New Story of Lv Bu

: :I am immortal today, how does the world stand upright?

On November 20th, at the beginning of the year, the capital of the Han Dynasty, Luoyang City, Nangong, Xuanming Hall.

The regulations of this dynasty, the gate department outside the temple belonged to Wei Wei, the Lang department inside the temple belonged to Guanglu Xun, and the Jingshi public order was Wei Wei's responsibility. Since Da Sima Bingzheng, the old system has been followed without any changes, except that Guangluxun and Weiwei have been replaced. Guangluxun is in charge of everything in the general palace and is essentially the chief of the inner court. Therefore, the post of Guangluxun is extremely important, and non-believing thighs shall not be allowed.

There are two very important reasons why Ma Zhong was able to gain Ren Guangluxun for the assassination of the general and the shadow affair. First, his identity is equivalent to that of Da Sima and Mrs. Zhao Yi's adopted son. Although he has no name, he is true. This one is the most important, and Mrs. Zhao Yi's Yan Yan helped a lot. Second, he is the head of the shadow, and he wants to see Da Sima and Mrs. Zhao Yi at any time.

With these two points, it is natural for him to belong to the position of Guangluxun for public and private. Of course, he is also very competent. For Da Sima and Mrs. Zhao Yi, Ma Zhong is a confidant in his heart and cannot be separated for a day. After hurriedly using lunch, Ma Zhongfei got on his horse and patrolled the entire Nangong Palace before returning to Xuanming Hall and starting to deal with the afternoon's Baiguan court discussion.

In this afternoon's Baiguan Ting's meeting, what was to be decided was the major event of the No. 1 Tianzi Number. Ma Zhong knew this point better than anyone else. Therefore, he didn't dare to slack off a little bit and set up the entire Nangong as a golden soup. The outermost is the Habayashi army, which is the period gate army. The Habayashi and the period gate armies are supervised by the generals who are born in the same state. Within the two armies of Yulin and Qimen, they are the "Zhulang" who defended the emperor.

Guangluxun, formerly known as Lang Zhongling, was named after Lang in many officials. There are five generals in the middle of the ranks, left and right generals in the ranks of two thousand stones, and there are three divisions. There are Yilang, Zhonglang, Shilang, Langzhong, etc., Yilang and Zhonglang rank six hundred stones, Shi Lang is four hundred stones, and Langzhong is three hundred stones. "Zhu Lang" has no fixed quota, with as many as a thousand people at its peak. "Zhu Lang", Xiang Wei Xungui's children are gilded.

The one who was responsible for taking the Sima with him was naturally the tiger's army. Most of the pro-military forces of Mrs. Zhao Yi came from the Lingchao Army and the Women's Battalion.

After the hundred officials had a full meal, they moved to the Xuanming Hall with vigor and suspiciousness, Wen Dongwuxi, under the supervision of Shi Yushi, ranked according to class. Shi Yushi, Qin Zhi, set up along the dynasty, under the Yushi doctor, was responsible for picking hundreds of officials. If the senior officials in the court broke the law, the Shi Yushi directly reported to the Yushi Zhongcheng, and played the emperor. If a low-level official breaks the law, Shi Yushi can be impeached directly.

His position: He was assigned to Yushi Zhongcheng to accept the court's actions and acted illegally; sometimes he was ordered to handle cases, suppress rebellious rebellion, and so on. The name is "Embroidered Clothes Directly", which is the ruthless role of the officials of the dynasty. Emperor Xuan once called two Shi Yushi to administer the scriptures, and later set up the Shi Yushi to administer the scriptures. Shi Yushi divided into command Cao, Yin Cao, Gong Cao, Wei Ma Cao, and Cheng Cao Zhu Cao. Picketing the court is also the responsibility of the Yushi.

"The hour is here, the court meeting begins! Hundred officials enter the hall!" Today, the servant-yu Shisheng who was in charge of the court ritual had a good voice like "cloud covering the moon", and his voice was loud and could reach several miles. He walked out of the Xuanming Hall with his head high, shouted three times before the hall door, and then stepped back sideways, standing proudly to the west of the hall door, looking at Baiguan with two eagle-like eyes. Now, he began to picket the court.

After hearing this, the Baiguans quickly cleaned up their clothes and lined up into the hall according to their ranks. Under the court, Baiguan took off his shoes, walked onto the floor warmed by the warm dragon, and walked comfortably to his seat. The highest point is naturally the throne of Empress Dowager Tang Ji and Jian Guo Liu Xi. To the right of the throne are the seats of Da Sima and Mrs. Zhao Yi. Not far below them are Shang Shuling, Sili Xiaoli, and Yushi Zhongcheng. "Three Alone" seats. Da Sima, as the east and west sides below, is the seat of the three officials and nine officials.

After a series of complicated worship ceremonies, Luoyang court's most important meeting with hundreds of officials and courts finally kicked off.

"Zhou Jun, when the government stopped early, there was an extremely sad news. When I received the news, I was shocked immediately. I hurriedly ordered Baiguan to eat, and waited for the confirmation of Shadow and Si Wencao. At this moment, the news has been confirmed. Three days ago, that is, November 17, around Xushi, when today's son Liu Xie died at the hands of the rebel general Li Yu."

