New Story of Lv Bu

: : Cai Yong leads and persuades advance

Seeing that everyone in the audience understood his overtones, Cai Houye couldn't help but feel happy. Since ancient times, the battle between courts and courts has focused on talents and resources, but on elites and hilltops. Runan Yuan Family IV and Third Duke, Taiyuan Wang Family is known as the "Half Dynasty", and Yang Family and Xun Family, who supported the family of the world, are not these sunny and passionate young people in front of them?

For more than ten years, Cai Yong has worked hard, down-to-earth, and devoted himself to teaching and educating people. Isn't he for the emperor and the courtier? Now, this opportunity really comes! Da Sima had just defeated the Kwantung Allied Forces, Yuan Benchu, Cao Mengde, and Yuan Gonglu fled. Da Sima and Mrs. Zhao Yi's reputation is in full swing. At this moment, it was the time when Liu Xi, the governor of Lili, was in position.

Mr. Cai Hou has been up and down in the sea for many years, and he is naturally very cautious in doing things. He deliberately called his daughter Wen Ji and son-in-law Xun Hong over, and the three people discussed secretly for two hours in the quiet room. When he walked out of the quiet room, Cai Houye's heart was already settled. This "discussion of court rituals" should really be on the agenda. After the "Review of the Court", there were two major events: "The emperor's righteousness" and "The Great Sima Sealing the King". There are three major events, one after the other, if you come here suddenly, it will take months to do anything.

Ever since, the Cai family, the emerging family of this dynasty, and the old family Xun family, joined hands, and began to reform the old and the new from the "discussion of the court." The burden on Houye Cai is the heaviest. He wants to use his position in Luoyang Shilin to create public opinion, so that the Qingliu scholar, the court and the public will keep up with his own pace. Wen Ji is responsible for contacting Mrs. Zhao Yi, and Xun Hong is responsible for contacting the family.

"This move of Master Yue Zhang will surely establish Da Sima in one fell swoop-oh, soon, it will be King Wen-the position above the court. After this battle, the Chen Liu and Cai family will surpass the Taiyuan royal family and become the first-class one in the dynasty. The family." Xun Hong smiled and complimented. He has an indifferent disposition, but his indifferent disposition does not mean that the Yingchuan Xun family is indifferent. After all, there are thousands of people in the family.

Yingchuan and Xun's family bet on both sides, Xun Yu is on Cao Mengde's side, and Xun You is on Da Sima's side. In the past, they were the masters, and it still makes sense. However, now that the outcome is settled, and the Yingchuan Xun family does not come out to show its attitude, the court will have some ideas. Da Sima is a hot-blooded man, so it's better to say something, but in the eyes of Mrs. Zhao Yi's Yan Yan, there is no sand to rub.

Now, Master Yuezhang ascended the heights and shouted, Yingchuan Xun's family immediately followed, plus the Yingchuan Chen's family, Hongnong Yang's family, the four major families of the dynasty, it was three of them. Yang Xiu of the Hongnong Yang family and Chen Qun of the Yingchuan Chen family are now popular fried chicken, so red and purple. Ying Chuan Xun’s family took the lead in persuading them to enter. This stunned feeling of stepping on two boats can probably be easily erased. This is the best of both worlds. If Da Sima and Mrs. Zhao Yi pursued the merits of Master Yue Zhang and Wen Ji, Yingchuan Xun's family might be able to seal several counties.

Wen Ji is extremely clever, and she can see through her husband's careful thoughts at a glance. She smiled slightly, and increased her strength secretly. "Father, Zhong Mao did his own persuasion this time. It took a lot of thought. Don't treat him badly for rewards in the future." "Zhong Mao is my son-in-law, a son-in-law and half a son, how can I? Don't say good things about it?" Cai Houye laughed and groaned.

"Furthermore, you are responsible for contacting Madam Zhao Yi. Do these things still need your father to talk about it? I'm afraid I would have added three full scales in front of Madam Zhao Yi long ago. I'm exaggerating." Cai Hou Ye raised his eyes and glanced at Wen Ji, and said with a smile on his face. "Father?????? You are talking nonsense again!" Wen Ji's face suddenly turned red like a brilliant sunset, and she groaned unconsciously.

"Okay! Okay! Let's do it, this time I persuade you to advance, I guess I'm sure about 70% to 80%!" Cai Houye smiled.

Now, this persuasion is already on the line, and Lord Cai Hou could not help but take his mind and continue to speak.

"According to the old man's opinion, this discussion of court rituals is actually three major events. One is to negotiate court rituals to show the establishment of the new dynasty and the meaning of reform and innovation. Second, the emperor Liu Xi, the son of Emperor Xiaohuai, is the emperor and the position. The king is over the world. Thirdly, the great Sima meritorious deeds cannot be exemplified unless the king is granted. These three things are actually linked to each other, and they must all come together in the same way!"

"Everyone, the old man just talked about the court rituals before the Qin Dynasty. Now, let me talk about the court rituals of this dynasty."

"In this dynasty, the highest-ranking officials are the three men: the prime minister (called Situ in this dynasty), Taiwei, and Dr. Yushi (called Sikong in this dynasty). The emperor has a "feast" for their ritual festival, which is to stand up. The welcoming ceremony for them, or the return ceremony for their bowing. Compared with the pre-Qin period, the monarch is much more lazy when he bows to his officials and bows his head. There is no need to bow to his officials to bow or bow, which will not hurt the emperor’s supreme status As the etiquette system continues to be retained. This is the standing etiquette in the etiquette of manners."

