New Story of Lv Bu

: : Ask Da Sima to be King Wen, and add nine tins!

"Mrs. Qixi, this is the latest list. There are already hundreds of people on it. Lord Cai Hou is very thoughtful, and he deliberately set up more than ten large plaques in the side hall. Cai Wenji and Xun Hong preached loudly on the side, encouraging the civil and military officials to be listed." Guang Luxun, General Stabbing Traitor, and Ma Zhong, holding a stack of documents in his hands, said respectfully.

"Oh? Show me." Madam Zhao Yi Yan Yan slowly put down the tea cup in her hand, closed her eyes and meditated for a while before reaching out to take the stack of papers. This is the rule she has set for herself, every time there is a big event, there is a calmness, and it must be bold when it comes. At this critical juncture, you must endure loneliness and settle your mind. This afternoon, there is still a big battle to be fought.

Seeing Mrs. Zhao Yi's fingers running along the sheets of paper and tracing the names one by one, Ma Zhong and Cao Yong looked at each other, and nodded each other with intent. In the Chaoyang court, even the sesame mung bean matter could not escape the torch-like eyes of the two of them, not to mention this earth-shattering event. The boss behind this persuasion was Mrs. Zhao Yi's Yan Yan.

Da Sima is a hero who stands up to the ground, but he is facing the battle, and he is in ten swings and ten battles. To him, it is nothing more than pediatrics. However, above the court, turning hands to cover the clouds and hands for rain, hiding in the dark and casting cold arrows, and the various forces between the court and the opposition, compared with Madam Zhao Yi, Da Sima is inferior. Too much! So far, he still holds an indispensable attitude towards the matter of being king. In the eyes of Ma Zhong and Cao Yong, this is simply mentally retarded. In desperation, Yan Yan had no choice but to come forward to help her husband.

"Cai Houye, Yingchuan Xun's family, Yingchuan Chen's family, Hongnong Yang's family are all listed... Wen He brother has been sparse since the last, this is also his always attitude, not showing the mountains and not showing the water?????? Jiuqing unites on the sparse?????? State herdsmen in each state???? ???Linghao, Lu An’s Shangshu??????Kanghouye??????"

Yan Yan moved her fingers down line by line, and finally read them all. She closed her eyes and meditated for a while before she spoke slowly. "Wang Han's name is in Jiuqing Yishu, and Wang Jin's name is in Jizhou Yishu. What about Wang Ling? Why is there no name for Wang Ling? Also, what about the attitude of Sikong and Huangfu Taiwei? What about his attitude? And Matthew."

"Madam, there is indeed no Wang Ling's name. Just before submitting the list, Mr. Cao and I had already read it carefully." Ma Zhonghe and A Cao Yong looked at each other, and Ma Zhong spoke as usual. Ma Zhong was raised by Mrs. Zhao Yi's Yan Yan, and because of this, he has a very appetite for Yan Yan. For Ma Zhong, Mrs. Zhao Yi's Yan Yan has always regarded him as a nephew.

"Zhong Sikong has long gone to complain about the sick and begging bones. With his old man's calm mind, at least he won't say anything against it. As for the Taiwei Huangfu, he is a pure warrior. As long as there is a battle to fight, he will not care These. Besides, he has long been scared by Dong Zhongying and the celebrities of the Qingliu. Since Hengling, civil servants have always looked down on military commanders. Yes. If you have a chance, you can throw a few cold arrows on the celebrities of the Qingliu, I'm not sure."

"Also, the ministers who supported the Han faction in the past have long been overthrown and sun scattered. Since the death of Wang Situhe's family, the leaders of the Han faction have disappeared. Great Sinong Zhao Qi, Shaofu Xunyou, and the new Henan Yin Huangwan, the three backbones of the Han school have long since turned into Xun officials. Together with the recently popular Chen Changwen and Yang Dezu, the heads and brains of the Qingliu celebrities have long been standing in line."

At this point, Ma Zhong's words were a bit slow. At this moment, Cao Yong, who was next to him, stepped forward and spoke slowly. "Madam, this time the court meeting, Cai Houye's head is very good. The family members are a little wait and see, but in reality, they only care about their own interests. In the opinion of the ministers, let Chen Changwen Take action as soon as possible, exchange the "Nine Grades of Officials Law" for the support of the family of the world, and at the same time, put the narrative and supervisory powers. At the critical moment, please ask Gao Mi to come out and say a few words, then the big thing can be done. !" Cao Yong always cherishes words like gold, scribbled in a few words, and Yan Yan nodded after hearing it.

"Good!" Yan Yan couldn't help but smile. "This "Nine Grade Officials Law" has been basically set. The call of Chen Changwen is to use his long-sleeved good dance to come forward to speak for the court and aristocratic families. In any case, this official, narrative, and supervisory authority, the court He will never let go. Also, Zheng Kangcheng's Gao Mihou can be entrusted to Wanhuhou by the county magistrate. In this regard, it would be no surprise if Cai Houye came forward to talk to him on behalf of the court. "Yan Yan's fingers lightly buckled the case.

