New Story of Lv Bu

: : Why do we discuss the court

Above the court in Luoyang, among the hundreds of civil and military officials, the **** Han-Han faction has disappeared, and most of them have transformed into the Xunli faction. In addition to the Bingzhou faction and the Xunli faction, there is also the Qingliu celebrity faction. This group of children is led by Mr. Kangcheng Zheng Xuan. However, the real tycoons who really hold the Qingliu celebrity school are the Wanhu Hou Cai Yong and his daughter Cai Wenji, son-in-law Xun Hong.

As one of the first Qingliu celebrities to join the Bingzhou Military Group, Cai Houye is already very developed. Needless to say, the title of the Marquis of Wanhu, among the civil servants, besides Wen He brother and Yan Zhong, the only elderly people who can count are Cai Yong and Cai Boxie. For "Yi Chaoyi", Cai Houye is extremely enthusiastic, not only enthusiastic, even has reached the point of obsession.

No, he took advantage of the short lunch time to conduct popular science on "chao yi" among more than a hundred middle and lower-level officials.

The court ceremony, as the name suggests, is the ritual when the emperor comes to court. In fact, it is the courtesy of monarchs and ministers.

Before the Qin Dynasty, there were two kinds of etiquette between the emperor and his subjects: the etiquette of manners and the etiquette of appellation.

The ceremony of manners is mainly the ceremony of standing and the ceremony of kneeling. In the pre-Qin period, all countries were fighting hard, recruiting talents, in order to expand their national power. The purpose of doing so is to preserve their own family and clan, so that the ancestors can enjoy the blood and food, so as not to become laggards in the era of "a hundred flowers blooming and a hundred schools of thought", so that the country will die and lose cleanly. .

In this situation, the monarch respects the ministers of the country very much. This respect is not only manifested in salary and wealth, but also in etiquette. The etiquette of manners between the monarch and his subjects is not only performed by his subordinates to the monarch, but also by the monarch as a ritual. Among the standing rituals, what the monarch performed to his subordinates was mainly "yi li", which is called "zuo yi" in later generations.

"Zhou Li" records that when the king of Zhou summoned the princes, he gave the princes who had no blood relationship with the princes who had no blood relationship, "pushing the hands of the little ones", that is, pushing the hands together and then moving down the "earth 揖" ritual. To the princes of different surnames who are related to each other by marriage, they will give the "Shiyi" ritual to the people of different surnames who are related to each other by marriage. To the princes of the same surname, he put his hands together and pushed forward and then lifted up a little bit of the "Tianyi" ceremony. This is the gift of the emperor to meet the princes.

As for the etiquette of the king of Zhou and his direct subordinates during the court ceremony, the "Zhou Li. Xia Guan" records: "The loneliness and the Qing are very good, and the doctor uses his and other travels, and the scholars are three. The king is still, Yimenzuo. "The door is right." Shi Zai: "In this dynasty, …the Gu, Qing, and the doctor are not in place. Wang Yizhi is in his own position. The scholars also stand in position first, waiting for Wang Yi and him." It is the gift of the emperor to see the Qing and the doctor.

This sentence is a bit esoteric and incomprehensible, and its general meaning is as follows: First, to the lonely person and the Qing, one line of courtesy; to the doctor, because there are many people with the same title, and they are graded, they are divided into travels for the crowd. Wait for it and motivate it; for scholars, because they are divided into upper, middle and lower grades, the mori is divided into three times. The so-called "Wang Huan, Yimen left and right" means that the king looks back and pays courtesy to the old servants, tigers, and servants of his servants.

At the time of the Zhou Dynasty, the above-mentioned people were behind the king’s door on both sides of the door, left and right. After the king was done with the left and right, he had to go back and left. The patriarchal clan system is the most important patriarchal clan system. The so-called patriarchal clan system is the horoscope of "prosperous relatives and inferior, upper and lower concubines". This is the case of the patriarchal clan system, although the king of Zhou had to respect it.

