New Story of Lv Bu

: : Shang Shuling need not care

The reason why Xu Shu and Xu Yuanzhi were able to determine major events in one word was related to his position in the Imperial History.

The rules of this dynasty, Yushi Zhongcheng, Si Li Xiaowei, and Shang Shuling, are known as the "Three Alones", and they are quite powerful.

In the pre-Han Dynasty, the Qin system was followed, with the prime minister, the emperor, and the doctor as the three masters, who were in charge of administration, military affairs, and supervision. After the founding of Emperor Guangwu, "Although he set up San Gong, everything went to the Taiwan Pavilion", San Gong became a supreme official and ignored political affairs. Daily government affairs are punished by Shang Shutai, and the power of supervision belongs to Yu Shi Zhongcheng and Si Li Xiaowei. Emperor Guangwu's special edict: Yushi Zhongcheng, Sili Xiaowei, and Shang Shuling will sit together and sit at a special table. Therefore, the name of the Jingshi is "Three Alone Sitting". When other officials saw the emperor, they all got up and stood. Only Yu Shi Zhongcheng, Si Li Xiaowei, and Shang Shuling sat, so they said: Sitting alone. At the same time, Yushi Zhongcheng supervised the court meeting.

Before Wang Mang usurped the Han, he was the prime minister. Emperor Guangwu changed the official system, with Situ (formerly the prime minister), Sima (formerly Taiwei), and Sikong (formerly the imperial officer) as prime ministers. The purpose was to divide the power of prime ministers. The emperor bypassed the prime minister and arbitrarily ruled by Shang Shutai. In this way, the authority of Shang Shutai became more and more important, and it became the "internal phase" and "hidden phase".

In the last years of the pre-Han Dynasty, the ambassador's doctor was changed to Da Sikong, and the Yushifu was changed to Yushitai, and Yushi Zhongcheng was in charge of supervision affairs. In the later Han Dynasty, Yushitai was called Xiantai, and Yushi Zhongcheng was still the chief officer, but its powers were expanded. Yushitai was transferred to Shaofu in name, and it was actually the highest specialized supervisory agency. It is the same name as the "Three Taiwan" with the prominent Shangshutai and the Yezhetai that governs the transmission of the palace.

Yu Shi Zhongcheng, Qin official also, palm two doctors. Han because of it. Yushi doctors originally had two emperors, one of them was Yushicheng, the other was Yushi Zhongcheng, and the one who said it was in the hall and held the secretary of Lantai. The superintendent of the Foreign Supervisory Department, the internal leader of the Yushi, the official chapter played, and the picket of a hundred officials, Xiu You Guanglie. Xiu Youguanglie, seen in "The Book of Songs? Zhou Song? See You", shows the scene of King Zhou Cheng leading the princes to sacrifice to King Wu. Hugh, that is beautiful. Hugh has a bright light, which is beautiful, magnificent, and dazzling. In "The Book of Songs? Zhou Song? See You", Xiu Youguanglie refers to "the whole sacrificial team is mighty and majestic." Used here, it means mighty and magnificent.

Yushi Zhongcheng's subordinates have served the Yushi, took the picket, and administers the book, served the Yushi, and inspected the suspected prison. The world is divided into thirteen supervision areas, including Sili and twelve states. The school lieutenant of Si Li is responsible for supervising the offenders of the imperial court officials and the neighboring county of the capital except San Gong. In fact, Si Li Xiaowei is a subordinate of Yu Shi Zhongcheng, just because he has the right to picket hundreds of officials, his position is special, and over time, he is also sitting alone.

Yu Shi Zhongcheng, who was in charge of picking hundreds of bureaucrats, showed his power, just to pinch the culprit of the minister of the Yonghan faction, and the Chaohui was immediately awe-inspiring.

