New Story of Lv Bu

: : I’m afraid I’m going to discuss Chaoyi

On November 20th, at noon, the capital of the Han Dynasty, Luoyang City, Nangong, Xuanming Hall.

The San Gong Jiuqing, civil and military officials who had just finished the dynasty were slowly walking out of the hall, in groups of three or five, talking, and walking towards the Canglong Gate and the South Gate. Since Dasima Lubu was in power, there has been a great dynasty every five days. The place of the great dynasty is in the Xuanming Hall where the Xuanming political wave had happened. In the rest of the day, the affairs of the world were handled by the officials of the Inner Korea as usual.

"Dachao" is also called "Dachaohui", which refers to the meeting of the emperor in the dynasty of the officials. The most solemn one is the "Great Dynasty" held at the beginning of the year. It started in the Western Zhou Dynasty and has been extended to the present day. It is the highest standard of dynasty. "Zhou Li? Chun Guan? Da Zong Bo" contains: "The spring sees the dynasty, the summer sees the sect, the autumn sees the qi, the winter sees the meeting, the time sees the meeting, the Yin sees the same." Chaohui" explanation.

The hour when the princes and hundred officials met the emperor was morning, so it was called "chao". The political purpose of the emperor's interview with the princes and hundreds of officials was to "see the affairs of the world" and at the same time to inquire about the governance of the locality, which is called "seeing performance", that is, "planning". In the Zhou Dynasty, the emperor asked about the governance of the princes in the country, and the princes needed to make detailed reports. Therefore, the princes saw the emperor in the court, which was also called "reporting their duties."

"Mencius" contains: "The princes said that the emperor said to report their duties. If they don't go to the court, they will demote their nobility. If they don't go to the court, they will cut their land. If they don't go to the six divisions, they will move." A restriction of the emperor to the princes. Why? The princes lived in his domain for a long time, and they could only "debrief" once in a few months or even years. At the time of "declaration", the court was able to examine his political enlightenment carefully. Therefore, the "Great Dynasty" is the power of the emperor to pick up places, princes, and vassal states, and the weight of the weight lies between the imperial court.

The first emperor Zhenchang policy and Yu Nei, after unifying the world, reformed politics, according to the famous yin and yangist Zou Yan's "Five Virtues Ending and Beginning Theory", thought that Qin ruled water virtues, according to the "five elements" water line to match Haiyue (October) and sons In November (November), the order is given with October as the beginning of the year, and the "Great Dynasty" is scheduled to be held on the first day of the new year, that is, the first day of the new year. In order to expand the "Dynasty" on New Year's Day and reflect the solemnity and grandeur of the emperor when he was in his dynasty, the Qin Dynasty built a magnificent palace front hall called "Afang Palace". Since then, all major state affairs of the Qin Dynasty, such as the title of Yidi, the establishment of counties, the same track of cars, and the same text, were all promulgated in the front hall of the court. "Dachao" has since been customized.

After Gaodi established the country, he followed the Qin Dynasty’s old calendar, still beginning with October. At the beginning of the Han Dynasty, Emperor Gao and his ministers did not understand court rituals, so he ordered the old official of the Qin dynasty, Shu Sun Tong, to consult the Qin dynasty and formulate the "big dynasty" court rituals of the dynasty. The meeting place was initially in Changle Palace, and later changed to Weiyang Palace. The "Great Dynasty" held here when the Changle Palace was built in the seventh year of Emperor Han Gaozu's seventh year is recorded in the "Historical Records? Shu Sun Tong Biography".

On the day of the meeting, when the sky is light, the courtesy officer will introduce the civil and military officials into the hall according to their ranks. In the palace, the chariots, soldiers and guards, flags and ceremonies of various colors are displayed in the palace to show the majesty of the emperor. There is a rumor that officials of rituals "trend", and the hundreds of civil and military officials will immediately cleanse their clothes and walk forward in a neat and orderly manner, arranging east and west in groups. Amidst the music of bells and drums, Gaodi Chengyu was surrounded by the servants. At this time, the officials from the princes and the princes to the six hundred stone officials all gave congratulations (contribution gifts). Set up wine after the ceremony, start your longevity with respect and inferiority.

After the dynasty meeting, Gaodi looked around and praised with overjoy: "I only knew today that I am the emperor's precious."

The "Selection of the Official Ceremony of the Han Dynasty" listed the people who participated in the "Great Dynasty Meeting" as "...gong, qing, generals, doctors, and hundred officials. Congratulations to Man, Qian, Hu, and Qiang, see the county officials, Everyone sees...the clan and Liu Huis, more than ten thousand people." Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty changed Yi Zhengshuo, with the first lunar month as the beginning of the year, and the "Dachao Hui" was changed to the first day of the first lunar month accordingly. Since then, the past generations have followed.

After Guangwu Zhongxing, the emperor was fortunate to receive congratulations from the Linxuan of the Deyang Palace at the beginning of the year of the "Great Dynasty". At that time, the tributaries of local prefectures and counties were counted according to the population of the area under their jurisdiction, and each person gave sixty-three money to the court every year, which was called "tribute. After Dasima Bingzheng, he adopted the suggestion of Taichang Ma Rixi, and the "Great Dynasty" was changed to be held in the Xuanming Hall. The reason is very simple. Deyang Hall is the place of the emperor's dynasty. The supervising of the country is only the emperor's filial son, which is equivalent to the temporary power of the emperor as a feudal prince. In this way, it will not be able to be in the Deyang Hall. Changed to Xuanming Hall, to show the meaning of humility and concession.