"For example, the ritual of the New Year's Day celebration of this dynasty is as follows: the three males go to the palace and face the emperor's seat, and the tribute is too often to sing loudly: "The emperor is the king", that is, the emperor stands up to show respect Thanks. San Gong then knelt down, and then the emperor sat down. When the emperor enrolled, conferred the king, the duke, and the office, the king and the duke thanked him, and the emperor also stood up in reply."

"Han system, when the prime minister came in, the emperor stood up to show respect for him. When the emperor was in the car, if Lu met the prime minister, he had to get out of the car to show respect. When the monarchs were handling government affairs, the emperor and the Sangong were in the court hall. The Chinese Communist Party sits and discusses. This is the'Sangong Discussion Ceremony'. This is also the case when individual ministers are summoned. Emperor Wen called Jia Yi to talk in the Xuan Room (in front of Weiyang Hall). Emperor Wen was fascinated by it and moved on his knees unconsciously, and approached Jia Yi. Jia Yi didn't have any special reflections on the seats he was sitting on. This is what monarchs and ministers "sit and talk about the Tao"."

"The prime minister went up to the hall early and ordered to sit down. If there are major military affairs, he will often give tea and retreat calmly. These are all courtesy of manners."

Speaking of this, Cai Houye paused slightly, reached out, and drank a large bowl of **** soup, before speaking slowly.

"The emperor of this dynasty respected the ministers that preserved the most ancient legacy. It was the ceremony of respecting teachers and respecting the elderly. Zhang Yu was once the teacher of the Emperor Cheng. Later he was the prime minister. After the official home, Emperor Cheng sent people to condolences from time to time. When Zhang Yu was sick, he was ill. The emperor Cheng came to visit, and he once "worshiped himself under the bed of Yu." During this period, the emperor’s etiquette for respecting the elderly was mainly the rituals of the three old and five watchmen. The so-called three olds were the names of town officials."

"During the Warring States Period, there were three elders in Luli and counties. In the early years of the dynasty, there were also three elders in townships and counties, who were over fifty years old. The old five watchmen's representative of the village politics of this dynasty, and the courtesy of the emperor's courtesy of the'three old people and five watchmen' show that the emperor respected the township politics and maintained the patriarchal system. This is also the legacy of the pre-Qin period."

"According to ancient rituals, when the emperor showed respect to the three elders and five watchmen, he not only had to kneel down and worship, but he would also personally cut sacrifices, hold sauce, and noble.

"To hold this ceremony, the emperor must first go to the Taixue’s Piyongli Hall to wait. His throne will be set in the east seat, and the upper seat on the west side will be reserved for the third and fifth watch. The third and fifth watch will be picked up by a car to the back. The emperor greeted and saluted him at the door screen. When they reached the steps, the emperor invited them to ascend the steps with a gift. In the hall, the three elders were arranged in the western seat of the highest honor, to the east. The fifth watch was in the north seat of the second honor, and to the south."

"The emperor is in the east seat and west side, facing the three elders and bowing to the three elders. He also uses the three elders as his teacher, listens to his lectures, and personally cuts sacrifices, administers sauce, and nobles to serve the three elders. Ban Gu explained, This is “father matters three old people, brother matters five watchers”, that is, treat them with respect to their father and brother. The three old people and five watchmen sit on the south side, claiming to be a teacher, and the emperor will kneel and set up soy beans on the west side. Personally cut off, the three elders eat, and the emperor kneels to give a nobility to Yoo', and then'the emperor comes to visit the road from the north side. We will worship him again'."

"Looking at the ritual of appellation again, its regulation is the name of the minister before the emperor. First, the ministers must use their names to proclaim themselves in front of the emperor. Second, they must also use their names when referring to other ministers in front of the emperor. Before an emperor with a status of “respect”, a courtier must humbly call his name in order to show respect. This is the “respect of honor”. In addition, there is also “praise and worship without name”, the “Edict” There are various courtesies such as "No Name". Only after Da Sima was appointed the king, this courtesy will be available, as usual." Cai Houye said loudly.

"The so-called'Praise and Worship Without Name' will bow to the court, and the praising officer will not sing his name in front of the emperor. The so-called'Entering the court but not going', when entering the palace of the court, it is not like ordinary courtiers who tend to walk quickly and express right. The emperor’s homage can be walked. The so-called “sword-shoes on the temple”, ordinary officials must follow the rule of respect for the emperor when they go to the hall, and those with this privilege are to wear the shoes and bring the sword to the hall."

Speaking of this, the dynasty of this dynasty is almost done, Cai Houye lowered his head and drank a large bowl of tea, and then slowly stated his opinion. "Everyone, what are we discussing about court and rituals? According to the old man, there are two main points. One is the rectification of the name. The ancients said: If the name is not correct, it will not go well, and if it is not right, it will not be done. This is the case. At this moment, it is the time when Liu Xi, the filial son of Emperor Xiaohuai, is rectifying his name! Second, it is called Zun Zun. What is Zun Zun? It is the emperor's respect to the'three old and five watchers', and to Gao Biao and his ministers! If there is no great Sima in the world, I don’t know how many people will be kings and emperors in the world!"

Speaking of this, Cai Houye finally expressed his confidence. "Everyone, this is the letter of advice I drafted by Cai Yong. To gather people from all over the world, go to the court, implore Emperor Xiaohuai's son Liu Xi to become the emperor, and ask Dasima to become the emperor. The little girl Wenji, Yingchuan Xunxun The family, the Chen family of Yingchuan, and the Yang family of Hongnong have all been named. Among the monarchs, those who agree to this sparse can be listed as the upper court!"

"I'm coming!", "I'm coming!", "I'm coming too!". When Cai Yong said Fang Luoer, hundreds of civil and military officials had already swarmed!

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