Whenever the court meets, although you are the emperor and the co-lord of the princes of the world, Zhou Wang is the busiest one. Regardless of whether it is to the princes, or to the solitary, qing, doctor, scholar, or even lower-level elders, tigers, servants, etc., the king of Zhou must pay courtesy. This is the standing ceremony among the ceremony of manners. Moreover, it was the emperor who gave the courtesy to the minister first, and it had to be a ritual, and everyone only had to do it.

Look at the ceremony of kneeling again. In the pre-Qin period, there were chairs, and everyone sat on the floor. The normal sitting posture was knees on the knees, with the hips pressed on the heels. If you pay respect to the other person sitting with you, lift your hips away from your feet and keep your upper body straight. If other movements of the hands, head, or upper body are performed, various forms of kneeling will be formed, such as the so-called chief, pause, and empty head.

Duan Yucai's note in "Shuowen Jiezi. Hand": "Anyone who does not kneel is not worshiped." As long as it is "worship", you need to kneel. The specific "worship" mentioned in historical records refers to this kind of bowing ceremony. In the pre-Qin period, whether it was the ritual system or historical events, there was a record of the monarch "worshiping" to the minister-that is, the practice of kneeling and worshiping. Before the monarch asks questions, he prays first, which reflects the meaning of respect.

"Book of Rites. Qu Lixia" states: "The doctor sees the monarch, and the monarch worships his shame... When he meets with the country, the master worships him shame.” There are two aspects to the monarch’s salute involved in this passage. One is that the monarch treats other countries. The doctor who came to salute. The second is to pay homage to the "same country", that is, those who have been appointed as doctors in their own country. However, what is the meaning of the word "humiliation" in "worship its shame"? According to the interpretation of the philosophers of the current dynasty, it was the other party's humility to see him, so he "worshiped his shame." The monarch bowed down to pay respect to the doctors of other countries and their own countries.

"Warring States Policy. Qin Cesan" records: King Qin Zhao begged Fan Sui to help him. It was also "King Qin kneeled and asked:'Why is it fortunate to teach a widow, Mr.?'". Fan Wei agreed to "worship again" to King Qin, "King Qin also worshiped again", and said to Fan Ni: "In the past, Qi Gong was able to control Zhongshi and regarded Zhongshi as his father, but now I have a son and think as father!" Very courteous. This is to pray before asking.

The bowing ceremony of the monarch to the minister is "empty head", the so-called: "worship with the empty head, the king answers the minister to bow down", the action is to arch with both hands. Knocking the head to the hand without touching the ground, hence the name "empty head". The number of times that the monarch also bowed down is one prayer, so it is also called Qibai. The "Ritual. The Ceremony of Meeting Scholars" also contains: "When I first saw him,...the scholar-officials would not be Zhi, and then he would worship the "Jishou", and the king would answer."

Cai Houye's commentary on "Zhou Li" Zeng said: "Ancient people sitting on the ground, standing up, they are long kneeling. The first hand is worshiping the hand. The hand reaching the ground is worship. The first reaching the ground is Jishou." It is the most authoritative distinction between "empty head", "worship" and "checking head".

The monarch showed special respect to his subordinates, and he also performed the heaviest courtesy, but it was not a rule of etiquette, but rather "extremely courteous." "Shang Shu" recorded the story of "the chief of Taijia was in Yiyin, and the chief of King Cheng was in Zhougong." It is said that the king of Shang Taijia paid the chief tribute to the minister Yiyin, and the king of Western Zhou greeted the chief of Zhou Gong. "Ji Shou" is the most important etiquette, and should not be taken lightly. Once the courtesy of the chief inspector is given, it means that the other party's request is a matter of greatness. With respect to the emperor, the ritual of "Ji Shou" must be very large.

In addition to standing and kneeling, there are some etiquettes that also reflect the respect of the emperor to his ministers.

Step down, go down the steps to welcome or salute. For example, the ritual system in which the princes and monarchs welcome their descendants to salute their ministers: "Doctors all go to the right and stand to the north. The public descends to the ranks" and so on.