The identities of Ma Zhong and Cao Yong are very special. They are both foreign and internal officials. The two of them didn't know the big and small things in the court. When Yan Yan said so, she immediately realized. The imperial court exchanged the "Nine Grades of Officials Act" for the support of the world's noble families to replace Liu on behalf of Liu, and the Wanhuhou for the support of Zheng Xuan, these are extremely appropriate methods.

"Oh???" Yan Yan gently put the stack of papers in her hand on the table, and sighed wearily, then she raised her hands and rubbed the sore sides of the left and right sides. Temple. After a long while, she slowly opened her eyes and looked at Ma Zhong and Cao Yong. "There is still half an hour, you two go down, eat a few bites of food, and take a break. This afternoon is a big battle, how can you do it without energy?" "No!" Ma Zhong and Cao Yongshen gave a salute , Bowed backwards out of the hall.

Both of them are the confidants of Da Sima and Mrs. Zhao Yi, and they are so busy every day. Today's major event was decided, and when I walked out of the hall, my belly was thunderous. "Master Cao, today the two of us will act for our own sake. Let's find a house and have a bite of food." Ma Zhong stroked his thunderous belly with his hands and smiled embarrassedly. "It's like a respectful word!" Cao Yong said.

"Oh! I don't understand what Wang Ling thinks. It's already at this juncture. Is there anything else that Taiyuan Wang's family can hesitate about? Now it is the general trend, even the supporters of the Han faction can see that only Ma Ri is left. I’m in trouble, isn’t Wang Ling actually able to see it? When Dasima raised his troops, the Taiyuan Wang Family was the first big help. How could this be so in terms of Jieguyan?"

Ma Zhong held a bowl in one hand and a chopstick in his hand, while gorging himself, he whispered. Over there, Cao Yong is graceful and heavy, chewing slowly. After hearing Ma Zhong's words, he put down his chopsticks and smiled slightly. "Master Ma, after the death of Old Wang, Zheng Kangcheng once said:'Wang Ling is cautious, it is difficult to make a big thing.' Have you forgotten?" "This is a wonderful statement! From this point of view, Zheng Kangcheng's view of people is really a three-pointer. !" Ma Zhong increased the amount with his hand, thought for a moment, and then said with a smile. Ugh! The Wang Family is over!

"Patriarch, you have to go to the court immediately, not only to discuss the court, but also to write a plea for the emperor Xiaohuai to take the throne in the throne, Da Sima seal the king, and add Jiuxi. With these few words, you can protect me The royal family of Taiyuan has been safe for a hundred years! It stands to reason that our royal family in Taiyuan should have been ahead of the Cai Houye. Now we have missed the opportunity. If you hesitate a little, everything will be too late!"

In the other quiet room of the side hall, Wang Jin took out a paper document from his arms, bowed, crossed his hands, and handed it to Wang Ling, who was aloof. "Patriarch, this is a scribble drafted by me and brother 23. Please review it. There is a phrase Jia Jiuxi, which was not mentioned by Cai Houye. With this sentence, it shows that we The Taiyuan Wang Family and Da Sima are tightly tied together!"

Seeing what Wang Jin had done, Wang Han hurriedly bowed and crossed his hands at the same time, earnestly persuading him. "Oh?" Upon hearing this, Wang Ling's brows frowned. There was something in his mind about the fight for the owner of the family, for fear that Wang Han and Wang Jin would not be convinced. Now that the two of them had already drawn up the paperwork, he was immediately furious. However, at this moment, he could only hold back the anger in his heart, took the papers, read ten lines at a glance, and then said, "Let me take a look and talk about it."

Seeing Wang Ling's appearance, Wang Jin immediately became anxious. He hurried forward a few steps on his knees, and grabbed Wang Ling's sleeves. "Patriarch, at this moment, it is about my Taiyuan Wang family's death and life! I also hope that the Patriarch will not go it alone and take the lives of hundreds of people in the Wang family!" Upon hearing this, Wang Ling immediately opened his eyes. "Isn't I on the sparse, Da Sima will punish me from the Nine Clan of the Taiyuan Wang Family?" As soon as he finished speaking, Wang Ling gathered his hands and looked ahead, with a noble and solemn expression. Never pay attention to it anymore.

Wang Jin's eyes widened, and he was about to open his mouth to argue. Suddenly, Wang Han pulled his skirt tightly. "Nuo! Wang Jin has lost his words! Please also Patriarch Haihan!" Wang Jin is also a wise man, and he leaned over to salute and retreated with Wang Han. The two came to another quiet room and backed left and right. Wang Jin closed his eyes and burst into tears. "Oh! The Wang Family is over!"

"Brother Twenty-Three, Wang Ling's one is probably over. However, the Taiyuan Wang Family will not be over!" Wang Han sighed, and said bluntly. "Oh? Could it be that you have a way to reverse the world?" Wang Jin opened his eyes all at once. "There is no way to reverse the world, no! But there are still ways to avoid the scapegoat." Wang Han bought a pass. "Naughty! Speak up quickly!"

Seeing that Wang Jin was anxious, Wang Han had to tell the truth. "The two of me will join together and ask Da Sima to be King Wen and add nine tins!"

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