There is also a "year-end appraisal" system in the first "big dynasty" of this dynasty. The chief officials or chief officials of local prefectures and counties need to bring "statistics" (statistical reports) and report the annual "local performances" to the prime minister's office. ", the name is "Shang Ji". After the "planning", the imperial court gave the local chief official a "competent" or "incompetent" evaluation. Sometimes, it was the emperor who personally took the initiative and listened directly to reports from local officials. Because of this, "successful planning" is a major issue of the country, and the local chiefs have always regarded it as seriously as Mount Tai.

Since Dasima Bingzheng, in addition to the "shangji" and the Sui Shou Dynasty, the Dynasty has only participated in the Beijing Hundred Officials to deal with major events.

Today's dynasty began at the beginning of the Chen Dynasty and continued to discuss until noon, before the dynasty was dispersed. In the belly of the civil and military officials, the belly was thunderous and hungry. They walked out in twos and threes, in order to go to their official office and have a good meal. Since Da Sima added the salary of a hundred officials, the official salary of the world has been generous, and there is a Fengmeitang meal at noon.

Suddenly, a number of guards rushed out of the Xuanming Hall, one by one climbed to the heights, and shouted: "Hundred officials go slowly! There is a major event in the court, please gather together in the side hall for dinner. , Baiguan to Xuanming Palace!" Upon hearing this, the civil and military officials stopped one after another. Just now the court meeting was finished, and after the meal, there was still a court meeting. From this point of view, something must have happened! But what is the big deal? ignore him! Let's talk about it after offering sacrifice to the five internal organs temple!

Ever since, the civil and military officials showed suspicious expressions, turned around, raised their feet and walked towards the Piandian. There are actually many so-called partial halls. In Luoyang City, the capital of the Han Dynasty, the North and South Palaces have been abandoned since Dong Taishi moved the capital to Chang'an. After Da Sima entered Chang'an, he dispatched Tai Chang Ma Riqian to repair and expand, which not only restores the old view, but also expands it several times. Nowadays, Xuanming Hall is the place for the Queen Mother and the daily administration of the country. If it is a major state-owned event, you must visit Deyang Hall.

Since the Nangong Xuanming Hall became the political center of the empire, the North Palace and Yong'an Palace were deserted. Even so, in Nangong, apart from the Xuanming Hall and Deyang Hall, they were all empty. A year ago, Guangluxun Ma Zhongshang, who was in charge of the Inner Court's guards, said nothing and proposed to choose a side hall within the Nangong Palace, thinking that he would be the place where the officials would have a rest.

The so-called resting place is where the civil and military officials are discussing matters in the palace. If you are tired, you can take a nap here. If you are unable to return to your home due to serious military affairs, you can stay here after Guangluxun agrees. After the edict was issued, hundreds of civil and military officials cheered and shook the roof tiles. Over time, there are also cooks in this side hall, and most of the daily drinking and banquets are here.

The civil and military officials came back and walked through the Deyang Hall. After slightly turning around two corners, they smelled the aroma of food in the air, and the partial hall finally arrived. Entering the door of the hall, the side hall has long been divided into large and small rooms. Outside the door, there are different numbers of stones carved. Once someone walked in, the serving palace daughter wrote the name of the official in the house on the water sign.

The newly appointed Henan Yin Huangwan is a class of two thousand stones. In the official system of this dynasty, it is second only to the Shanggong, the Sangong, the generals and the generals of Hussars. Among the three masters, Situ Wang Yun died of his country, and the position of Situ was vacant. Taiwei Huangfu was in Hanzhong and was busy cleaning up Liu Yan. Sikong kind of brushed up the beggar bones again. Da Sima is left alone.

Huang Wan stepped into the car, and Shi Shiran walked into room No. 3 of Tianzi, which Su Rili often visited. The high-ranking officials of the dynasty who had two thousand stones naturally did not have to fight for seats with those middle and low-level officials. As soon as he entered the door, Huang Wan raised his eyes and saw that six people, including Wang Han, Shao Fu Xun You, Zong Zheng Zhu Jun, Da Sinong Zhao Qi, Yu Shi Zhong Cheng Xu Shu, Jiang Zuo Master, and Gong Cao Zhuan Lumo, were already present. .

"Oh! Coming too early is not as good as a coincidence. Huang Wan has seen all the monarchs! Good senior Zhu! Good princes!" Huang Wan was born in a family and was the grandson of Shang Shuling Huang Xiang's great-grandson and Tai Wei Huang Qiong. He was smart and eloquent in his early years , I let Yongrong, naturally refused to lose a little bit of courtesy. "Zi Yan, you came right in time! Sit down quickly, and after dinner, you have to deal with important things in the afternoon!"

Regardless of seniority or seniority, Zhu Jun and Zhu Gongwei are veterans, and he is faintly headed by the audience. Although Zhu Jun was born in Xiaolian, he also led the army to assess the Yellow Turban, and he was considered one of the veterans of the military in his dynasty. His temperament was straightforward, and he couldn't see the grace and grace of the family. As soon as he spoke, everyone in the room thanked him and began to gobble up.

Although the lunch in the hall was plentiful, as usual, no alcohol was consumed. Coupled with the hungry and thunderous belly, everyone's eating speed was very fast, like a cloud in the wind. Zhu Jun once led the army outside, eating the fastest. He slowly put down the chopsticks in his hand and wiped his mouth with a napkin, then picked up a large bowl of lukewarm tea and drank it all, then raised his eyes and looked at the crowd. .

"My princes, if the old man did not expect it to be bad. I am afraid that the court meeting this afternoon is about the court!"

Upon hearing this, everyone in the room put down their chopsticks and looked at Zhu Jun in amazement.

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