To leave the seat, or to avoid the seat. Refers to standing up from the kneeling seat, and then performing a salute or worship. For example, in the Spring and Autumn Period, when Qi Huangong feasted his ministers, Bao Shuya made a toast to Huangong, hoping that he would not forget the sufferings of the past when the country went out and about. Duke Huan was greatly moved, and he left the seat and then worshiped again. This is the ritual for the monarch to worship the minister twice (rebirth) from the seat.

There is also the so-called "Xing" (Xing Xi), which is to stand up on the seat to show respect. The "Ritual. The Ceremony of Meeting the Scholars" describes: When the emperor gave a banquet to his ministers, and the ministers ate food and thanked them and withdrew, "the emperor is happy" is the etiquette of the emperor's resignation and the standing up as a gift. At this time, the ministers To say: "The ruler does nothing for prosperity, the minister dare not resign", and then leave. The more important etiquette is that you not only stand up, but also "send it down", that is, send it off by lowering your rank.

In addition, there is also a gentleman who "fuses the seat", so please sit on the seat. "Skip the table", a symbolic gesture of dust on the banquet, letting you sit and wait for etiquette.

In the ritual of appellation, there are characters outside the name of the ancients. In the pre-Qin period, there was a ritual system of "the monarch is not named Qing Lao", and the monarch does not call high officials by name in order to show respect. In this dynasty, Da Sima "calls Wenhe brother but not his name", which is "an unnamed ritual."

It is precisely because the monarchs had many ceremonies to respect his officials in the pre-Qin period, which were different from later generations, which made later generations admire and admire the virtues of the ancient monarchs and the behaviors of the officials. Cai Houye Zeng Yun: ""The Etiquette": The emperor is the three masters, leaving the seat for the prince, setting up the seat for the doctor, and facilitating the seat for the scholar. The doctor Yu Gongqing worships, and all answer." Cai Bozhi sent this quiet sigh. , My heart even yearns for it.

It is precisely because the pre-Qin period was a world of great controversy, and also a world of great achievements, so the emperors kept the Zhou rituals and respected their officials.

However, since the first emperor mixed in one space and implemented centralization, the emperor is the lord of the world, and he is above the top. In order to maintain the dignity of the emperor, the rituals and behaviors of respecting ministers were greatly reduced. The rule of the monarchy and the inferiority was strengthened by this. From then on, the etiquette of the monarchs in the pre-Qin period that respected the ministers and humbled himself and the ministers, of course, undermined the emperor's supreme status, and was therefore removed from the ritual system.

The emperor only saluted very few ministers, if it was his own teacher and the "three old and five watch". Therefore, in court ceremonies and other occasions, it is no longer possible to see the scenes of the monarchs in the pre-Qin period, giving courtesy and bowing down to the officials at all levels, such as the princes, officials, and scholars. After that, only the supreme emperor could comfortably accept the bows of hundreds of officials in the court ceremony.

"Cai Houye, what you are talking about is the court rituals of the pre-Qin period. We understand all of these, but isn't this court ritual very good? Right and left is a ritual system that can reflect the authority and dignity of the emperor. We are enough. Why do you want to discuss court rituals again?" Cai Houye finally finished the popularization of science. A low-level official from the Beijing Normal University raised his hand and looked at Cai Houye in confusion.

"Yes! This question is very well raised! This is what I am going to talk about next." Cai Houye is worthy of learning and Confucianism, and when he hears someone argues, he immediately cheered up his beard. ""Zhou Li? Xia Guan? Si Shi" records:'The position of Zheng Dynasty's rituals is to argue about its noble and inferior.' This'discussion of court's rites' is the'right position','to argue' about the noble and inferior. It is the righteous emperor. It's a position, and it's a matter of arguing for nobleness!"

"Oh! That's how it is!" All of them suddenly realized. This is the true meaning of "Yi Chaoyi"!

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