Da Sima Lubu was full of grief, raised his eyes and looked at the hundreds of civil and military officials present, sighed and said slowly. Before Lu Bu's words came to an end, the pan was immediately fried in the Xuanming Hall. "What? There is such a rebellious thing?" "How is it possible?" "Is the news accurate?" "Could it be a rumor?" "It must be a rumor!" The yelling, whispering, and immediately messed up.

"Quiet!", "Quiet!", "Please be quiet!". In the Xuanming Hall, the six servants who were in charge of picking Chaoyi stood up together, waving their hands and roaring loudly, but they still couldn't stop Baiguan's mouth. The entire Xuanming Hall is like a vegetable market and wine shop in the gold market, with loud noises and noises, coupled with buzzing discussions and exclamation, and it is very dusty.

Da Sima Lubu sat there without saying a word, as if he had lost his soul. To be honest, the news dealt him too much. I just talked to Zheng Tai about returning to Luan, and the emperor turned out to be a fool! If it hadn't been for the fact that Huiluan had already been announced to the world, wouldn't Lu Bu have carried a big scapegoat? The Kwantung heroes will surely spread rumors and make trouble, it was Lu Bu who harmed the emperor!

However, as a human being for two generations, he has long been used to seeing flying dogs and stormy seas. The moment he learned of Liu Xie's death, he immediately understood that this was the best gift given to him by the thief God! At the most appropriate time, after he did everything he could, the emperor Liu Xie was still dead. This proves that Lu Feng is the person who bears the destiny first, is the person who welcomes the prophecy!

At present, the most important thing is to falsify, like Uncle Liu Huang, to falsify so that no one can see through it. Naturally, someone will do the rest for him, and he only needs to assume a very sad posture. Is it to comply with the destiny and shoulder its own responsibilities, or is it to take the Zhongxing Han room as its own responsibility, assist Liu Xi, and honestly be a powerful minister? He really didn't know.

At this moment, in Lu Bu's heart, the two voices have been arguing. Where to go, he really has no choice.

Unlike her husband, Mrs. Zhao Yi Yan Yan raised her eyes and swept across the faces of the civil and military officials one by one. She wanted to see from everyone's face, what kind of liver and intestines were hidden under the tearful mask! It was her idea to suddenly announce the death of the emperor Liu Xie. She wanted to see everyone's true reaction, and then to see through the heart of the civil and military officials.

Like Yan Yan, Ma Zhong and Cao Yong were secretly observing the reactions of the civil and military officials. The generals of Binzhou seemed to have a sense of relief. This emperor who was accustomed to making all kinds of trouble finally died. It is really a happy thing! General Wei Gao Shun's face was solemn and resolute, as if it were the same as before, but his eyes suddenly dimmed in an instant, and then they returned to their former brightness. Brother Wen He's face was as usual, still like Gujing Wubo.

The officials who originally belonged to the Yonghan faction were all crying. After all, the orthodox thought has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people in the world for four hundred years. Henan Yin Huangwan burst into tears, crying to death. Da Sinong Zhao Qi sat there, letting the rolling tears wet his clothes, the young man Xunyou was wiping his tears with his big sleeves, Si Kong kind of sighed and sighed. Then there was a sound.

The most exciting thing is that Ma Riquan is too often, he stomped and fainted a few times while crying and crying. However, the majority of civil and military officials did not respond strongly. For them, even when the son Liu Xie returned to Luang smoothly today, it was just a confession tablet. It's a good thing now that it's suddenly gone! The old will not go and the new will not come. Instead of crying for an emperor who has passed away, it is better to hug the thigh of the emperor of the new era and fight for a bright future for yourself and the people!

Sitting on the throne, Tang Ji, the empress dowager with her elder son Liu Xi in her arms, saw so many people crying and crying, she couldn't help but jump at first. At this moment, a hand that was as white as jade stretched out from behind the throne, and Liu E, a female shangshu, handed her a silk kerchief. Tang Ji was stunned, but in a flash, she made the most correct choice. He grabbed the silk handkerchief and gently wiped his tears. Suddenly, she burst into tears. I bother! This silk parchment is definitely added with ingredients!

Originally, Liu Xi was still curiously watching so many people crying together, but in his head, he couldn't really figure out why these people were crying. However, as soon as more and more people were crying, he immediately rushed to fear. Finally, under the horror, he started crying. "Queen Mother, let's retreat." Liu E quickly stepped forward and picked up Liu Xi, motioning the maid to help Tang Ji.

Under Liu E's measures, Tang Ji and his party slowly withdrew from behind the screen. "The edict: The queen mother and the son are so sad that they can't attend the court hearing, so they will retreat. The court discussion will be presided over by Da Sima. The queen mother and the son are not controlled by a remote control!" Liu E looked at Tang Ji and said loudly. "Nuo!" A female officer looked at Tang Ji and said nothing, and then went to announce the edict.

Finally arrived at the queen dowager’s bedroom, Liu E ordered people to get warm water from a copper basin, and dipped the towels by himself, cleaning the noodles for Tang Ji and Liu Xi. After leaving the civil and military officials, Liu Xi stopped crying. After a while, he fell asleep in the warm embrace of the nurse. "Go down." Liu E waved gently, motioning the female officials and court ladies on the left and right to retreat. Then he took a glass mirror and placed it in front of Tang Ji. "Queen dowager, that's right. In front of hundreds of civil and military officials, I always cry a few times."

"When today's son does not die, how can the elder son be in position? Die well!" Liu E put his mouth to Tang Ji's ear and said softly.

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