Li Li, this is what you are talking about killed in battle? Li Lao, how do you deal with this matter? How to deal with it?"

Speaking of this, the emperor Liu Xie's face was already full of tears, and in an instant, two lines of tears burst into his eyes, ticking, and flowing down the river, wet his clothes. At this moment, there was a sorrow and grief in his heart. When he was young, he was always guarding against the undermining of Queen He. When he was young, he was struggling to survive under Dong Zhuo's egg wing, and now he is parting with Zhou Zhousheng!

A few hours ago, the two of them were still expressing each other's heart and soul, looking forward to a leisurely life after returning to Luan. Now, at this moment, he and Zhou Zhou are already separated by yin and yang. It is difficult to see each other in this life! Suddenly, the full of sorrow and hatred suddenly turned into a raging fire of revenge. Since this life is so humble and so sorrowful, how could it be better to go to death generously in the name of the Son of All Heaven!

Upon hearing this, the smile on Li Yu's face disappeared immediately, his face was covered with frost, he raised his eyes and glanced at Guo Bang, two sharp murderous auras radiated from his eyes. Then, he turned around and glanced at Li Li. Li Li was frightened as if struck by lightning. He only heard a puff, and Li Li knelt on the ground in fright. "Uncle, it's nothing to do with my nephew! My nephew has tried to persuade him, even with his body. But Boss Guo was drunk and daring, and he insisted on bowing!"

Li Su snorted coldly, strode forward, and uncovered the white quilt. Under the quilt, there was a naked female corpse, with blood dripping between her legs, bruises all over her body when interviewing, and only those heroic eyes were still open. "This is a battle death? Fuck his mother's stinky shit! Guo Bang, what do you say? Before leaving, how did Lao Tzu tell you so much?"

Li Lai finally got out of anger, he pointed at Guo Bang's nose and cursed. "Old Li, don't be angry, don't be angry! You also know what's wrong with our family. Once you drank, you would find a beautiful chick to sleep in. But in this county, only this week is the most beautiful. Didn’t we old Guo couldn’t help it?????? This is a mistake that every man makes, human nature, human nature!" When he heard that nobleman Zhou was pregnant, Guo Fen immediately frightened. After a big jump, he quickly argued with a smile.

"Woohoo?????? My Zhou Zhou! You have followed me for a few years, people like Yuan Benchu, Cao Mengde, Yuan Gonglu, didn't dare to touch your hair?????? What a pity, Today, I lost my life under that **** Guo Bin, or raped and murdered! I think, as the emperor of the big man, I can’t even keep a concubine in love?????? Mother's son!"

At this moment, the emperor Liu Xie staggered over, hugged Zhou Zhou's body, and started crying loudly. The dynasty was founded for four hundred years. The orthodox thought has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. When I heard that today I was crying so hysterically, so miserably, but anyone with a little conscience could not help turning around and quietly wiping away his tears with his sleeve. . Ugh! Boss Guo's sin!

"Your Majesty! Isn't it just a girl? What's the big deal! If one died, our old Guo will pay you ten! No, one hundred! Our old Guo was wrong! For a while, the ghost was confused and the wrong person was raped. Our old Guo is here to pay your majesty! Let's personally lead the troops out and grab a hundred beauties for you!" Guo Pun smiled wryly, and arched his hands indiscriminately towards Liu Xie.

When Guo Bang said Fang Luoer, everyone present immediately turned their faces in disgust. I bother! This Guo Bang is not a thing! Upon hearing this, the emperor Liu Xie cried more vigorously. He stood up abruptly, pointed at Li Hao and Guo Pun and cursed loudly: "Shut up! I am the emperor of the dignified man, and I was so insulted by you Xiaoxiao. In such a situation! Even your beloved concubine and son can't be kept! God thief, do you still have the righteousness? What use is there for me to live like this? Rather than endure the humiliation and steal my life, let me die generously!"

When the voice fell, the emperor Liu Xie took out the emperor sword from his waist and wiped it between his neck! In an instant, everyone in the hall was petrified! Unexpectedly, this cowardly young emperor was so spineless! Li Lao had long felt that something was wrong, so he took a deep breath and rushed forward to **** the emperor sword in Liu Xie's hand!

This time traveled thousands of miles and went through untold hardships in order to hold the emperor to make the princes. If the emperor was forced to suffocate himself by him, at this moment, everyone in the hall would be punishable by the nine races! Li Zhang's movements were extremely fast, but Guo Ben's movements were even faster. Hearing that the emperor's words were not good, he immediately rushed over! However, what Guo Pan never expected was that the emperor sword in the hands of the emperor flickered from his neck, but with raging anger, it struck his throat directly!

The Emperor Sword was close at hand, unable to dodge, in a panic, Guo Bang quickly raised his left arm to block it. There was only a muffled noise, and Guo Ben's left arm was chopped off by his elbow! Guo Bang deserves to be a veteran who has survived a hundred battles. He grunted and flashed to the right, knocking the emperor to the ground with one knee. Then, a hungry tiger rushed to eat, and forcefully overwhelmed Liu Xie to the ground! However, what he didn't expect was that his left arm had been lost and his movement was deformed, only pressing half of Liu Xie's body. Fortunately, the emperor sword escaped.

After all, Liu Xie is a young boy with a flexible body. When he turned over, he rode on Guo Bang's body, opened his mouth, and bit on Guo Bang's carotid artery in one bite! Guo Bang screamed and fainted immediately. At this moment, Guo Bang's soldiers and the savior were eager to open their bows and shoot arrows, dozens of arrows shot out, and they shot straight to Liu Xie's back! Puff puff! Puff puff! More than a dozen arrows hit Liu Xie's back, and Liu Xie's head was drooping, and a large amount of blood was spit out from the corner of his mouth, and he was dead!

"Your Majesty!" At this moment, Li Xi rushed to Liu Xie's side, and his soldiers also rushed up, and they tightly surrounded Li Xi, Guo Bang, and Liu Xie in the middle. Li Su gently lifted Liu Xie up, stretched out two fingers, and peeped under his nostrils. There was no breath at all. When today's son Liu Xie, he was awkward! Looking at Guo Bang again, he was already dead.

"Come here! Get me all of Guo Bang's soldiers! Use a torture to torture! You must ask who shot your Majesty!" Li Yi stood up and roared loudly. Now that Guo Bin is dead, when today's son died in his hands again, Guo Bin's soldiers had no choice but to hand over their weapons stubbornly. Suddenly, the whole hall was silent.

"Uncle, the fatal arrow should come from above the beam!" A quarter of an hour later, Li Li reported sadly.

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