New Story of Lv Bu

: :Chen please imitate the old story of Zhu Xuhou

The six servants were finally tired, and they sighed and sat down slowly. Since Da Sima and Madam Zhao Yi have not spoken, let these lunatics go crazy and make trouble as much as they want! When today's son suddenly collapsed, in the eyes of the world's Qingliu celebrities, it was as if Taishan fell down, crying and screaming, and wantonly venting the sadness and depression in his heart, it seemed reasonable.

According to the ritual system of this dynasty, when announcing the death of the emperor, it is usual to mourn. When mourning, all the relatives and guests present were crying, that is, crying farewell to the deceased in various ways. The death of the emperor is a major event that shocked the world. Naturally, some new tricks must be cried out. Only in this way can the courtier's loyalty to the emperor be shown. The most solemn and standard way of crying is to cry softly first, slowly brewing emotions, and finally a trombone, so miserable that in an instant, crying fainted to the ground.

At this moment, even as a mourning. Let the princes and civil and military officials cry for a long time, wipe away the tears and talk about it.

The empress dowager Tang Ji burst into tears, followed by a trombone from Jianguo Liu Xi, and then the queen mother and Jianguo set off. The ministers of the support of Han faction did not see this series of actions. They were busy expressing their longing for the Emperor Daxing, but they forgot that there was a living emperor on the throne of Xuanming Hall. According to common sense, this young prisoner will become emperor in the near future.

"The officials are waiting to send the empress dowager and the emperor!" Lu Bu and Yan Yan hurriedly left the table, bowed their heads, leaned over, bowed their heads, and said loudly. "Chens and others send the empress dowager and the emperor!" In the hall, the civil servants headed by Sikong Zhongfu, the military attache headed by General Wei Gao Shun, together with the generals of the state and the clever ministers, also knelt down in a hurry, politely and respectfully The empress dowager and Jian Guo retired.

The Yonghan faction was crying, and suddenly heard a violent drink, wiped away tears, and looked up, the Empress Dowager Tang and Jian Guo had already withdrawn from the Xuanming Palace. "Too often Ma Rixi! The court is inconvenience!" "The chief farmer Zhao Qi, the court is in the court!" "The young mansion is Xunyou, the court is in the court!" "Henan Yin Huangwan, the court is in court!" Liu He, the court has lost his courtesy!"?????? At this moment, the voice of Shi Yushi Hongliang finally reverberated in the Xuanming Hall. They said and recorded them one by one.

The loud voices of the servants finally made the ministers who supported the Han faction regain their senses. After they were all well-known families who were favored by the country, the most important thing in Su Ri Li was to observe the courtesy of his officials and regard them as a model for scholars in the world. It is really a shame to be judged as ignorant by Shi Yushi now! If someone asks the last sentence: "After you wait for the self-proclaimed minister, don't you even know about the court?" If then, there is really nowhere to put an old face. The self-proclaimed loyalty and patriotism have also become a joke.

Just as the ministers of the Yeonghan faction were full of embarrassment, Grand Sima Lubu spoke. He waved his hand gently and said in a sad and desolate voice: "Hundred officials suddenly heard of the death of the emperor, and his loyalty and patriotism were irresistible, so that he occasionally lost his honor. I think, the sin of impotence seems to be forgiven. I don't know if Yushi Zhongcheng thinks that way?" After he finished speaking, he raised his eyes and looked at Xu Shu.

"Oh! Manzhaer! Fengxian, Fengxian, you are still too tender politically! What do you think they are fighting for? Is it a crime of mere dignity? No! What they suspect now is that they are today's son Liu Xie It was because of you! Although the crime of misconduct can be big or small, it is a little braid with conclusive evidence! You are not good at holding it in your hands, and you can use it as a robbery material in the future, but it will save them from their worries! Hey! Bong first, you are such a big person, how can you still behave like a child!" Yan Yan bit her lip tightly, rolled her eyes to the sky, and sighed in her heart. However, in an instant, her face immediately returned to calm.

"No!" Xu Shu said loudly. "As a Hanchen, I must strictly abide by the laws of the Han Dynasty. The prince has committed the same crime as the common people, and Wang Mang can do it. Couldn't Ma Taichang and others do it? This is also the case. The second, "The Book of Songs? Guanju" Zeng said: It comes from love and ends with ceremonies. I and other scholars, no matter what they do, they must be bound by the ritual system. Today, when we suddenly hear that the emperor has passed away, the ministers can lose their dignity. Tomorrow, the Emperor Daxing During the funeral, can the ministers presumptuously overstep in the name of sorrow?"

"Like!" "This remark is great!" Xu Shu's remarks were built on a high-level, justified and well-founded, just like the original trees of Mount Tai, swept across thousands of miles. All the ministers here immediately cheered. "Shi Yushi! To record those who have just lost their dignity one by one, and they will definitely be punished twice! When all the officials discussed, they did not respect the queen mother or the government, and you all called Hanchen in vain!"

"The minister waits??? convict!" Xu Shu's voice Fang Luoer, too often Ma Rixiong and others immediately went out of work, prostrated on the ground, apologized without a crown, trembling. They came from a big family, and they naturally knew courtesy, justice and shame. At this moment, Xu Shu held their pigtails tightly and scolded them with a gun and a stick. The scolding made them sweat profusely, but they couldn't tell the difference.