"Chen, Shang Shuling Cao Yong, especially for the monarchs to explain the whole story when today's son was killed, I hope you will listen carefully." Cao Yong held the fluorene board in his hand, got up and went to work, came under Dan, and turned to face the civil and military officials. , Spoke slowly. "Three days ago, at noon on November 17, Guo Bang and Li Yili led thousands of Xiliang rebels to capture Pingyu County. The guards and county soldiers who guarded the county government fought against it."

"The nobleman Zhou Zhou, who is next to the emperor, urged the emperor to write down a blood edict and hand it to the confidant maid Ling'er, and leave the palace from the secret path. Then, the nobleman Zhou, wearing armor, led the guards, county soldiers, and Guo Bin's rebel The army fought hard and was captured as much as possible. In this battle, Guo Bang suffered a lot of damage and hated the nobleman of Zhou. Guo Bin once said: After the county government is captured, I will have fun with that nobleman of Zhou!"

"After the fall of the city, Guo Bin looted, burned and murdered for adultery, and all the civilians in Pingyu City were poisoned. Zhou nobles and court ladies were all raped by Guo Bin and even died. Three hours later, Li Yi entered the city. , Wen Zhi was furious, and saw the emperor with Guo Bang and Li Li. The emperor asked where the nobleman of Zhou was, and Guo Ben had no choice but to offer it with the body of the nobleman. The emperor was furious and drew his sword to cut off Guo Ben's left arm, and the emperor was killed After the capture, he bit Guo Bang's neck. Guo Bang's own soldiers shot the emperor with a bow. Guo Bang lost too much blood and died on the spot. Li Su expected that the world must be intolerable, so he immediately led his troops out of the city and headed east, preparing to flee. Yangzhou, take Yuan Shao as your blessing."

"Unexpectedly, Zhang Liao, who has a mission to welcome the emperor's return to Luang, went to Pingyu County to meet the emperor with eight thousand camps. At this time, he has reached the vicinity of Shangcai. Shangcai, only a hundred miles away from Pingyu, got a shadow from him. After the news, Zhang Liao immediately rushed forward. In Xincai, a hundred miles southeast of Pingyu, he broke the Xiliang rebels and beheaded three thousand five hundred. Li Su and Li Li only avoided them."

"Because Gu Nian's emperor is in danger, and Li Chang and Li Li have already entered Yangzhou, Zhang Liao had to return to his teacher Pingyu. To provide relief to the exile, reassure the people, and divide the troops into Liang, Chen, and Pei. At the same time, Hongling dispatched an urgent envoy. , Went to Shouchun and ordered Yuan Shu to surrender Li Yu, Li Li and his party members. After returning to Pingyu, Linger came to see Zhang Liao with the emperor’s blood edict. After hearing this, Zhang Liao was shocked and converged on the emperor’s harmony. Zhou Guiren's body, together with Ling'er girl, sent soldiers to **** him, and rushed to the capital day and night."

Cao Yong finally finished speaking. He put down the fluorene board in his hand and looked up at the hundreds of civil and military officials present. "Hey! The dignified emperor was actually insulted by the rebels of Li Lai and Guo Pun. It is really unbearable! In the opinion of the ministers, the court immediately announced to the world that they dare to take in Li Lai, Li Li and their party members. When punish the Nine Clan!" Too Chang Ma Rizhen immediately jumped up, blowing his beard and staring at him and roared.

"Good!" "That's a good thing!" "Wei!" The ministers of the Han-Han faction immediately jumped up, jumping and cursing. "The ministers are quiet! This is the court, not the vegetable market! Shi Yushi listens to the truth! If there are noisy and obscure people, chaotic rods will be driven out of the Xuanming Hall and be punished as a felony of obscurity! Don't say it is unexpected! Seeing this posture, Xu Shu stood up immediately. He opened his eyes angrily and roared loudly. Seeing that Yu Shi Zhongcheng was so angry, the ministers who supported the Han faction immediately fell away and had no choice but to sit down.

"Chen, Shi Zhong Liu He has something to play!" At the time of the chaos, Shi Zhong Liu He went out and said: "In the view of the minister, we must first check the bodies of the emperor and the nobleman of Zhou to determine whether it is the emperor himself. In the past, When the emperor escaped from Chang'an, he used a substitute. This time, if it was a substitute, it would be even better! Chen Yi, the minister and Ma Taichang immediately went out of Beijing to check the authenticity of the emperor’s body."

When everyone heard it, they immediately let out a sigh of relief. This Liu He is really stable, and he has come up with a good way. The emperor has always been cunning, if he gets another stand-in, wouldn't it make the world laugh generously? "The ministers seconded!" In an instant, Huang Wan, Xun You, Zhao Qi and others immediately went out of work and agreed. "Yiyi!" Dasima Lubu finally said.

"Did you die today's Liu Xie?" In the secret room, Mrs. Zhao Yi's Yan Yan raised her head and looked at the two people in front of her, Ting Wei, Shang Shuling, Business Secretary Cao Siwen Cao Cao Yong, and Guangluxun, general stabbing the traitor, and acting as a shadow matter Ma Zhong. At this moment, Yan Yan was quite regretful, why didn't she ask more, did Liu Xie die?

"Please don't worry, Madam, it must be today! There will never be any jokes!" Upon hearing this, Ma Zhong immediately clenched his fists and said categorically. "When the incident happened, my people were on the spot. Before they had time to rescue them, the emperor died with an arrow. It was really a thousand miles away. In shock, Li Yu led his army to flee, and Pingyu County The shadow spies in the middle of the world appeared immediately, protecting the corpses of the current son and the nobleman Zhou." Ma Zhong thought for a while and chose to tell the truth. It's better to be honest about such a shocking event! Only in this way can there be no accidents.

"Oh! That's fine." Yan Yan let out a sigh of relief and said slowly. "Go, you must take good care of Ma Taichang and Liu Shizhong. Those ministers who support the Han faction, who are willing to go, follow along. Once it is judged that the emperor is really ill, Da Sima and I will meet the dad in Yanshi. Emperor Xing's Lingshu. Ma Zhong, you're going to keep your eyes open these few days, there can be no more trouble in Luoyang City!"

"No!" Ma Zhong bowed and crossed his hands. He turned his head and motioned Cao Yong to retreat together. But seeing that Cao Yong was still standing upright where he was most, his face was full of surprise. "Master Cao, let's go!" Ma Zhong urged, but Cao Yong still sat there blankly. It seemed that there was more than ten breaths of time, and then Cao Yong pointed his fingers to his ears in amazement, and then leaned over to bow.

"Ms. Qizhen Zhaoyi, just now, Weichen suddenly lost his hearing in both ears. So far, he still can't hear any voice. Weichen loses his manners, a capital crime and a capital crime!" Cao Yong immediately leaned over and touched the ground. Can't afford it. When she saw Cao Yong's appearance, Yan Yan couldn't help but smile. She took a pen without any extra points, and wrote a line of big characters.

"Ma Zhong, Master Cao is struggling with national affairs. As for the deafness, I must be too tired recently. According to my opinion, there is no need to ask a doctor to see it. If you leave for three days, you can take a rest and you will probably be better." Yan Yan said with a smile. Ma Zhong took the paper, scanned it briefly, and couldn't help laughing. Cao Yong was lying on the ground, sweating like rain, and when he was panicking, he suddenly saw the line of words.

Cao Yong has read Yan Yan's words a lot, and when he glances at it, he knows that it is Yan Yan's handwriting. This is an official script, and there is a thickness in the soft and charming. When you look carefully, there is a sense of domineering between the lines, each of which seems to be flying away by the wind. On the white rice paper, there is a line written in large characters: Da Sima is not a Han Wu, and Yan Yan is not a high emperor. Naturally, Shang Shuling does not need to care.

"The minister will lead the decree to retire!" Cao Yongxing was ritual. At this moment, there was a hint of fortune in his voice.

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