The reason for this is simple. It is forgivable for the people to lose their manners. Because the small people live in remote and remote places forever, they don't know the etiquette, and those who don't know are not a sin. However, after the Qingliu scholars and aristocratic families, this was not the case. It was their duty to emphasize Confucianism and strictly abide by the etiquette and law. According to Xu Shu, if they were tolerated today, it would be tantamount to indulging them to arrogantly tomorrow!

This time, the supporters of Han Dynasty originally wanted to take the opportunity to make trouble, embarrassing the empress dowager Tang Ji and the eldest son Liu Xi, and exuding a tingling air in their hearts. After all, in their hearts, today's son Liu Xie is the emperor who truly roots Hong'er. However, as soon as Xu Shu shot, they were convinced by the loss. "Well, Ma Taichang, all of you get up! Continue the court discussion." Mrs. Zhao Yi Yan Yan quickly stretched out her hand and said. This Xu Yuanzhi is not bad! Thanks to his righteous remarks, he immediately cleared the court order.

"Chen Xushu has something to play!" At this moment, Xu Shu flicked his sleeves and went out of class to play. "The minister is the censor of the imperial history, the governor of the foreign supervisory department, the leader of the imperial historian, the ministerial chapter, the picket of the officials, and there is no glory. Today, the 100 officials and the court are absent, and the lieutenant is absent. Please follow the example of the former Zhu Xu. Story of Hou, supervise hundreds of officials and court discussions, picket hundreds of officials, and suicide courtesy! Please allow Da Sima and Mrs. Zhao Yi for permission!"

Zhu Xuhou refers to the Zhu Xuhou Liu Zhang of this dynasty, the grandson of the great ancestor Liu Bang of the Han Dynasty, and the second son of Liu Fei, the king of Qi, who was named Zhu Xuhou. When Liu Zhang was twenty years old, he had a lot of energy, and he was very angry because the descendants of Gao Di were not able to get positions commensurate with their status. In the sixth year of the high school, Liu Zhang entered the palace to serve the high queen and held a banquet, and the high queen asked him to serve as a wine clerk. Liu Zhang himself asked: "I am a descendant of a military commander, please allow me to supervise liquor in accordance with military law." Gao said: "Yes." When everyone was drinking and drinking, Liu Zhangjin offered singing and dancing.

After singing and dancing, he said: "Please let me sing the song of plowing the fields for the Queen Mother." Lv Hou always raised Liu Zhang as a son, and said with a smile: "See your father knows farming. You were born a prince, how do you know farming? "Liu Zhang said: "The minister knows." The queen mother said: "Then try to sing and sing farming for me." Liu Zhang sang: "After deep ploughing, then sowing, the seedlings should be sparse, not the same kind, resolutely eradicate." After being silent. This is the cleverness of Zhu Xuhou, who took the opportunity to satirize Gaohou and punish all Liu Liu.

Soon, a member of the Lu family was drunk and ran away from the banquet. Liu Zhang chased him and drew his sword to kill him. Then he returned to report and said: "A man ran away from the banquet and the minister executed the military law and killed him." Lu Houhe The attendants were surprised. However, he has been promised to imprison liquor in accordance with military law, so he cannot be convicted. The banquet also ended. From then on, the members of the Lu family were afraid of Liu Zhang, and even the ministers of the Central Government belonged to Liu Zhang, and the power of the Liu family became stronger and stronger. Later, Liu Zhang participated in the eradication of Zhulu.

Most of the people present here are Confucian scholars from Qingliu. Naturally, they know the story of Zhu Xuhou. Upon hearing it, he was shocked. Could it be that Xu Yuanzhi really wanted to kill someone and raise his prestige? From this point of view, we must be cautious in our words and deeds today, in case the first level is lost! "Yuan Zhi, I will allow you! It's just that none of the people here are Zhu Lu, and I am not a queen, so I don't need to kill and raise power. I, Lu Bu, do things openly and honestly, and speak to others in everything. , Maintain the court order!"

Lu Bu said with a slight smile. "Yushi Zhongcheng, from this moment on, it is up to you to preside over the court meeting of the hundred officials! If there is something wrong with the hundred officials, the Qing can make self-determination." "Hey! The first few words, both pulling and beating, both It corrects the atmosphere of court discussion, and solves the doubts of hundreds of officials, but it is quite level. Besides, these pro-Han factions are favored and arrogant, and it is time to discuss the'chao yi' and clean up."

Yan Yan secretly praised her, and she turned her face to look at Lu Bu. It just so happened that Lu Bu was also looking at her, the two eyes met in the air, and in an instant, they immediately understood the other's meaning. Husband, it seems that you have finally made up your mind! Congratulations! Congratulations! Madam, I will remember all your measures, for the sake of the common people, let's give him a blog!

"Nuo! I would like to obey the orders of Da Sima!" Xu Shu responded loudly. He held his fluorene board in both hands, leaned over, politely. Then he slowly got up and returned to his seat. "My lord, today's court discussion is of great importance. No matter when the discussion is reached, there must be a result. Every other hour, you can rest for a quarter of an hour. Please Guangluxun prepares wine, food, wine, and bed. Please call the subordinates too often to order, Cheng, Imperial Doctor Ling, Tai Shi Ling, Tai Zhu Ling, etc., are in the side hall for consultation." "No!" Ma Zhong and Ma Rixi responded loudly.

"Now, it is up to Shang Shu to order Cao Yong to detail the death of the emperor for the hundred officials." Xu Shu raised his head, looking at Cao Yong and said loudly.

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